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In another minute I was in a handsome room, and a middle-aged woman introduced a lovely Italian woman, dressed in the thinnest summer costume, very decollete, and with arms naked to her armpits. I was in that state of concupiscence that any woman would have satisfied me, so nodding to the mistress who retired, the lady and I sat down on an ample sofa, and without ado I began preliminaries. My finger was on her cunt in a second, and she seeing how matters stood, unbuttoned my trowsers, and got hold of my red hot prick, kissing and blandishing me all the time most voluptuously.

How lovely her slightly brown flesh looked against the white chemise, and what a crisp black haired cunt she had. She was easy enough in her ways, raised no objections to my investigations, and I had immense pleasure in pulling her about for a minute or two, opening her cunt, turning her round in various directions, and looking at her on all sides and in all ways. She only spoke Italian. Then I got her to the bed “e molto caldo” said she. “Shall I strip?” It was awfully hot, and how cool, and smooth, and solid, her lovely buttocks felt, as I clasped them on that hot day.

A few thrusts and my prick had throbbed out its sperm. She retired for ablution, returned, and I paid her, which I found was the custom of that house, and prepared to go, for I had reasons for not wishing to be known to remain there long. I had the address which was all I wanted. The mistress spoke French and I talked with her in that language, preferring it to Italian. — Just before leaving she asked if I would have another lady. — Declining that, she shewed me the way out.

But it was thro a room this time that she led me, and there on a sofa was a lovely young creature lying down nearly undressed, tho dressed, and fanning herself. Her beautiful breasts were starting over her loose bodice, the bubbies shewed. Her chemise and dress (both of the thinnest muslin), were raised carelessly so that the flesh of the smallest part of one thigh could be seen, and both legs were clad in white silk, her feet were in delicate satin slippers, and she was the picture of a voluptuous woman, idle with the heat, careless with lewedness of who saw her nudity, and enjoying her own semi-nakedness. As she fanned herself, a hairy arm pit black as coal, was alternately disclosed and hidden. I stood fascinated, she smiled. “There is a lovely Donna,” said the baud. I stood speechless, gazing at her, for she was the personification of lust, refined and elegant.

“How like she is to the other lady,” said I when I found words. “It's her younger sister,” said the mis- tress, — “her form is exquisite, look,” and she pulled the girl's clothes up over the upper most haunch, and gave me just a glimpse of the edge of the black motte. The girl laughed, and pushed them down again smiling at me — but both thighs were now a little exposed just above garters, which were narrow, thin, golden stripes.

I was on fire at once — all the blood in my body seemed rushing into my prick. — “What is your name “cara mia.” — “Maria, Signor,” — I sat myself down on the sofa, rapidly, ran my hand up between her thighs, nodded to the woman who disappeared, and the next instant was kissing Maria's motte, sniffing at her cunt, and kissing her all over in rapture. — She was the very counterpart of the woman I had just had, tho a little younger, and very slightly smaller, and when I told her so. — “Si, si, si, — e vero.” She said. — “Look here — my mouth, — my nose — my hands are my sister's.” — “And your cunt?” — “Si, si, e la mona,” and it was so. Tho my lust had only been assuaged a quarter of an hour, — I was all for a feel and a fuck in her. I saw at a glance that the two cunts even were as alike as two peas. Impatient as I was to taste her pleasures, I could not wait to gratify my eye-sight, and pushed her back on the sofa. — “There is more room on the bed,” said she.

On the bed we got both naked — and with slower pace, and with more gradual pleasure, I fucked Maria. — She spent with me, I don't think her sister did. — “Yes” — said Maria. — “I never enjoy a fuck at any-time as I do an hour after luncheon, Antonia does not, but my sister Francesca likes it after luncheon as I do. If the Signor permits may I smoke?”

“Your sister Francesca — have you another sister here?” said I, astonished. — It was true. The girl told me that she had two sisters in the house, and all gay. “Would I see her sister?” in dalliance with her I thought of her suggestion but resolved not — washed my prick (— the lady in this case washing her cunt at the same time) and thinking, thinking as I washed, “What, another sister! — I want to get back to my hotel. No, I'll have her another time” — and I dressed, but still thinking, and desiring to see the other, to compare her with the two, to know if what she said were true or not, for I doubted it, — and at last carried by desire which overruled my wise intention, and with hat on ready to go, I sat down. “Well, ask Francesca to come.”

Laughing, up Maria got, and called out at the door. The baud came in smiling. “Francesca is out, has gone for a promenade.” — “Non credo,” said I. — Maria has not two other sisters here.” — But both women protested that it was true. She would be in soon, at supper time certainly, would I call and see her then — saying perhaps I would, but not believing the history, I departed.

After dinner I sat meditating on the days amusements, on the family likeness of the two, in form, eyes and even in thighs and cunt. Then, doubting my observations, made under the impetuous, bewildering impulse of lust, for the fresh and lovely women, seen by me for the first time, I began to doubt their being sisters, and the evidence of my own eyes. Then I thought of the third, whom I had not seen. Was she like the others — had she the family likeness in face and cunt. P'shaw, a baud's lie — a bait to draw me, — but what matters if it be — they were a lovely couple and how much alike — tho different in the manner when copulating. So ran my thoughts, as in the warm evening I sat smoking a cigar, till my prick stood, at the recollection of its treat in the two dark haired cunts. Then eager with fresh desire, I hailed a vettura, and in seven minutes was at the woman's rooms.

The old woman opened the door, smiled, and I dare say expected me, accustomed to the results of her baiting. What lady did I wish. — “Francesca,” the sister of the two others — if she were a sister. — “Yes, certainly she is sister of Signorini Antonia and Maria,” — I was in a strange room with bed and sofa, and waited expectantly for about five minutes, then in walked a lady taller than the other two but with a distinct family dress affording the same facilities for sexual frolics. She sat down on the sofa. In a minute I felt her cunt, then on my suggestion she stripped as did I — I saw she was an exquisite creature, and kissed her lovely flesh all over.

There were but two wax lights in the room, quite enough for that sweltering night, but a feeble light, and difficult by it to see the region of love in its dark hairy surroundings. Delicately I asked her if she would let me see closer “certemente,” said she. Then conveniently placing herself to aid me, pleased almost in so favoring me, with candle in hand I saw an adorable crimson slit, with its dark brown thicket. I held the lips open, and gratified my eyesight, till tumultuous throbs in my stiff penis told me that it was impatient for its turn of enjoyment.

A minute afterwards, it was sheathed in her fleshy scabbard, and left it only a poor, shrinking, but con-tented shadow of its former self, after it had been full ten minutes within the lady's cunt. I had lain on her that time, with my sweat trickling over her lovely body, for it was a hot night, and I was full of good food and wine, and was heated. She seemed as cool as a cucumber.

She washed it, and I saw again the opening to the road, in which I had had such a glorious ride. Saw, or fancied I saw, a likeness to those of her sisters. Again I stretched her thighs apart to receive mine, again my penis distended her cunt, again I spurted my spermatic liquor up her, and happy in my day's work, went back to my hotel, with my imagination inflamed to a conflagration of lust, when I thought of the three sweet creatures whose pleasures I had tasted. Thinking kept me awake nearly all night, tired as I was with heat and fucking.