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Next day I went about sightseeing, thinking I was satisfied, and reposed most of the day. But my prick stood at intervals, for I had done nothing materially to fatigue my genitals the day before, and before that had been continent for days. Next day I awakened with a standing cock — how restless I felt — how my thought turned to the trio of damsels, as I passed in my mind the sensations I had had as I passed my body into each of them.

After breakfast my longing increased, I eyed every lady at the tables at the hotel, wondering what sort of form, what sort of cunt she had, if she had been fucked that night, and so on thro a variety of baudy possibilities, till able to restrain myself no longer, I went to the house of the three Paphians — it was about 11 o'clock a.m.

Signorina Antonia was within, the others had gone to mass, said the woman. I could wait if I liked. They had friends with them I hazarded. — “Not so,” she re-plied — they would breakfast at midday. — “Say I will come at one o'clock.” Back to the hotel I went, and fed in lustful agitation, for I had made up my mind to see all three together, tho their price was high, extravagantly high for Italy, and much more than at the time I could afford. — But I had thought over them so much, had laid out such intentions of lascivious delight, that come what might, cost what it might, I determined to see them all together. Three sisters, my God, and I had fucked them all — when should I have a chance like that again. I longed to compare them together, al-most to fuck them all at once.

At the hour I had named, there was I alone in a large handsome bed-room, but on the sunny side of the house, the blinds and shutters closed, that the room was al-most dark. A quarter of an hour passed, no one appeared, so I rang a bell, and in soon after came one. — “Where is your sister?” — “You want her with me?” “Yes, cara mia — and Francesca also.” — “Ah Dio. All of us, all three?” — “E certamente.” — And after a little delay, all three were with me, and all smoking cigarettes.

“But I can't see here — open the shutters” — “e troppo caldo Signor.” — I did not care, I insisted — I had come to see, specially to see the three graces — to examine, to compare, to see if they were sisters or not. — After much trouble, I got one of the rooms I had had before, smaller it is true, but where with blinds up, I had all the brilliant light of day and no sun, and then my pleasure began.

I can scarcely describe the voluptuous joys I had for some hours. I had some good Chianti sent in, then other wine. They had fed, so had I, the lust of all of us was coursing through our veins, and I believe that all I did gave those three beauties voluptuous pleasure. We sat smoking and drinking nearly naked. I talked in my indifferent Italian to their great amusement — and played all manner of tricks with them all. Never has my imagination prompted more lascivious tricks than I played.

It would take too much time to tell of half of the erotic tricks I played with them all. What I did with one, I did with the others, or something like it, but each had my attentions in their turn.

How strange is lust or love. In all countries the har-lot is the same. All nationalities use the same incitements. In all parts of the world I have found it so. Black or white, in hot or cold countries, all play with the male, and the male with the female in the same manner; and I believe, if we could get at the fact, that married, and what are called chaste women, do the same with their husbands. That all men, with all women, in fact do the same, for they all have pricks or cunts, and prick and cunt are mutually provocative of each other to sensual play, before they kill their lust for the time, in each other's arms by fucking. Variety and range depend on the sense of beauty, which one or both of them possesses, and on their natural salacity, for there are certainly cold-arsed, if there are hot-arsed women — and equally so — men, who seldom want a woman, nor think of them till they do; whilst others are thinking of women always, during every unoccupied moment of thought.

I have had, many times, sisters. Both those who were not gay, and those who were — I half think that a girl fucked illicitly, as it is wrongly called, delights in stimulating her sister's lust, till she has fucked like-wise. — I have heard “She is my sister — mia sorore — ma soeur, monsieur — oui vraiment — meine schwester” — and the same in half a dozen tongues — but this is the only time as yet that I have had three sisters. And sisters they unmistakably were. — Face, form, and cunt, showed they all came out of the same womb, and I think the same prick begot them.

I waited three days after that debauch, exhausted; for I fucked all three, and in a state of furious lewedness, licked the cunts of all three. My prick went into all their mouths, and I finished the orgie by spending in Francesca's mouth, whilst I licked Maria's cunt, and felt Antonia's, as she stood by the bedside witnessing the other operations. I think I spent six or seven times. The letch came over me again, and I went there, and did the same tricks again, and then from circumstances was obliged to leave the city. Which was fortunate.

Chapter III

At R**e. • The Marchesa di R**p*l*. • A flirt. • At the Palaazzo. • Inspecting fine silk stockings. • Results, on two sofas and one bed. • The Marchesa's cunt, thin thighs, and small bum. • Marietta, the Lady's maid and Valet's wife. • Waiting for a letter. • Marchesa at my hotel. • A night in the attic with Marietta. • At a bagnio with her. • Impatient attorneys. • Back to London in haste. • On the Messageries Imperiales. • The ballet dancer. • Amusements in her cabin and in mine. • At luncheon afterwards. • Fucking for love.

I had intended remaining in Italy all the winter, but complicated legal matters in which I was pecuniarily interested, brought me to London. Spite of letters from my solicitors, on my way I stopped nearly three weeks at R**e, where I made the acquaintance through a friend of the wife of the Marchese di R**p**li. — The Marchese was away, his wife, a young woman, was left alone, and my friend who lived at R**e, said she bore the character of being a great flirt — I scarcely then knew what that meant at R**e. —

Immediately I was presented to her, she professed great interest in me, procured me tickets and invitations for this and that house, and when she knew my social circumstances, which I never disguised, said she was sure I was a sad rake to be traveling alone.

She gave me a general invitation to her house. I gave her boxes at theatres, and she went there with me and a friend one night. Returning, she sat her friend down, and we were for a few minutes in the carriage alone. I got hold of her hand, and grasped it — it was re-turned, and I ventured a kiss. — When I had done that without much impediment, she said she knew I was a sad rake the instant she saw me. — My friend joined us at her house that night at a little supper. We walked to my hotel together, and on the road, he said that the Marchesa did nothing but talk about me, and added, “I think you'll be one of the lucky ones.” She had said she would be at home to me, whenever I liked to call after midday. She was a tall, thinnish woman, seemingly without much breasts, and with great dark eyes, which she knew how to use — but she was not of a sort that attracted me sexually.

Next day I called in the afternoon, on an invitation from her to meet and go out with some people. On being shewn in, I found her alone, and that I had mistaken the day. Being then about to take my leave, she said, “Never mind, I'm quite alone and have no engagements, stop and tell me about England, I'm so fond of English people.” — I did. We got from one topic to another, talking mostly in French, till the conversation turned to the ballet, the dancers legs, the silk drawers they wore, then to silk stockings generally, their color, etc. The Roman silk stockings she said were the finest made, and were all of pure silk. Putting out a beautiful, almost diminutive foot, in a little half turkish slipper. “Look at the silk of that,” said she.