The New Doctrine of Great Maitreya is given. Before Great Receipt we shall change our spirit, be prepared for a meeting with it; to master the Doctrine not to be destroyed as space litter. We will be prepared for a meeting and we will enter "Golden Age" with expanded consciousness and with a sincere heart.

And all will arrive on time: the rivers will run, the woods will rise, and herbs will rise – everywhere to all the term. Both left on an error human, and will come on a approve thought. They will send when it is necessary when we manage to identify and accept. Deep value has the Muslim legend. Mater Christ was Mahomet’s mothers before the prophet's birth. Mountain Morii is the mountain to Mery, here the beginning of all travelers, is erected the first image Blessed here –Great Maitreya.

The new Doctrine is based on heart and the clarified reason. There is no best Friend, than the Great Teacher M.: also it is necessary to look for ways of approach to It. E. P. Blavatsky, E.I. and N. K. Rerich saw Great Lord M.: in physical and astral bodies.

E. P. Blavatsky: "… absolutely regular features, a dense head of hear of color of a black wing, it is very beautiful, especially growth and a figure. Mighty constitution. A young face by sight 30 years (in a physical body)".

E. I. Rerich: "… woke up suddenly from very bright Light and saw the figure of the Person which is lit up by bright shine with unusually beautiful face. After fear the thought was replaced with Unusual, incomparable feeling - Presence of the Highest Force".

N. K. Rerich: "In silence there was a vision. Light objects were performed, and the Face of the Great Guest began to shine. Also He closed lips, both crossed hands, and his each hair streamed Light. And bottomless its eyes fixedly shone". Look for ways of approach to the Lord. Great Maitreya creates the Sixth Race; "Agni Yoga" is the Call!

Chapter 3. Great Maitreya (El Moria) is the Great Lord of Shambhala.

Maitreya – Supreme, the Father of the Universe! Exists two "Uniform" is. One is on the inaccessible

plan of the Absolute and Boundlessness, about which any conclusions are impossible. The second "Uniform", on plan "Proceed». The first can't to proceed, to be a dividend, because it is eternal, it is absolute and immutable. The second, being reflection of the first "Uniform", "because it is Logos, or Ishvara (the God) in the illusory Universe", can. It radiates from itself seven Beams, or Dhiani – Cogan’s, or Elohim’s, or Archangels in Christianity. One-real becomes differently-real.

Energy works as uniform energy through Logos (or to Ishvara). Now Supreme is a uniform essence (two in one), from which proceeds and starts existing center energy , which is called Logos … It is called Christians Verb and it is a Divine Christ, which is eternal in a bosom of the Father, It is called as Avalokiteshvara Buddhists. Almost in each doctrine it was formulated existence of the center of the spiritual energy, which it isn't born and eternal, and exists in a bosom Supreme in time rest between cycles, and arises as the center conscious energy during the conscious activity.

“Ishvara (Logos) is a Spirit, a complex unity of manifested live spirits, the primary source and all the world's monads (and their divine reflection) that occurred from the Logos and returned to him at the end of his time. Ishvara is the God.”

The second "Uniform" is the Sound (Shabda – Sanskrit), the Word which on our Planet became flesh. Maitreya is the shown Father of the Universe, the Creator and the Creator! Lord M.: there is the Highest, Lightest Spirit of our Planet, Solar System and the Universe. The Lord will Leave, and will Rule forever, but then once again will Come to us as the Second Coming – is Great Arrival. The first Archangel is a position which is taken up by the Lord Shambhala during passing of evolution of the person. Maitreya is First Beam of the Father of the Universe. The first Beam is equated to That from Whish this Beam precedes. Vishnu – a machismo, the Father Universe, God, Founder and Creator, reflection of Absolute, Supreme Deity! Maitreya is full manifestation of Vishnu. He is All. Monad is the same as Absolute, a particle of the divine Monad, the information or thought of the Father, being enveloped by the energy it always remains the part of the Absolute. From the Energy Center, i.e., Ishvara (the Divine Christ), are all the gods, stars, planets, the Divine Christ is the God of all gods, He is Universe!

In our Universe is eight million four hundred thousand species of living beings; four hundred thousand people and eight million flying sailing, running and crawling ones.

On the East is accepted the Truth that the Single Greatest Spirit is the Creator of our consciousness and our Savior of the mankind. This spirit is the Avatar of Vishnu and appears on the Earth every time when humanity comes to a deadlock, and needs a shift of consciousness!

Thus all the Systems of the World are the Images of one and the same Spirit – Avatar of Vishnu. He was shown in other guises, less bright, but always true selfless.

The Greatest Spirit of our Solar System came in diminished shapes to reach and raise the consciousness of the masses much easier. High Spirit, taking the earthly Shape, was no different from earthly creatures and didn't realize His Greatness in the Higher Worlds”.

Great Lord of Shambhala, Maitreya is the World Teacher, the King of Kings, the Teacher of Teachers and Lord among the Lords.

The Messiah of the Jews is identical Maitreya, Kalki Avatar (incarnation of the God), Muntazar (Muslims Messiah) – the Highest Shape, that should appear on the change of the race to give a new proclamation and to install the vibration, which will sound as new cycle of spiritual evolution. All the Higher Cosmic views will get their form or will be personified in the God likeness, the human. Great Put Maitreya – 3000 embodiments, Are passed a half of the planned Way.

Great Maitreya Passed the Way from "the pastor of sheep" to Supreme. All embodiments His were steps Ascension

This powerful Spirit was Manifested in:

King Menes – he united southern and northern Egypt in one State. Constructed the general for all state irrigational systems is. From association Egypt began the dynastic era of is the greatest of the Pharaohs.

Pharaoh Ramses II Under his rule Egypt has reached a considerable power. He conducted a long struggle with the Hittites, the result of which was fixing for Egypt of Palestine and Southern Syria. He built a lot of temples and hearses. In the north-eastern Nile Delta he built the city “Per-Ramses” (Tennis), and repulsed the attack on Lower Egypt of “Sea Peoples.”

Osiris is also the representative Ether, the first depiction the radiation of the Highest Deity. Amon is the Primary Source of Light. Osiris was executed, dismembered in fourteen pieces (two by seven). Later He Resurrected as a Christ. (Jehovah, the devil, the Owner of the Earth dealt shortly with those, who brought the Light to people).

Osiris was twice embodied in Egypt and governed wisely. Great Maitreya created Egyptians, they is His First-born. The Lord of the Shambhala Gave to Egyptians of Knowledge: maintaining agriculture, construction of houses, roads and temples. Gave to Egyptians the religion based on pure philosophy.