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We were then close to the loghouse, and its door was wide open. — It's so difficult in Switzerland to do any-thing in the open without being seen, for from some rock, or corner, bush, or wood, or nook, you may be seen when you think you are quite secure — and the ears of the natives are so sharp at catching sounds. The chalet was in the meadow, but a, few feet from the half beaten track, and I saw my opportunity. — “Come, and let me see if you've taken cold there.” — and I laid hold of a bit of chemise sleeve, which covered her arm a little above her elbow. — “Come, here's the Louis, let me feel.”

“Nein — nein” — but she looked at me with staring eyes, hard for a second, and instinct told me that the woman wanting fucking. — Then she looked up and down — then back over our path— and all round, in a stealthy way, as if to see if any one was in sight. Her keen native eyes and ears would have told her, where mine would have failed. I laid now hold of her arm, and uttering, — “Nein, leave me alone, sir” — she al-lowed herself to be dragged to the door of the chalet — laughing uneasily as she was tugged, and making a resistance which would not have broken a spider's web, till we were inside — after treading in cow's dung, which surrounded the door like a sea almost. Inside she put her basket down.

The next instant my hand was on a fat, well haired cunt, surrounded by thighs, and a backside which felt like marble. — I looked in dismay for a resting place to lie down, and had pushed her up against what looked like a wooden wall, intending an uprighter, when I saw it was a division with a rough gate and a wooden latch. Inside the chalet it was now darkish. Lifting the latch, the door or gate swung back, I saw coarse hay, straw, or grass, rapidly pushed her down on it, and after a rapturous excited grope, and that lewed feeling of a woman, in which every part of her, from her navel to her back bone and hips, seems to be felt over in a second, I thrust my prick up her, and spent almost ere I had begun. I had been many days without a woman, and had even had a wet dream for want of one.

Quick as I was, she was as quick, and spent with me. She didn't hide her love emotions. “I must get back, they will wonder where I am.” — “Speak in French if you can,” said I, not understanding quite. — She did. (Most peasants in that part speak both French and German.) “Lie still, I'm going to do it again.” — She slid her hand down between our bellies, and felt as if to see whether I spoke true or not. — I clasped her arse which I had scarcely done before, and went on fucking. I had filled her cunt, and in the dead silence of the chalet, only broken by the chirping of innumerable crickets outside, I could hear the flick-flack, as my prick and balls worked in the moisture, out and in of her overflowing cunt. — That noise ceased, as the friction and heat of our genitals, thickened it to a spermy paste, and then only came our murmurs as we spent to-gether. Never did a cunt seem to be more delicious than that of the sturdy Swiss woman, whom I fucked twice without uncunting, plain faced tho she was.

She rose quickly, and seemed to have forgotten my gold. — “I must go to my home, they will wonder.” — “Here is the Louis, meet me again to-morrow.” — “No, I can't and be silent about this, mein Herr'n.” — “Where do you live.” — “Over there, I am servant, but don't come, — don't see me — don't talk about it.” — “Never maiden will I tell, but I must see you to-morrow.” — “No. I wash only every other day down there at eventide — but there are usually other maid-ens. — Good night.” — and off she tripped. — “Don't come out with me.” And she shut the gate of the en- closure. — I waited some minutes in the chalet, so as not to compromise her.

I got back to the little hotel, and next day wanted a woman more than ever. — It is often so with me now. If I have not a woman for some days, I can for a while go on without them, then when I have one, I want to have regular copulation badly. — It was Sunday, and I strolled about and entered a small chapel outside the village, and there with a dozen or so of women and a few men, I saw this woman in native costume with shoes and stockings on, at prayers. — I scarcely recognized her, so nice and clean did she look, and she seemed not twenty-five, — whereas on the previous night I had guessed her over thirty. — Had she confessed to her priest? — oh, if a cunt could speak!

She recognized me and looked uncomfortable. — She seemingly was not married. — I waited outside the chapel till mass was over, and saw her go off with a strapping Swiss-man. How I longed for her, and envied him, for I made sure that he fucked her, and followed them at a distance thinking libidinously, till I could do so no longer without being noticed. I idled about all day as I usually do on Sundays, spying for her at intervals. In the evening, I heard at the end of the village, music in a sort of barn, attached to what in England would be called a low public house. Entering it, there was she dancing with peasants, with which the place was quite full. I did not see her morning's swain. — She saw me, and it seemed to upset her and she danced no more. My entry indeed, seemed to have slightly checked them all.

Feeling this, I left without noticing her (she had not bestowed any recognition on me but a slight stare) but passing her, I muttered, “Come outside,” for my prick began again to tingle at the sight of her. In about a quarter of an hour out she came. It was quite dark. — I would have her — no she would be caught and must get home, they would be all out of the tavern soon, and all over the paths — we should be caught. — But trust a peasant woman in any country who had been fucked, for if there is any snug corner for fucking in, she knows it. — Soon I had her up against a shed, and fucked her. — What a bum and thighs she had. — The solidity of her flesh struck me, and what a lovely cunt — its smoothness, lubricity, and grip seemed perfect. She would not wait to give me a second pleasure, and was off with her cunt full, almost at a run.

Before she went, she said she would be washing at eventide next night. — But if other women were there what could she do, I must wait inside where I had had her — no one at that time would go there, and she would come if she could, but unless she could manage to stay till the last of them she couldn't come to me, and how could she know if that would be so. — I suggested a dozen lies for being late. None she said would do, but hoping, we parted with that arrangement.

I hid myself in the shed an hour before the time, after seeing three or four women at the brook washing, but not she. At quite dusk however, I heard a tread. In she came, and fucked she was twice, before she de-parted. Now I felt that she had a splendid pair of breasts.

So exquisite did copulation seem with her, that I wanted to see the article which gave me so much gratification. I had not even had a glimpse of it, not even of her thighs, for all had been done in the nearly dark chalet. We were but ten miles or thereabouts from the town of B***e, where I knew a brothel. There was no railway then, but a cheap diligence ran along the road. — Could she meet me there? I told her that I longed to see, as well as feel, her charms.

Nothing will baulk a female of her fucking if she means it. — A day or so afterwards, she met me there in midday. — I took her to the house, and the woman refused me admittance. — She had three women there, and gentlemen came to see them, but she did not let out rooms — I was staggered, insisted, offered double the value of the room, and at last got one. — Behold me in the house with my Swiss, who was a sturdy one indeed. I could scarcely get up enough flesh of her thighs or backside, to pinch between finger and thumb. She was like marble. Her cunt was a clipper inside, and a pretty one outside, but she was a very plain faced, dark-eyed woman. I stayed with her four hours, fucked till I could not get a stiff one, and went back. She took her Louis. — The price of women at the house as I knew, was but five francs.