2. The underworld of rakshas: rogues, swindlers, murderers, thieves, gamblers, reality and perverts. This category Jehovah determines positions of leadership.

After death, they are automatically placed in the army of the devil. Rakshasas can be implemented in other States, but the devil they'd find and subdue. Only the worship of the higher Spirit will save the person from possession.

Lord of the Shambhala is the Creator of our P lanet flora and fauna, Creator the Egyptians and tribe of Jews. It is responsible for the preservation of the Planet and humanity.

Noy (an embodiment of the Lord of the Shambhala) Rescued those, who observed laws of God. Lemuria consisted of three parts of the land. In the Bible it is said that Noy constructed an ark, took all kinds of people, and three his sons took themselves wives.... Three sons with wives - is allegory; means that from three parts of the land Noy Savior of those who was his follower, and to death of the continent took away them in a safe place. The others burned down alive, or left on an ocean floor. Future Jews avoided twice Apocalypse consequences (Lemuria and Atlantis), thanks to WORSHIP the Great Lord of the Shambhala. Jehovah again drags them to destruction in Europe. And in those times warned people about punishment of those, who went in the ways of Jehovah devil - is demons-rakshas.

The ark is of Noy С ame from Lemuria to coast of India. The indigenous people accepted immigrants, and Gave them lands for accommodation. Two people lived peacefully, between them there were related relations because of mixture of marriages. Lemurs accepted culture of India and worshipped to God of the Sun, the Lord of the Shambhala is.

In Atlantis, Jehovah created the dark brotherhood of sorcerers and black magicians. Atlantis faced a wave soon. Some of them were saved, in t. Ch. Unsinkable Jehovah. Peace in India stopped after the destruction of Atlantis and Jehovah's relocation with the demons in Lanka (Ceylon). Peaceful co-existence of two people in India didn't arrange a devil. Its purpose was: to unite Lemurs: people and demons, to install violently, applying genocide to local population that they were hated and there were infinite oppositions with the next people for generation of destructive energy for explosion of the Planet before leaving to Saturn. Jehovah will pursue Jews in the millennia. Jehovah took under the influence of the lemurs, who lodged in India. Thousand-year war for division of India for aboriginals and immigrants began. To stop war and to keep the state, the Great Lord of the Shambhala was embodied in India (Krishna, Supreme, full manifestation of Vishnu).

Avraham (the embodiment of the Lord of Shambhala) of immigrants Has brought out of Chaldea to the Middle East on purpose - to create the high-spiritual people of God and Has given him the name "Israel" that "elected" means. In the Middle East local population called immigrants - "ivri"; in Aramaic language - "Jew", the newcomer on the other side of the Jordan River. From now on lemurs became Jews. Over time Jehovah has embodied demons (rakshas) in the tribe "Israel", and demons (rakshasa) became Jews - a shame for the "elected" people.

Therefore Jehovah has told Jews: "Propagate and breed" that garbage human was embodied in their environment. A nationality at Jews is on mother that rakshas became Jews. With arrival of Jews to the Middle East the devil Savaof has christened himself "the husband of abuse - Jehovah a name to him". To confirm the appointment carried out wars, executions, damned Jews, have organized "Sodom and Gomorrah", starved them and crucified on crosses ; all to subordinate them to it. In the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, in Give Veniamin were embodied those demons (rakshasa) whom Jehovah decomposed sexual perversions on died continents. This beginning is of recruitment to Saturn. Law of space: impenitent sinners follow a devil. Jehovah knows that without deception and violence with him to Saturn nobody will leave. Saturn is naked Planet and three gaseous rings. Evolution of the person will be rejected on millions years ago, there will be an involution.

During a drought Jews went to Egypt and lived 430 years there. Egyptians welcomed Jews and the best lands (Gesem) for accommodation allocated to them. Jehovah didn't accept hospitality of Egyptians, for this purpose was and there are reasons.

The devil executions created an intolerable situation in Egypt and compelled to bring Jews out of Egypt. Moisey brought them to Sinai for a while to give rest to Egyptians from executions and then to return Jews to their houses.

Lemurs - Jews could live quietly in India and in Egypt, but Jehovah deliberately created a heavy situation that to bring lemurs-Jewish out of the countries where they entered with the world and where welcomed them as immigrants. Jehovah in the Middle East "cleared away to himself a place", executions, robberies and murders of civilians, installed Jews to their houses that there were infinite oppositions generating destructive energy for explosion of the Planet.

India and Egypt was a wisdom cradle and the population worshipped to the Great Lord of the Shambhala. It is one more reason; Jehovah the opponent Lord of the Shambhala in a darkness camp, - it was afraid to lose Jews, because without them it anybody. Jews repeatedly tried to get rid of a devil, but he their executions, damnations, revenge returned under the board, applying hypnosis.

But! After all Jehovah couldn't subordinate himself true Jews those, whom Abraham Has goes from Chaldea also Has brought to the Middle East. The devil has moved Jews to five cities of neighboring states: Chaldea (Iraq), Syria and Assyria. Instead of Jews have installed other people from those cities. Thus, Jehovah has increased the number of Jews. Before leaving to Saturn, Jehovah has directed to NATO to Iraq and has organized lawlessness, has created ISIL and has directed to Syria. The devil revenges for disobedience.

Transit of lemurs – Jews: Lemuria, India, Chaldea, Middle East, Egypt, Sinai, Middle East. Where they wouldn't be, the devil will bring together all of them and they will continue the way to Saturn.

Jews have avoided two Apocalypses (in Lemuria and Atlantis) thanks to Worship of the Great Lord of Shambhala. Resettlement of Jews to Saturn in 2046 for 1 828 000 years with the subsequent return to Earth depends on the decision of Jews. The ballot – Worship! Any people didn't transfer so many humiliations and troubles, as Jews; repeatedly started everything from scratch in others country. And only in India and Egypt they were accepted with compassion. What waits for Jews on Saturn is like madness.

In the Old Testament (Torah) creation of the World of Jehovah begins in Chaldea (Iraq) and the false description of a flood which Jehovah transferred from Lemuriya to Mesopotamia because Jehovah doesn't want to remember Lemuriya where he copulated with dinosaurs and produced monkeys. Doesn't want to remember the wives: is Lilith's monkey and cow is. But also during the Old Testament (Torah) Jehovah fornicated enough, arranged orgies, committed murders, and actively participated in all types of sexual perversions. The most negative image of a rakshas is Jehovah (the pervert - the versatile person, the thief and the blood-thirsty murderer). Nobody trusted in the Apocalypse in Lemuriya, in Atlantis, as well as now. The All-planetary tragedy repeats after each radical race. After the third Lemuriya was lost, the ambassador of the fourth Atlantis was covered by a wave, after the fifth Europe in 2046 will leave under water. Apocalypse will sum up the Result for all mankind. During the Apocalypse there will be a clarification by fire of demons-rakshasa’s and those who voluntary or forcibly served a planetary demon Jehovah. At the last moment of whom you will think, under whose beginning you want to be in the Thin World, with that and you will be. Rescue only in the Lord Maitreya! He calls: "Come to me everything, looking for Light: orphaned and nude, sick and poor, kind and angry. Will wash all, will encourage all, Will specify by everything away and Will light up all the Ray of light".