The new era under the rays of Uranus and Venus will bring a revival of the women. The epoch of Maitreya is the epoch of the Mother of the World. Lucifer went against the Sun. The first, who went against him was a dare Warrior - the Mother of the World. She Has created Hierarchy Light’ and dark was shown in a true look.

In 1921 in Germany has been created fascist National – the socialist party which in 1933 has brought to power Hitler under the most powerful hypnosis of Jehovah. 17 In 1931 have begun in Space fight – «Armageddon». During fight, to delay forces By this time the devil already had a preparation. The shoemaker Alois Schiklgruber (Adolf Hitler’s father) at mature age married the daughter of a kelner from Bucharest, the Jew, by the name of Hitler. The bride was ugly, quarrelsome and is 15 years more senior. Kelner has promised Alois a dowry, but has set a condition: having married, the shoemaker will take a surname of the father-in-law. But the old man has deceived Alois – has died, without having managed to write wills. The little also Alois’s spouse has died later (according to the scenario of a devil). As a result of all combinations the Austrian shoemaker has inherited from the father-in-law only a surname. Upset with failure, Alois married on servants deceased – Clara Peltz, mother of future chancellor of the German empire – Adolf Hitler. Jehovah – a devil has achieved the; to prove the reason, allegedly Adolf Hitler’s hatred to Jews, frankly, – he embodied the ideas – haft the blame for the extermination of Jews in Hitler. The purpose – to fill space negative energy, to blow up the Planet; for this purpose all means are good. Jehovah entered Hitler in an astral body on meetings, meetings, told it lips and influenced public. Vibrations of astral bodies of the demon and person different, therefore person gradually from impacts of powerful vibrations collapses. Result is Parkinson’s illness. She it isn’t treated, – a spiritual disease. After rough performances before crowd Hitler rode on to floor; having risen and having exempted from a devil, I was faded and suppressed. To Hitler compatriots prepared attempt more than once, but Jehovah prevented it, and Hitler or was late, or wasn’t in the appointed place at all. Hitler was operated Jehovah. Obsession also created concentration camps where poisoned in gas chambers of people of all nationalities, and especially Jews. In 1941 in Kiev 200 thousand people were shot and dumped in « A woman’s ravine»; the ground was still moving over those, who are asleep alive. At this time the Catholic Church under the influence of Jehovah made plans: to strengthen banks of Vatican and to subordinate to the ruling hand all Christian world. The Catholic Church has accepted a devil in the seventh century therefore supported Hitler and the atheist 18 Mussolini. In the Western Ukraine Jehovah devil has subordinated himself one representative Greek – Catholic Church, The metropolitan, the count Andrei Sheptitsky who together with clergy actively supported arrival German – fascist occupation. Obsessed Sheptitsky supported OUN. «From July 1 to 6 July 1941 chasteners from groups of nationalists where served as chaplains uniatsky priests, have carried out in the city of Lvov mass punishments over representatives Polish intellectuals, Soviet authorities, communists and Jews. It has been shot and hung up, on to different estimates, from 3 to 5 thousand people among whom there were tens of eminent persons of science and cultures, including – academicians, professors of the Lvov university». (Yaroslav Galan, «On to service at of the satan is»). Yaroslav Galan was killed by OUN with the axe on the head (a method of Jehovah). Who OUN operated? Jehovah! The devil incited «haves» against Councils, and he was what to lose: banks, real estate. At devil other world orders – the capital. But Light always wins against darkness! In 1949 Lucifer has been expelled from our Solar System. Now the dark has passed in direct submission the Demon Universal Bramah. Children of persons of the third Reich remember the parents, also are horrified from deeds them. The scenario of World War II with concentration camps has been prepared by Lucifer-Jehovah! And third Reich played roles under his hypnosis. The Karma, exact Space Scales will judge Jehovah devil, the law of retaliation – leaving to Saturn! E. HODOS in the book «Antichrist» writes, that in 1970 in the city of Lubavichi rabbi Schneerson created the Jewish the National – fascist organization. Wrote «Catechizes» – the charter, where too, as well as Hitler, extols the nation. Don’t sing the praises of Shneerson, it too it was obsessed Jehovah-devil. Shneerson catechism is the echo of the book Protocols of the Elders of Zion would be to call «Protocols of Zion fascists» more precisely. Sense is as follows: to bring Jews-rakshas’ to power in all states and to the population forcibly to impose all Judaism. 19 Newly elected mayor of our city of the beginnings of «reform»: has renamed the name of Minim Street on the rabbi Shneerson. I hope that Hitler Street and Gregory Rasputin (is two incarnate devil) won’t be. Jehovah’s parting word to rakshasa: «Everything that you see – is yours». The devil has elected the rakshasa-raider and black-red has given him «a flag in hands» (colors of a devil), and the rakshas has surpassed Ostap Bender. In gratitude have constructed the 18th floor synagogue, the biggest is in Europe. He is the chairman of presidium Jewish, European communities; laughs much..., before that as to cry long on Saturn. Personally Jehovah devil protects a synagogue, that to attract admirers to recruitment. Satan brings to power of rakshas – it is «fiddle while Rome burns». OBSESSION is suppression of will of the person. People the obsessed are dangerous. It is a virus. Addicts, alcoholics, gluttons, serial murderers, thieves, perverts is all obsessed. Not they commit crimes, them directs Jehovah-devil with the army of demons. Demons is died perverts and criminals. Jehovah is the werewolf! Obsessed is after death get in its army: Chikatilo, Grabovoy, S. S. Konovalov (doctor) and all pastors of sects also to this group. Don’t read S. S. Konovalov book («The book which treats»), in them it is imprinted devilish energy, which destroys the person, – temporary hypnosis. After these books people die in psychiatric hospitals.

