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I settled between her legs and pressed my length against her. “I need to feel your lips on me, Georgia.”

She smiled, reached up, and ran her fingers through my hair. “I can help you out with that,” she said, rubbing her pussy against my jeans and almost making me come in my pants. “But first,” she whispered, bringing her lips close to mine. “I want you to make me come again.” She tugged at my head and pushed me down.

I laughed softly and didn’t hide the smile on my face. Georgia may have been a virgin, but she wasn’t innocent. She knew what she wanted and had no issue demanding it. Lucky for her, I was more than happy to serve. I’d worship at her altar and feast on her soul for an eternity if she’d allow me, as long as it meant she’d quench her thirst by wrapping her lips around my cock and drink me down.

When I perched myself between her legs, I took a moment to take in her majesty—the soft, bare flesh that held so much pleasure and had never been tapped. My fingers lightly grazed her velvety skin, damp with need. I closed my eyes, memorizing her scent and the feel of my body on hers.

The noises she made in the back of her throat drove me forward and kept me going. My dick may not have been allowed inside her, but my fingers were itching to rub her in just the right way that she’d be screaming my name until her voice turned hoarse.

I inched backward, pulling her with me because this position wouldn’t work for what I had planned.

“What are you doing?” she asked, lifting her head and staring down her body.

“Just lie back and enjoy,” I told her and winked before I settled on the floor.

Her body hung over the edge and she did as I asked, gripping the comforter nervously in her hands. I removed her shoes, tossing them over my head before I placed her feet flat on the bed, giving me the most amazing view.

I scooted forward, sitting on my knees before I dragged my tongue lightly against her pussy. Her knees began to turn inward and I pushed them apart, leaving my hands on her legs and opening her to me.

While rubbing my fingers against her, priming her for the finger-fuck of a lifetime, I dipped my head forward and licked her folds. Slowly and softly touching her with my mouth and feeling her try to bring her body closer, wanting more than I gave.

I pushed my fingers inside and licked her pussy harder.

“Yes,” she moaned.

My eyes moved over her body and watched as she toyed with her breast, matching the rhythm of my tongue. If I couldn’t fuck her with my cock, I’d do it with my fingers.

I twisted them as I pulled out, bringing her new sensations with my tongue twirling around her clit and barely making contact. She chased my mouth, driving her pussy down on my hand in the process.

It may have been the most erotic moment of my life. Watching the virginal Georgia fuck my fingers, smashing her pussy on my face and moaning out her pleasure.

Within seconds, her insides squeezed down on my fingers when she came, but I didn’t relent. I wouldn’t let up until she had another. Until she was so sated that she wouldn’t deny me the relief I needed to survive.

I sucked harder and she thrashed about the bed, but she didn’t tell me to stop. There were lots of fucks and hell yesses coming from her mouth, but I wanted more.

I wanted to give her something mind-blowing and unforgettable. I had other reasons too. I wanted it to be so good she didn’t ask for another before I could feel her warm, wet mouth wrapped around my dick.

When my mouth left her body, she whimpered and blinked through her lust-induced haze. I shook my head as a warning and positioned myself in front of her. Before I slid my fingers back inside her, I pushed down on her pelvis and inched them inside her slowly.

“Oh,” she moaned, feeling the difference.

“Tell me if it gets too much,” I said, seating my fingers fully inside her. I knew it could be overwhelming. Even though she boasted that she wasn’t new to foreplay, not all women could handle a real finger-fuck.

She looked up at me and blinked a few times before nodding. I added another finger, needing to fill her and make her feel everything my fingers were doing inside her.

After thrusting them in and out of her a few times, I added a twist, moving my wrist back and forth with my fingers.

Her knees pushed on my sides, holding me in place while I banged her with my hand, wishing like fuck it was my dick inside her. I pulled out slowly, thrusting back in with more determination with each stroke.

When her ass started to rise and she began the familiar chase of my fingers, wanting more than she was getting, I added a curl. Positioning the tips of my fingers against her G-spot, applying more pressure to her pelvis, and holding her down against the bed.

I mimicked the motion of my hands with my crotch and drove inside of her until she shattered. Shaking on the bed, gasping for air, and screaming my name over and over again. I couldn’t help but smile, knowing I’d done it to her.

My eyes couldn’t leave her. Seeing her in pieces before me was the best high I’d ever have in my entire life. Seeing her limp and exhausted may have backfired. She was spent and I’d done it.

“Gimme a minute,” she whispered, throwing her arm over her face and gasping for air. “Just a minute.”

I collapsed on the bed next to her and stared up at the ceiling. My curse with her would be to have forever-wood. It never softened, permanently rock hard and painful. For some unknown reason, even though we didn’t fuck, I needed to give her the best damn orgasms of her life.

I’m sure Brent the Bland didn’t finger-fuck her the way I had. He couldn’t. She wouldn’t talk about him and his dullness if he had. The problem with my need to overplease her was that she came so hard she was literally spent. I closed my eyes and tried to think of something, anything, to make my boner go down.

Before I let my mind go dark, the bed dipped and Georgia rolled to my side. “Hey,” she whispered and palmed my dick through my jeans. She kissed my neck and stroked my length. “I wouldn’t leave you like this.” The warmth of her hand felt so amazing I didn’t want her to ever stop touching me.

“Thank God,” I said and laughed. “I think you better put it in your mouth before I come in my pants.”

“I thought you were more of a man than that.”

I smiled and pulled her face to mine. “G, I am a man. But tasting your pussy and listening to you come drove me so close to the edge, I didn’t think I’d ever recover. If you don’t put my dick in your mouth quick, I’m going to die.”

“Technically, no one has ever died from blue balls.”

I raised an eyebrow and grinned. “You risking a chance for me to be the first?”

Her eyes roamed my face while she squeezed my dick roughly. “Well, I wouldn’t want that. Who would make me come the way you do?”

“Good answer.” I pulled her face down, letting her lips almost touch mine. “Wrap those beautiful red lips around my dick and make me come, baby.”

Her warm breath skidded across my skin. “There’s nothing I’d rather do than lick—” she stuck her tongue out and ran it over my top lip “—your cock.”

My eyes rolled back slightly before I recovered. Just as I was about to push her down my body like she had me, she scooted down the bed and started to undo my jeans. Sweet Jesus, I needed this. I feared I wouldn’t even be able to walk out of her place if I didn’t find relief and fast.

I put my hands behind my back, watching her as she worked the zipper and opened my jeans. Instantly, my dick sprang out and searched for her mouth. She smiled and her eyes followed its movement until it stopped.

“Don’t watch,” she whispered and wrapped her hand around the shaft. “Close your eyes, lie back, and enjoy.”

I wanted to argue because watching was half the fun. Seeing a woman with her lips wrapped around my dick, taking all I had to offer, was one of the sexiest things ever. Right now, the way I needed to come, wasn’t a time to argue.