The astral from Jehovah speaks to me: "That to decompose others perversions, it had to pass itself this way”. And what is for? Perversions is recruitment to Saturn, differently it remains one.

* Now this two-meter jockstrap, having the wife, under hypnosis forces the young 9th summer son – sleeps with him. He enters the wife into a deep sleep, transfers the child to a bedroom and forces him.

*Movie: sitting silently two; Jehovah is focused, the child is listless and sad the hands hang as a lash. Jehovah takes it from behind with hands under the arms, and leans и on his knees back to him, at other times putting baby back on your stomach.... Jehovah was trying to hide from the receptions of sexual violence against his son. In next time crucifying him as a frog in the bed, added a rear ... but any pose didn't satisfy a devil for the known reason. This nightmare began for his son at 9 years of age.

Here a shot from movies of space "Jehovah". The naked devil on the edge of a bed sits, has placed widely legs, has laid out genitals, and he is faced by the five-year-old baby and under his hypnosis humors’ him perversions.

The space writes everything on the movie. The child cannot remember everything that happens to him, the devil deletes this information from subconsciousness. The boy is pretty, fair-haired, to mother it is similar. The devil married in order that the wife has given birth to him to the son, the passive victim for sexual joys, and for cover of the hobby. This pseudo-supreme can't himself to advertize in clubs of gays. To tell more precisely, there are no physical data to go there. Karma is exact space scales: Jehovah is punished by underdeveloped, main body for him, for millions of the victims whom he has made perverts, applying hypnosis. Population of the USA – 324 million: 30% - perverts, (97,2mimlliona), 20% of schizophrenics (64,8millionov), addicts of 15% (48, 6 million) – the victims of hypnosis of a devil.

Information from the book specified in the title.

In the mornings the wife comes into his bedroom, kisses and embraces a devil; he reciprocates to her in gratitude for the son. "The great actor" vanishes.

Movie: "Sataniya's Almighty" Jehovah in outerwear of black color lies, suddenly the right hand falls and undoes a fly... also begins to be engaged in masturbation.

* Following shot: the devil in the same clothes lies; the wife comes, caresses a devil, has kneeled and masses two hands to him a stomach. Jehovah has turned away to a wall and doesn't react. The wife has taken offense and left. The devil has recovered at once, has looked at a door – there is nobody. The hand has dived into a fly, has begun to be engaged in masturbation. The devil has tried all options and has stopped on blowjob.

* Filma: devil kisses the son on the lips, caresses him then lulls. The devil lies blindly and gives the mental order to the sleepy child.

The boy rises, without leaning hands on a bed, is bent in coxofemoral joints twice and falls face down directly on the father's genitals, then unnaturally sharply raises a trunk without hands, falls close to the father on the left side. The right hand as a lash, falls on a neck of daddy, touches with lips his cheek. Jehovah lies blindly, allegedly, he doesn't take part in it. The devil trains, to dreamily force the victim to do blowjob. Space you won't deceive, the devil shows the opportunities. .

*Film: Jehovah and son roles were reversed. The devil has lulled the son, sliding along his body; lips touched his chest and abdomen of the child. Lips captured his penis in her mouth and make a blowjob. But the boy did not respond ... the devil, too, fell asleep ... with penisses in his mouth. And it's "schmuck swamp" - the owner of the Land.

*Movie: the devil Jehovah drugged son, and then he opened his mouth some object, and its "domain" was placed in his mouth; the baby woke up, and the eyes on the forehead climbed - choked.

*Movie: George Morgan (Jehovah), the three of us in bed: first, half-asleep son was forced to blowjob. Then my wife continued this kind of perversion.

*Film: Pervert billionaire George Morgan (Jehovah) is in elow hell?" That's right: the "Below hell." The one, who uses occult knowledge to humiliation of human dignity, will be deprived of occult knowledge and is exstreet clothes with a naked penisses and masturbating (the process is repeated daily). Tired and decided use the wife with the use of hypnosis. Jehovah mentally gave the order to his wife to come to his bedroom, he lies with his fly undone from there peeps genital organ. The wife quickly went and, after a short dialogue, meekly т stood by the bed on knees, bent and makes him a blowjob, only after this process perverted sexual shows the properties of the male. For Jews-Rakchas’s sexual perversions is natural process; Jehovah accustomed their 432 thousand years. It is that which speaks about itself (himself) that it "above heaven, below an underworld". That's for sure: "Below an underworld".

Jehovah chose to himself the victim for the embodiment billions (forgot about the hobby, but the Law of the Karma remembers), the victim has a body disproportion: a trunk short and disproportionately long legs, obvious degeneration.

The genital body treats a trunk. The body of George Morgan will not leave billions holding, 13 Jehovah will be included in the body of the son, if the child will not die from the constant abuse. House of detention or a Mental hospital should be a sanctuary for the Owner of the Land.

*Film: the wife of the devil lying on the bed, Jehovah came and gave the order, she opened his mouth wide. Jehovah is pissed in her throat. A rich stream of urine, she could choke. The devil applies hypnosis. And nobody can help the wife and the son. The one, who uses occult knowledge for humiliations of human dignity will be deprived of occult knowledge and relieved of the post. Karma is the Law of retaliation, exact space scales!!! The entire period of the reign of the devil is marked by the humiliation of women.

*Movie: Wife of George Morgan (Jehovah-devil) with his son goes. Took two handbags son's hand ... but that doesn't mean she got rid of him. Empire Rockefeller the devil made Jehovah to be fraudulent. In the same way he destroyed it, lying on the couch.

In some of the kind Rockefeller (eight families) per year is one trillion dollars.

Jehovah will say The Rockefellers words from the Bible that he spoke to the Jews: "...I made you, I raised you, and you left me ... a seed of evildoers, children who deal corruptly...". To stay on Earth and continue the evolution of man here, must say goodbye the real estate to the Apocalypse and to change Judaism to Buddhism the (the Doctrine Of Christ is beginning the Doctrine of Live Ethics).

*Movie: billionaire George Morgan (bugger Jehovah) flew a white dove and pecked "the Almighty Satania" in the right eye; now his eyes constantly flowing tears... After some time on the eye is has grown a wall-eye. Let his doctor S. S. Konovalov from St. Petersburg "cure" the eye of devilish power (hypnosis), which he sends to the devil for healing sessions. And the devil himself will expose their Scam. Obsessed with doctor K. distributed his books in the United States. Everyone, who reads his books and goes to such sessions the devil hooked on Saturn. Burn the devil's book; they exude the energy of destruction.

*Film: Morning. Lies the devil-Jehovah on the bed; his left eye closed, right – clouded tears; cheek rolls a tear that falls on a black shirt synthetic (does not absorb into the fabric) and then flowing brook. Jehovah pours crocodile tears. Folk wisdom: "Impact wolf tears ladybugs" - the Law of Karma! Happiness is not in billions, but in LOVE. Happy is that, who loves.