Origen is was the writer, philosopher (came to indicate the church fathers is on simplification and the changes in Christianity – the book “About Beginnings”, he wrote the 2000 books, which were kept in the library of Alexandria. When persecutions are began He went to Palestine and Opened Christian school for children there. He was beaten and imprisoned for seven years. He could get out of the body and fly away in the Stronghold, but he Spent the entire time, using time, that given the knowledge of esoteric. He is highly revered as the Great Martyr and the Torch of true Christianity. Western Church listens to the steps of the spirit evolution and starting to study the writings of Origen. Our Orthodox Church still considers him as a heretic.

Akbar - the Great Mogul – was emperor of Mongolia; he combined religions and expanded the lands by conquest. Akbar the Magnificent, Blessed, Akbar, the favorite person of the gods and the “Beauty of the throne of the world”, here is a list of adjectives to his name. The emperor of Mongolia combined the two countries: Mongolia and Northern India.

Gesser – Han – was the legendary Mongolian Khan (eleventh century), the hero of Central Asia epos. “He is the Lord of the 10 countries of the world, the eradicator of 10 evils in 10 countries of the world.” He is the protagonist of Tibetan, Mongolian, and Bury folklore, associated is in the minds of the people of the East and Asia with the image of the Lord of Shambhala.

the Rama is Vishnu's Avatar, the tsar of India, Supreme Krishna - is Vishnu's full manifestation the creator of the “Bhagavad Gita”). These are some incarnations of the Great Lord of Shambhala Maitreya. That is why the Appearance of Maitreya is so majestic, so powerful. He is the Teacher of Teachers.

Avatar Rama embodiment is 7000 years ago; Supreme Krishna is 6000 years ago. That is why you should think of this Image greatness of and show understanding to be able to face the Ruler.

Now imagine the Fiery Humility, fiery Selflessness, and Self-sacrifice, of this true Leader of peoples, the Creator and Lord. Who can resist His Fiery Power when it will be manifested throughout its force?

Buddha – The White Illumined (illumination is the accumulation of centuries-old deposits of energies, crystallized for many dedicated lives); all the Greatest, the Highest is that Identity. There is no greater expression of the Great Secrets of life than in Sunny Hierarch Bishop Maitreya, the Lord Christ, and the Lord Buddha. The Great of Holder and Creator!

Buddha, Maitreya, the Christ is a Single Ego. All religions are from a single source.

Christ it is approved in the Teachings the Greatest. Even in early Christianity, you can find an understanding that A Great Spirit descended to the Earth and incarnated there, where was shown a need for a new understanding of the Truth.

It's time for humanity to move closer to the World Cosmic mystery of Jesus Christ, revealed with each cycle, - Maitreya. Building of space, the process of evolution does not need only new enlightened minds, but love and beauty.

Chronology of the Christ life is inaccurate. Great Teachers put the birth of Jesus to the earlier date. “The assertion that the Lord Maitreya and Christ is the same Individuality is the Truth. But the Truth is not proved. In Theosophical literature one can find indications that Jesus was the incarnation of the Great Teacher Kut Humi When there came time of the Passionate Way of the Crucifixion, into it is entered even more High Spirit, - Christ, which accepted the Epiphany from John the Baptist and thereby came nearer to new segments of the population also started preaching among the simply and poor”. “Jesus also was studied by the Great Wise Man of the East Rossul Moria and stayed there for at least seven years, after which they traveled through India together and then Jesus went with the blessing of the Lord of Moria to his country, but he was unable to finish its Mission there; he passionately overtired and got sick; and on the threshold of the transition to the underworld, appeared in front of him in the Thin Guise the Great Sage and offered him to finish his Mission, going into his body. Of course, the consent was given gladly. Yes, there were great Space reasons. Why did it need replacement and the continuation of this Mission?”

All priests were waiting for the Messiah, the Great Spirit, like Moses, Solomon - is embodiment Lord Shambhala.

Moses, Solomon is the incarnation of the Great Lord of Shambhala Maitreya.

Teacher of Teachers – the Lord Maitreya is the carrier of three Beams. Shape of Maitreya – the present Lord of the Shambhala. In Tibet Its images are in temples, on slopes of mountains Teacher of Teachers - the Lord Maitreya is the bearer of three Rays. The Appearance of the Great Maitreya is the current Lord of Shambhala. In Tibet He Depicted is in temples on the slopes of the mountains. Georges the Victorious.

Church legend tells about Georges the Victorious is carrier miracles during persecution on Christians in Turkey, including about its victory over a dragon. In Russia Life Georgia Victor formed the bases of the Russian spiritual verse in which He is organizer Earth Russian. In ancient Russia Georges the Victorious was often represented on the princely seals and coins, in imperial Russia – on the State Emblem. Georges the Victorious is Michael the Archangel's embodiment the Patron of Russia.

Sergiy Radonezh of is one from incarnations of the Great Maitreya. “God

and the Motherland” is what moved the life and destiny of the Reverend Sergius… And this love gave him the opportunity to so totally to the end to fulfill the commandment of the Lord of love to people.

Sergius built communities; he rendered the territory of Russia, claimed orthodoxy, and helped Dmitry Donskoy in the fight against the foreigners.

Sergiy’ of Radonezh was the Defender of the Russian land. The monastery's wealth increased so much that the monastic Treasury could lend sums to state needs. His Abode helped Peter the First with the construction of the fleet. Sergiy was the leader; he breathed the heroic spirit in the people. He directed it to the future. He will stay such leader now, for the link of the Great Spirits is indivisible with the trade and the feats of their lives. Subsequently, His Abode became the center of spiritual culture, the strength and refuge at the hard minutes of the Russian Land. His Life is permanent and joyous labor, both spiritual and physical. Thus from the desert-contemplator Sergiy of Radonezh grew up in a public figure and was prepared by inscrutable ways to the state role (to help the Homeland). His Abode, which was destined to play a huge role in spreading the spiritual culture and the strengthening of the Russian State, grew with Him.

Around the Abodes, which were built by Him and His disciples, grew villages. Sergiy sent the pupils to field works to peasants to help them to have an opportunity to speak about education of spirit. “Illumined by Inexpressible Light (the radiance of light that cannot be conveyed by words) He Stands the Invisible Visible, is on the steps of the Grand Staircase of the Hierarchy of Light, he is ready at the specified hour to direct legions of Light Forces, ready to bless his people and its land leader to a new of the feat”.

In pre-revolutionary time the feat of greatest Protector of Russia Sergiy was suppressed because he was a heretic, which used a two-fingered sign, in the eyes of some people.