At the parade of gay pederast Jehovah should the ahead of the column witch red – black flag of the devil? As the founder of the society of perverts are the victims of his hypnosis.

Jehovah twice is in a dream before me. 1. I'm sitting by the road, he curled into a ball, and a huge devil are in front of me and brandishing an axe. 2. It should be in front of me and said: "You - one, and I is the value».

Would say not a dream, but in reality, "Greatness - in good deeds without the calculation of remuneration. Lord of Shambhala, Great Maitreya – God is the Value of! Pederast Jehovah is only planetary demon, pervert, moon demon, cheater, bloodthirsty murderer, a liar and the father of lies. The V alue is Space and his Law of Karma; performers Karma are the Gods and people. Jehovah knows that the space writes down everything on the movie, but daily is engaged the afternoon onanism and night pederasty with the minor little son. Wife rejects due to underdeveloped main body of the devil - is the wages of his hobby, millions of perverts and gay parades. Devil applied hypnosis and he ... is mutual. Karma – the exact space scales!!! God’s peculiar subtle humor!

For the paragraph that contains the name of a real Devil - Morgan, Jehovah burned on my floor all the counters and the wiring. At the entrance was a smokescreen. On my computer, Jehovah brought down the hard drive destruction of satan's power!

I walk down the street and suddenly a vision right there is a huge black Cadillac, and behind the wheel - Jehovah. And he said: " Go on foot ? … Sit don will drive". With him on the same planet is to be dangerous and disgusting.

Chapter 1.

“Warning to Jews and sectarians”!

«Not religion above Truth!" E .P. Blavatsky “Word WARNING has the special sense is. To warn, means is to give opportunity to know, that waits in the future.” ( М .: ).

In space actions two forces: Light and darkness.

Archangel Michael is God, Light, Good, Spirit; Leader of our Solar System, Sun God the Great Maitreya, Lord of Shambhala is. His embodiments are: Avel, Noy, Rama, Krishna, Zoroaster, Avraham, Moisey, Solomon, the Pharaoh of Ramses II, Zeus, Sheikh Rossul Moria, George Victorious, Sergey of Radonezh, Seraphim Sarovsky, Moria (Christ) and others.

Jehovah is devil , the shadow evil, matter (of the Planet satan, devil, Jahve, Yahweh, the Prince of this world, the Owner of the Earth, chief planetary demon - it is one much name’s essence) also is opponent Michael the Archangel's in a darkness camp. Jehovah embodiment: Cain, Bacchus, Ravana, Dionysus, Set, Typhon, C aligula , Neron, Gregory Rasputin, Adolf Hitle r, billionaire George Morgan. Jehovah put on weight of everyone violently; a ll of them were shown as a bacchanalia and murder s . Jehovah is a Generalissimo in a pederasty.

Our Heavenly Father is Archangel Michael, Who is for all mankind the true God and Father in the force of His Love and care about us. The Lord Shambhala is the Great Maitreya and Owner the Earth Jehovah is two opposing forces. Each person has for itself to solve, - with whom it or with whom; with Light or with darkness it is impossible to remain in aside otherwise these forces can destroy.

In Space is the Light and the darkness but no evil. Only on our Planet is the evil – Jehovah, begetting by Lucifer, or the shown Lucifer in the human body. All the peoples of the world believe in the Light ( Rama, Krishna, Zoroaster, Gautama Buddha, Christ, Allah and Maitreya .) and only the Jews believe in the darkness (Jehovah). The Iron Age, Kali Yuga, is the age of cruelty and hypocrisy; time board dark ended in 1942. Jehovah with the army have to leave to Satyrn, but the planet isn't ready for life human on fault Lucifer-Jehovah; it increased sizes the planet, having attached some moon and comets, is having broken the magnetic attraction to the Sun. The planet is destroyed as sand lump. Satyrn is the Karma of Jehovah is den of powers of darkness. Karma is the cosmic law of Requitals for infinite violations of Laws of God.

The transition period was tightened. The Lucifer – Jehovah breaks space terms. What does Jehovah devil leave to us in inheritance, and what example for mankind he was? Before leaving to Saturn Jehovah wants to blow up our Planet and with itself to drag off the most part of the population to Saturn. Goes is recruitment on Saturn! For this purpose, to prolong stay term on our planet, he to created sects, in where declared myself Christ's father. For that, to keep on our Planet, he creates sects, where declared myself Christ's father. Lord Christ is Representative of the Hierarchy of Light.

In present time at the expense of sects is overweight of the forges in party of darkness. Universal obsession - is defeat of will of the person, is the devil's hypnosis (energy, which applies in sects, ostensibly for treatment; acts as drug, anesthetizes temporarily, and the illness progresses). All pastors is businessmen, about it told «pastor" Ledyaev, which passed preparation in the USA and now "raises spirituality" inhabitants cities of Riga. On change "Age of iron» goes "Golden Age", - century of board of Solar Gods; not will be borders between states, the nationality will be one – mankind. Not there will be wars, crucifixions, races of arms, divisions on a religious basis. "Be Uniform the Pastor and uniform herd" - Lord Shambhala, Great Maitreya and mankind.

In heart of the Sun stay Mother World and seven highest Hierarchs (in Christianity seven Archangels). Among them the First is Archangel Michael, the Highest Hierarch of our Planet and Solar System, Maitreya, the Great Lord of the Shambhala shown in a body of the person on the physical plan; Avalokiteshvara, Supreme is the Sound (WORD).

The WORD on our plan became a flesh. The WORD created the Universe: gods, planets, stars, minerals, plants, and people. It is God of all gods. It is the Universe. Solar Hierarchies are shown in the dense world in a body of the person. Without physical manifestation they are invisible. Are shown, entering in spheres Planet, in bodies: mental, astral, ethereal and physical.

Elohim is multiple the number, seven Hierarchs, seven Highest Spirits come to us on the Earth from the Highest worlds that to help evolution mankind. With them came esoteric the eighth - the Lucifer. It held a not bad position in Hierarchy. Jehovah the shown Lucifer in a body of the person is the father of Jews is Owner of our Planet. Its headquarters is in New-York. Into its duties enters: providing mankind a rain, crop, observance religion. In Judaism he is satan (devil) the Angel-prosecutor, - punishes for violation of precepts God’s. To punish others, most it is necessary to be an example; The Angel - the prosecutor is criminal and dissolute essence.

What was our Planet, as high, as fine there was a civilization, when it was directed and headed by the Great Spirits, comes from the Highest Worlds. Final falling of the Lucifer came true in times Atlantis, but withdrawal from ways Light was outlined even earlier. By the space right Jehovah-devil belonged to Earth and when human the nature in it took overweight over divine was jealous and began against Great Colleagues pernicious fight. For achievement you of the purpose to become the full and unique Lord of Earth, his main efforts were turned on humiliation of the woman. He knew that with humiliation women inevitably has been to go rough, degeneration mankind. The most ancient saying says: "There, where women be read and protected, prosperity reigns and gods rejoice".