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The blogger community is fantastic and I couldn’t have done this without you. Your love of Sinful Intent and my characters keeps me writing. I know you have my back and are always willing to help in any way possible. I thank you for your time, help, and caring each and every day. You’re a vital part of the indie community and are selfless.

Thank you to Rosa Sharon and Fiona Wilson for being my final set of eyes on UD. You ladies are always willing to help out at a moments notice. I appreciate you more than you’ll ever understand. I love you hard!

A writer would be nothing without friends along this journey.

River Savage and Nina Levine - I love you ladies more than you’ll ever realize. Your friendship means the world to me. You’re always there to make me laugh. There are no two Aussies I trust more than you two.

Meredith Wild thank you for always talking sense into me. I know I lose it a few times while writing and you always bring me back to center. I love you and trust you like no other.

To my amazing agent, Kimberly Brower, thanks for taking a chance on me and helping me conquer the world.

To every person I may have forgot-you are no less important to me. Every single friend, reader, and author that I’ve met along the way is important in my eyes. I appreciate you support and kindness during my journey.