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The man I saw her with outside the chapel was going to marry her. — “Bah, my dear, he has fucked you.” — “Never he. He would not marry me if he had,” she said. Her name was ***. She lived with her father and mother, and did all their work, and that was why she said she was a servant — and she averred that she was only twenty-one. — I might enquire if I liked, but I was satisfied and left * * * * * next morning, much relieved of spunk and much pleased with the ad-venture. A coarse wench like her is often as good as the finest lady I have ever yet had, at fucking, and is an agreeable variety. But how do they prevent getting in the family way? — This woman when I told her not to wash after' my lubrication — acquiesced. — She was quite modest in manner, I had to coax a good deal before I saw her cunt and backside, had almost indeed a fight about it.

As the greatest heat of the summer was getting over, I crossed over the mountains with a friend, and leaving him to return to England, shaped my course towards the south of France, intending to go by sea to Southern Italy.

Chapter II

A middle-aged masturbatrix. • At a French sea-port. • Mrs. C**p**n. • Introduced. • Her voluptuous looks. • “Where do you garter?” • A kiss on the stairs. • In her bed-room. • Frank impudicity. • Not quite a gamahuche. • What's her little game? • Mutual masturbation. • Her maid. • “You won't do it now.” • Both naked. • My reflections about her behaviour. • Our second amusements. • Masturbation resumed. • Her taste for it. • Her half promise not kept. • Her sudden departure. • At F**r***e. • A moral Valet-de-place. • An immoral one. • A female establishment. • Maria alone. • With Maria and Antonia. • With Francesca. • With the three sisters to-gether. • Frolics voluptuous, salacious, libidinous. • Empty testicles.

Toward the end of September I was in an hotel at a great seaport in the south of France, and at the table d'hote, sat next to a fine, hazel-eyed, dark chestnut-haired woman, who looked full five and thirty. I got acquainted with her, a friend of mine introducing her to me as Mrs. C**p**n. He left the same day and I could ask him no more questions about her. She was travel-ling with a maid, and said she was the wife of an officer whose regiment she named, and who was coming home from the East. — She had come to meet him on landing, but when he might arrive was uncertain. We seemed to take a great liking for each other, and of course it occurred to me, that she would make a good temporary bedfellow. I saw her ankle and a bit higher as she sat down. The foot was beautiful, the swell of the calve enticing, and I fancied she let more of it be seen than was needful. — Point blank after dinner the next day I praised it to her. She stared me full in the face a long time in a peculiar way, and said I had no business to look, but there was something in her eyes, which made me say to myself, “That woman's dying for a man.” Her husband had been away three years, according to her account.

I tried the same devices by which I have succeeded with others. They are monotonous in their sameness, but they come instinctively, and I found them fit most cases. — They are best made when the stomach is warmed by a good meal, for then little by little, a woman helps you if she be sensuous. The pleasure you give by words or hints, stirs up her latent lewedness, and she returns them by little facilities leading to the desired end; for tho cunning in these particulars, she is not able quite to stifle and conceal her desires. She lets you see by her chaff that she understands you, and instinct leads both gradually to the grand end of it all — copulation — Mrs. C**p**n's lovely ankle was the beginning of my talk. “You have a superb form,” — (She was magnificent but very ample in bulk.) “I know” — said I that evening after dinner when sitting in the twilight, “but you make that lovely leg by gartering below knee, which pushes the calve out.” — “No, above.” — I'm sure it's below.” — “No, above, won't you take my word.” — “I won't — convince me.” — “How?” She looked hard at me. “Think of a way, I know one, let me try.” — Go along,” said she, rising up and laughing, but looking so randy.

The next day at luncheon I spoke of her long celibacy. — Didn't she wish her husband back. — Of course she did. — “Especially at night?” — “At all times,” said she, seeming not to understand me. — “At all times? Why, you'd want two husbands.” — So we joked on. The same night I kissed her. — “Let me,” said I in a whisper and not another word but that. — “Let you — Oh — Oh.” There was not further coquetry or sham of not understanding me, in order to force a plainer spoken demand, as women sometimes do. — “Impossible” — said she — “Is it quite?” — “Quite” — “Let's talk about it a bit.” — “You rude fellow, what would your wife say if I told her. ” — “I haven't one.” — “Your mistress.” — “I haven't one.” — “No?” — “No. I find a kind friend everywhere.” — “Oh, you rake,” — I kissed her again, she was then going to her room (it was now quite dusk), on an angle of a large landing of the staircase. — “The servants will see you, don't.” — We went up another flight, and again I kissed. — “Don't, my maid is waiting.” — “Kiss me then.” — “There,” said she, kissing me, “It's the first and the last.” I clutched her to me whispering. — “You don't garter above knee” — “I do.” — “I'll feel,” and suited the action to the word. “You rude man, — hush! — there is my maid, — don't,” — but I had felt the garter and flesh above it before she retreated her legs; then fearful of compromising her I ceased. She went demurely into her corridor. — “I'm longing for you,” said I as we parted. — “Hish” — and the swing doors across the corridor closed between us.

My room was on the next floor. I did not go up to it then, but as I heard her footsteps dying away in the corridor, followed her at a distance. — She went into her bed-room. I saw no servant open the door, so went to her door, listened, and heard nothing but the clatter like that of a pisspot put back on the shelf. Just then in the distance, the porter began lighting the gas in the corridor at its extreme end, and it occurred to me that her maid must be having her supper, as they do at hotels after the evening table d'hote, and I knocked at her door. She opened it and I slipped in like lightning. — “You?” said she astonished — “Go away — go.” — “Wait till the lamplighter has gone,” said I, shutting the door. It won't do for him to see me go out from here.”

The room was darkish. — “Oh that garter — let me feel it again.” — “I won't, the lamplighter must have gone, — You go now.” — “But the people will be coming up to their rooms now it's dark — let us.” — I locked the door, and hugged her. — “How foolish of you to expect me to let you, if that's what you are here for?” — “Yes and don't mean to go till I've had you.” — “Hisheee, said she, hisheee. — don't speak so loud, there are people in the next room.” But I noticed there was no door connecting her room with those adjoining it.

My arm was next minute round her neck, I was kissing her, was beside her on the sofa, felt her garter, her thigh and with a bold push now her cunt. — “You've just piddled” said I. “Yes I have, — now go away, aren't you satisfied, yet?” — With a gentle push she dislodged my hand, rose from the sofa, and went to the door. — Did she intend me to go — to get away from her own weakness, or to give me a better chance still? — I have always thought that she really wanted me to go, that it was the last struggle against her lewedness.

— “Go now, do” — “I won't.” — “My maid will be coming.” — “Say you are in bed and don't want her.”

— “What will she think?” — “Nothing” — and then was a long pause.

Putting my arms round her, I pulled her to the bed without her resisting at all, and sat her on the edge, and myself by the side of her. — “Let's fuck you, I'm sure you've a lovely cunt.” I find that I always compliment women that way under similar circumstances. “You rude fellow.” I pushed her back on the bed, quickly fell on my knees — pushed her clothes up, and had my mouth on her motte and kissed it, before she could recover her perpendicular. Then puffing her legs open by grasping each calve, and lifting them, I kept her on her back. Lower and lower down I now bur-rowed my head between her thighs, till my mouth was on her cunt, and I was sniffling and revelling in the warmth and aroma. — She didn't struggle now, she was overcome by lewedness.