Russia admires before the Greatness of the Venerable Sergiy and gives the praise to Him your Great Patron is Patron of the Russian land. (Ponder who came in the Guise of Sergiy of Radonezh!) The Highest Hierarch of our Planet is the HYPERLINK "javascript:;" powered by INCLUDEPICTURE "" \* MERGEFORMATINET powered by INCLUDEPICTURE "" \* MERGEFORMATINET current Lord of Shambhala - Maitreya.

Seraphim of Sarovsky. In 19 years Seraphim of Sarovsky Has come to Sarovo in the eve of a festival of Introduction to the temple of the Mother of God. Once on Him the gifts of the Holy Spirit (Mothers of the World) have descended. Seraphim Left monastery Has also left in the wood. He Has lodged in a wooden cell on the river bank of Sarovki, Has got a kitchen garden and an apiary. His clothes consisted of a white loose overall. In a behind a shoulder bag He always Carried the Gospel. It ate fruits of the kitchen garden. To him the great number of parishioners came; Seraphim Maked miracles on their eyes, Cured many patients whom smeared with oil from the icon lamps burning before a favorite icon of the Mother of God "Affection". Less, than in two years prior to the death of the Reverend to him the Virgin accompanied by many Saints with words last time Was: "There will be with us soon, a Favourite My". Seraphim of Sarovsky is one of the most esteemed Saints in Russia.

You can enumerate endlessly the embodiment of the Great Lord: Zeus, Osiris, Hermes, Zoroaster, Apollonius of Tyana, the Great Venetian and others.

Zeus, the thundered was the Ether, the Supreme God, the Lord of Gods and men; Managed all celestial phenomena, He Kept the public order and families, Installed the laws and customs.


In ancient is the Egyptian mythology one of more esteemed gods. Osiris was considered as god of grain and winemaking. As a solar Deity, it had twelve smaller gods below itself, - twelve zodiac signs" (Egypt Belief),

Hermes Trismegistus was three Times the Greatest, His treatises were devoted to the occult science: alchemy, astrology, magic and religious-philosophical Teachings, close to Gnosticism.

There were several Zoroaster’s or Zertust, a Dabistan has thirteen of them; but they all were incarnations of the first one. The last Zoroaster was the founder of the Temple of Fire in Azarekši and the writer of works (about the first religion of Mages), destroyed by Alexander.

Apollonius of Tyana was very rich, but Ate vegetable food, wore clothes Made of natural fabrics, Walked barefoot. He was an Apologist (Bearer of the Truth); He once ordered a disciple to collect a sufficient number of fragrant trees and the lay down in a cave like high Bed. Apollonius burned himself on fire and then the disciple heard under the arch of the cave his voice: “So, I'm not dead, but am going to accept the Bowl of Apologist”. By burning himself, He proved that life continues in the Subtle Worlds.

Venetian the Great. When the Venetia tribe was pressed and persecuted by impending barbarians, among them appeared an unknown high Shepherd, who pointed them to the lagoons, this fact served as a base of the city of Venice. Accepting this Appearance, He materialized himself, because at that time He had no physical body. Great Lord does not like to talk about the former incarnations, as they unwittingly turn the spirit back and may even hinder His rush to the future, when to save this yearning is the first people.

That is why we should not have think about the past, but about the present into the future. Lord of Shambhala is the Lord of the worlds; The Great Lord; The Leader of Higher Spirit World; The Leader of the Spirits World of Fire; The Leader of fire of the Mother of the Word, named the Lord of Compassion. He is the God of Love and Compassion, the God of Goodness and Light. He Covers everything space, being a spokesman of all expectations and wisdom.

“Mankind comes to Me in different ways, but no matter how the man came through to Me on this journey I welcome, because all paths belong to Me” - said God Krishna in His Lord's song “Bkhagavat-Gita”. The Great Lord of Shambhala, Maitreya is manifested in the Human body Ishvara. He always appears as Manu (the Man) on the verge of two indigenous races. Descending from the higher planes where He is invisible to the human eye and without the form, He manifests in our Planet. He comes in the scopes of our Planet (mental, astral) and then manifests in the physical body. He is not born and will not die. He has an incomplete incarnation, it is a Great Value. (And who wants to know the details of his incarnations, one learns by reading the book Helena Rerich, “Letters”.

Therefore it isn't necessary to think of the past, but only of the present in connection with the future. Lord of Shambhala there is a Lord of the Worlds; Lord Great; Driver the Spirits the highest Worlds; Driver the Spirits the Worlds Fiery; the Engine of fire of Mother of the World is named by the Lord Compassions. He is God Love, kind and Light. He covers all space, being a spokesman of all expectations and wisdom. "The mankind comes to me in the different ways, but what ways the person wouldn't come nearer to me, welcome him because all ways belong to me", - God Krishna in the Lord's to the Has song told "Bkhagavat-Gita".

Great Maitreya is shown in a body of the Person, Ishvara. He always Appears as Manu (Person) on the verge of two radical races. Going down from the highest plans where He is invisible to human to an eye also no has form, it is Shown on our plan. It falls within the scope of our Planet (mental, astral) and, if necessary, it is shown in a physical body. Gautama Buddha (623-544 BC) adopted its successor future Buddha-Maitreya. And Gautama said his disciple: “I am not the first Buddha, who came to this Earth, and also will not be the last one. In definite time other Buddha will rise in the world, Hidden One, of the Higher insight, lighted by wisdom, happy, containing the whole Universe, the peerless leader, Lord of the Dev (effulgent divine) and mortal ones. He will give you the same eternal truths that I have taught you. He will establish his law, savior at the beginning, savior in his an apotheosis, and savior at the target in the spirit and the word. It will herald a righteous life, perfect and clean, which is now taught his disciples and I. They would be calculated in the thousands, while my disciples are only hundreds.” And asked his disciple: “How will we recognize Him?” Teacher replied: “Great Maitreya is His Name”. What qualities the Lord Maitreya has to possess? – Maximum development of Energy, courage, patience, constancy of aspiration and fearlessness. Energy – is a basis of everything because in her one has put all opportunities. The doctrine of Maitreya is continuation of the Doctrine of Christ. The doctrine is given on consciousness of time!!

“During partial breaks, or Updates of the planet or Solar System the Greatest Spirits (Jacob's Ladder) which are collectively representing Space Reason and the Creating Beginning hold patrol and plan future Cycle of Life of Solar System, or the Planet, and then are the chief performers of these tracings. The hierarchical Beginning is the Space Law, there is a principle leading therefore there is always also the highest Spiritual being or the Hierarch”.