In the Bible continuous juggling, the devil distorted all. God doesn't encroach on a free will of the person, and that would blow off dark from a planet power of thought as become obsolete the term – religions are darkened, the demonism is imposed. To be late on our planet, Jehovah dismissed a web of sects, wound all former Soviet Union. Sects: Christian, "Witnesses of Jehovah", "Mormons", "Anthroposophy", "Congress» - one field is berry. Lords sectarians! It is the recruitment to the Saturn! We are in material bodies and are attached to a matter, and it is time to lift spirit, spirituality. Use material benefits, don't become attached to him. Worship the one to God; hence it come the word monotheism. The Christ is bait in sects; they believe in the devil and in the Christ, He does not need them. Anybody so didn't humiliate the Christ, as Christians, including a devil-Jehovah with "father" of the Christ.

Misters sectarians, be defined with whom you. You pray only to one essence and you don't say a name another. The devil deliberately, with a distant sight, has inserted Judaism (Old Testament) before Christianity (New Testament). Declared myself false «father" Christ's the space Reason is Hierarchy of Light or Yaakov’s Ladder. And, the wreath of this Hierarchy consists of Spirits or the Reasons which have finished the human evolution on those or other planet in this or that solar system, so-called Planetary Spirits. All gods passed evolution of the person on various planets in a physical body. The highest Hierarch of our Planet is one of the finest Diamonds in the Wreath of Space Reason is Maitreya!

There is a uniform chain of Hierarchy of Light, proceeding in Boundlessness. On one end of a ladder of Yaakov (Hierarchies), stretching from Heavens to the Earth, there is a Divine Christ – the Spirit, the Highest Being subjective, invisible, and incomprehensible. On other is its visible manifestation, "Sacrificial Fire" - M.: Not rough fire, and Spirit, the divine Spirit which visible embodiment is fire.

"Space garbage" together with the leader Jehovah-devil-satan will leave from a planet. Mysterious are the ways of the Lord, and the Victory, the foreordained Hierarchy of Light, will exceed our imagination. There will be a TV channel which will give to mankind knowledge of theosophy. Brown gas which is generation of the person from irritations and foul language can be discharged by spirituality awakening in the person.

Is told that where the insult and derogation of the carrier of Light is allowed, there will ask from all country. On change the dark will come Century of Light - "Golden Age". It will last 1 828 000 years. People and planet will be in the facilitated bodies - there no will be matter, the evil, borders and nationalities. There will be paradise which we have to create. Now we have a hell, unfortunately, from long- term stay of darkness. Sectarians detain them.

The Great Lord of Shambhala, Maitreya has given us a new Teaching Living Ethics through his disciples. According His Beam the following books were written:

1. Helena Blavatsky:

1.1. “Isis Revealed”.

1.2. “The Secret Doctrine” (two volumes).

1.3. “The Voice of silence”

1.4. “The Letters”.

2. Helena Rerich:

2.1. “Agni Yoga’s” (The Teaching is of Living Ethics).

2.2. “The Letters”, nine volumes.

3. Boris Abramov:

3.1. “Facets Agni Yoga”, (2 2 volumes, 195 1 -1972).

Great Teacher and Great Lord Shambhala Maitreya - M .: three points: the first - Maitreya (Wisdom is the Buddha), the second - the Messiah (Christ), the third - Muntazar (Islam). From these books about Hierarchy of Light, about embodiments of Teachers and the Great Lord of M .: The doctrine which the Christ gave 2000 years ago, is given in a condensed form, and now is given in an expanded form. We will render M .: praise: "Yes will revive the Lord (in our hearts), and all enemies his will be chiseled". Laws of the Karma and reincarnation were thrown out from the New Testament. Karma - work, the Space Law of Punishment; Space Scales exact, all our life registers on "movie" which then show in God's court о on whish присутствуют all wishing, earlier died. Here it also is - secret becomes obvious. "The life Book" in which all our only good, disinterested deeds register is at the same time written.

Often, after past life the page remains empty and the person is again embodied, yet won't start doing good things for people. Talents, appearance, growth, parents - we meet with the deserts the last past life. Humpbacked, paralytics, disabled people - punishment for the sins made in last embodiments. The bum is the one, who was satiated with the power and dipped a hand into the state budget .

During Great Arrival the Lord won’t come in a physical body, and Will come as Light from the East. With It will come New Energy from the Highest Worlds, and all people will be divided on the Treatment of light and shade. At those, who trusts in a shadow (Jehovah), covers (a physical body) will burn down there will be a consciousness, – they will be removed to Saturn (the characteristic of Saturn is given above). Those, who trust to the public will remain on Earth and will live in "Golden Age".

Who trusts in two gods, is sit on two chairs, will be destroyed as Space litter - construction material for consolidation of bark of a new planet (if don't think again). After Great Arrival is one is from two remains!

If in any book is though one word against powers of Light, or impose thoughts of return of paganism, know that Jehovah - a devil exercises the wit in different options of "activity". Jehovah will leave from our Planet to Satyrn together with the army. Jews and sectarians with it won't leave, at the last moment will refuse. Why to go together with a scum of society?

Repeat daily seven times of the word: "Maitreya, Victory, Love". Fill space with Light. Every Sunday approve the words "The Dark Will Leave from the planet Earth". We will praise Great Maitreya:"Yes will revive the Lord (in our hearts), and His all enemies will be chiseled".

Chapter 2.

Heavenly is Jerusalem.

“Every time requires it is messenger. And each messenger brings the tidings which are especially needed at this time?”


A great and high mountain in Himalayas is Everest – 8.888 km

and the Holy City of Jerusalem is Shambhala. Shambhala is a sacred place where the terrestrial world comes into contact with the highest state of consciousness. It is known in the East that there are two Shambhala: the first one is terrestrial and the other one is invisible. There is the Mother of the world at the top Everest in the mental body, who is the creator of the Hierarchy of the Light. Shambhala was created the power through of Lord’s M.: Simultaneously witch of the planets. It is a city with in the mountains. There are around 100 entities. There are seventy five God-women in the astral bodies and twenty five God-men. Some of them are in physical bodies. They are the greatest spirits who have incarnated on the Planet to bring the Knowledge and to accelerate the evolution of humanity. Their astral bodies are tightened; they wear clothes and shoes. They create everything be means of power of the thought. The idea is the most subtle and powerful energy.