In the middle of the third radical race Lunar Pitri created the first people from three lowest principles. Animals had a division of floors earlier and they started breeding sexually. So as lunar Pitri – "founders" didn't give to the person brains under the decree of Jehovah, the head was flat and disk-shaped. Jehovah deliberately created the imperfect person to put the beginning of its moral decay. «Founders" entered in thin bodies the created bodies human and, having forgotten about "greatness" and copying behavior of animals began to copulate with their females. The Lord of the Moon – Jehovah too passed this way of falling and produced anthropoids. It really the founder and the creator … monkeys, they are his children, shaggy and jump on all fours. The name of a scientific subject for Darwin was prompted by the zoophile Jehovah to direct him on a false way and itself to rehabilitate.

1. A dinosaur (from copulation Jehovah’s and lunar pitri with dinosaurs is have occurred monkeys).

2. Jehovah and Lilith (first wife of Pederast’s Jehovah). 3. Cow My (second common-law wife of Pederast's Jehovah).

Darwin before death refused the theory. Jehovah was "reason deprived", an animal; without brains . Great Maitreya has implanting to brains zoophile Jehovah and “Lunar Pitri”. First wife of Jehovah by the name of Lilith was the monkey born from the father (people) and mother (an animal – a monster). The second wife (civil) was a big cow (animal). In space is the movie is in which Jehovah is depicted during process of copulation with a cow. After Jehovah's falling, he became a laughing-stock for lunar gods and angels, some of them left (those, whom Demon Bramah has violently determined to the Moon by the scenario) at once to the Sun. God punished Jehovah. What sort it is punishment? - Condemnation on the conclusion in the lowest or lowest area which is our Earth, the lowest in the chain. On "Eternity", - means duration of one Cycle of Life in darkness of a matter or in the animal person. But having fallen down Earth (on our head) it rolled down on the bottom; decayed it and decomposed mankind. The hell is that place where the devil governs; Jehovah devil governs on Earth - the Prince of this World. Means, it also turned our Earth into a hell.