«John the Evangelist's revelation" was written by Jehovah and speaks about himself in the third party. Ch.12/7. "Also there was in the sky a war: Michael and his Angels were at war against a dragon, both the dragon and his angels were at war opponent them, 8 but didn't resist, and there was no place already for them in the sky. 9. And to throw there was a great dragon, an ancient serpent called by a devil and a satan seducing all Universe (Jehovah is the liar, it ennobled himself is inclined to a hyperbole; Jehovah a satan of our Planet), dumped on the earth, and angels (demons) of his dumped with it. 12. So, you have fun heaven and living on them! A grief living on land and sea because to them has descended devil in strong rage, knowing that he remains to him time not much"

Ch. 13/18. "Who has mind, that consider number of Beast, because this number human: number its six hundred sixty six".

Ch. 17/11. "And the Beast, who was and which isn't present, is the eighth (seven Archangels and eighth "Lucifer"), and from among seven, and will go to death". (The eighth - "Lucifer" is expelled from our Solar System in Silence Silence on 1000eyars).

Seven thousand years ago back Jehovah was embodied the tsar of Ceylon owed a bowl patience of gods, and they solved it physically to eliminate. The tsar of India "A Rama (an embodiment of the Great Lord of the Shambhala) struck with "the Striking Beam» Ravana-Jehovah and relieved the population the lake of Lanki from it harmful influence.

Six thousand years ago was embodied demigod Indra is generation of darkness (Jehovah). Is a story that Indra became once a pig, got a female a pig and pigs, rolled in dirt and was absolutely happy. Some other gods saw it in this low condition, approached to it and told:"You possessing the power, why you here? Indra told:" Leave me, to me here it is good, don't care of heavens, while have this pig and pigs". Poor gods became to the deadlock, without knowing what to do. After a while they decided to come quietly and to kill one pig, and then another, etc., yet won't interrupt all pigs and a pig. When the pig and pigs were dead, Indra began to cry and sob. Then gods unstitched his pork body; it left it and, having regained consciousness, started laughing, telling what disgusting dream to it dreamed. He, the demigod, suddenly addressed in a pig and considered, that only this swinish life and is possible; besides, he wanted that this life of all Universe became same swinish". (Svami Vivekananda, "My Teacher").

Hitler operated Jehovah he and created concentration camps where poisoned in the gas cameras of people all nationalities and especially Jews. Poor Jews! What destiny was presented to them by the demon Jehovah; he revenged for worship Michael the Archangel in Lemuria, India and Egypt.

Moisey Gave to Jews esoteric knowledge, but Jehovah threw out law of karma and transformations. To me it happened in a synagogue to read all books and magazines, with which librarian allowed to use. Strikes Jehovah! After death Moisey's the power passed to his pupil Jesus to Navin, which took Jehovah under the management; forced Jews to go on the populated other people of the earths, to cut out all and to be installed in their houses, having appropriated their property. It is in Old Testament (Torah) called "to clear away to itself place". Still (according to the legend), local inhabitants remember also call Jesus Navin bandit. Great Moisey - God! Nasty Jehovah - devil.

Transmigration of Jews from Sinai on the populated lands, – eternal fight and hatred between Arabs and Jews is generation of the destructive energiya, which work for darkness. I had enough in a synagogue to re-read some books and magazines. In magazine the Lechaim were printed two articles, women write to them; “….one watched transmission about concentration camps and thought, that destruction of Jews is punishment for those hundreds thousands destroyed children, old men and women Jehovah. In the other article: “… it is known, that revolution in Russia was made by Jews, god punished them for it concentration camp”. For participation in revolution Jehovah-devil revenged all Jews; at a devil other world order is the capital.

Riots of Jews is Jehovah's idea; in total for this purpose, that to rally this distressful people and to warn against assimilation among other people. Jew is not a nationality, but belonging to tribes; the Jew in Aramaic language the word "ivri", - "alien".

The words Jews and Jude are synonymous. The Jew can to become any the person who has accepted religion Judaism. Those, who live in Israel but do not practice Judaism, are Israelis. Who was born in Russia, in Ukraine or in any country of the world is a Russian, Ukrainian etc. Belonging to a religion is not a nationality. If the parents practice Judaism, and their children do not recognize the religion at all, so parents are the Jews and the children are atheists. But the lack of spirituality is not a dignity is. Person has to be spiritually competent, for this purpose and is given it the reason the lowest and the highest. Intelligence is the lowest. Now there is one expression: “I'm self-sufficient.” The word is composed of two bases: self and sufficiency. “Self” comes from the word selfishness, and “sufficient” from the words sufficiency. It means the selfish person with money. In this case, there are the four lower principles and the highest three are silent, and they are waiting for a human choice. If a person even with high intelligence mired in the matter, the decomposition will begin. Wars, a partition of the states, sects, drugs, different types of sexual perversions, obsession of mankind are work of powers of darkness.

Let's take for an example Yugoslavia. Pitted the people of different nationalities and religions, unleashed long-term civil war, then came "all-planet peacekeepers", blew up all significant constructions, communications and left, having left ruin and the dismembered state. The main thing is a partition. Dark don't love unification. To humor supporters of the affected people, Jehovah defamed "the main peacekeeper" (all arranged - Monica Lewinski) and blew up skyscrapers!

In day of the tragedy to the USA, in the city of Petersburg famous doctor S. S. Konovalov carried out a Seans. People, comers, suggested to honor victims a rising and moment of silence. The doctor K. refused to make it, told that foreknew about this tragedy (to him informed Jehovah) and that this famous of the USA for Yugoslavia. Who organizer of war in Yugoslavia? Jehovah devil! Mister President of the USA will be vigilant - in New-York was dug round very dangerous and artful enemy — billionaire George Morgan (incarnate devil Jehovah).

In recent times all the American Presidents mark their reign by military intervention as “peacemakers.” Do not aggravate your karma and karma of the country you are already punished, you and so punished are by that, the devil is in your territory.

Those, who worships to Jehovah-satan-devil, - will leave with it to Saturn. The planet is yet ready, there only a kernel in a dense condition and three gaseous rings. The century dark lasted 432 thousand years. Jehovah time expired in 1942; it is time to leave from our Planet Earth and to take away with itself the army of demons. Even those, who worship to Jehovah, know who is he, but are afraid to depart from him, because it is angrily terry; will revenge and will destroy. Clings to sectarians, got a false idea myself "father" of the Christ. There can't be Jehovah the father of the Christ!! They belong to various contradictory forces!