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“All that training he went through. He could still be in the military and be retiring soon,” Mom whined before rising.

When I entered the Navy, I didn’t hear the end of it. She constantly complained about my decision, reminding me that she’d always planned for me to be a lawyer. Now that I had left, she wished I’d stayed. I could never win with the woman, and this was another prime example.

“If he’d stayed, he wouldn’t have met our baby,” Mrs. Phillips said, rising from the couch before giving Georgia a hug. “We’ve never seen her so happy.”

Georgia smiled at me as her mother squished the life out of her. I smiled back, glancing at Mr. Phillips, who actually had a smile on his face.

Mom stood and looked me up and down with unfocused eyes. “True, but he wouldn’t have been with those whores.”

“Mom,” I said, moving toward her to herd her toward the door. I glanced at Georgia and pleaded with her to leave using nothing but my eyes.

“We better go. I think Mrs. Jones has to be exhausted,” Georgia said before kissing her parents.

“Thanks for dinner,” I called over my shoulder, pushing my mother toward the door.

“I need to say goodbye,” Mom complained, digging the heels of her feet into the carpet.

“Oh, you’ve said enough, Mom.”

Moving quickly, she ducked my arms and walked behind me, making a beeline for Georgia’s parents. “Thank you for everything,” she said and held out her hand to Mrs. Phillips. “I can’t wait to see you at the wedding.”

Mrs. Phillips grabbed my mother and hugged her. I wanted to laugh, but I didn’t. Mom wasn’t the most affectionate person in the world, and I blamed it mostly on her heritage, but Mrs. Phillips was the complete opposite.

“You can bet your ass on it,” Mrs. Phillips told Mom when she released her.

“You’re welcome,” Mr. Phillips said and shook her hand instead of hugging her as his wife had.

“Thanks,” I said as I held out my hand.

He glanced down and placed his hand in mine. “You’re welcome, kid.” He winked.

Ever since we’d had “the talk” when I asked for Georgia’s hand in marriage, we’d come to a mutual understanding. He dropped his dick routine and treated me as an equal. It was either because of that or because of the way I handled the asshole who ran Georgia off the road, but things between us had shifted.

Georgia walked toward the door with my mom next to her and me following close behind. “Night.”

Once outside, Mom walked in front of us down the long drive toward the car.

“We survived,” Georgia said, lacing her arm with mine.

“Barely,” I grumbled.

“Could’ve been worse.”


Mom leaned against the car and yawned. “How far away does Georgia live? I’m tired and don’t want to drive far to drop her off.”

I peered down at Georgia and laughed. “She’s not going home, Mom. She’s staying the night with me.”

“But I’m staying the night,” she said with wide eyes.

“You’re in the guest room.”

“You better take me home,” Georgia whispered, since we were within earshot.

“Nonsense,” I whispered back and looked at my mom. “She’s staying in my bed.”

My mother’s mouth twisted, but she didn’t say anything. I opened her door and she climbed in. “Hussy,” she murmured as I closed the door.

I closed my eyes. My mother had a sharp tongue and always knew how to horrify and embarrass me. Her behavior had to be stopped. I wouldn’t let her decide who shared my bed with me.

Georgia began to laugh.

I opened my eyes and stared at her. “What’s so funny?” I asked and sighed.

“Thank fuck she lives on the other side of the country,” Georgia said through her laughter.

“That shit ain’t no lie.” I laughed too before I kissed her, holding her in my arms until my mom began to knock on the window.

“We going?” she yelled inside and continued to knock on the glass.

“We better go,” Georgia murmured against my lips. “We have a long night ahead of us.”

I shook my head and grinned. “She’s had so much wine, she’ll be out as soon as her head hits the pillow.”

“It’s still going to suck.” Georgia glanced over her shoulder at my mom, who hadn’t let up.

“Babe, tonight you’re going to learn about how fantastic sex can be when there’s a risk you might get caught.”

“Oh, no. We can’t.” Her eyes grew wide.

“Oh, yes, we will.”

“Fuck,” she said.

“I plan to,” I said, and I chuckled before opening her door.

She climbed in silently and stared straight ahead. I’d planted the seed and given her something to think about. Tonight, whether my mom was there or not, I needed to be inside her.

Mrs. Jones had cock-blocked enough pussy in my time, but tonight wouldn’t be another opportunity for her.

Chapter 23


When I walked into work on Monday, I had the biggest damn smile on my face. Just like I thought, Mom passed out, and Georgia and I fucked until we both collapsed from exhaustion. Thankfully, when we left for work, my mother was still fast asleep. I left her a note and told her to call me when she woke up.

Through the entire Monday morning meeting, I could still smell Georgia on my skin. The smell of her sweet perfume had memories of last night playing over in my head and helped the minutes tick by.

I decided one thing during the meeting. With all the talk of marriage, I planned to wait on popping the question. I wanted it to be a surprise, and right now, it would feel too convoluted and like people had forced my hand.

I’d pick the time and place. Georgia wouldn’t have a clue when it would happen.

After the meeting, I retreated to my office to make a ton of phone calls I’d saved until today. Calling back clients to inform them of the progress I’d made in their case and to tell others I had everything they needed and they should stop in during the week to meet with me about the details.

I’d been so consumed with my work and thoughts of Georgia that I hadn’t realized it was well after one in the afternoon.

“I’m here.” Georgia walked into my office.

I jumped from my chair and headed straight toward her. “You’re early.” I wrapped her in my arms.

“It’s the last week of work, and I just had to tie up some loose ends. We get out early all this week.”

I buried my face in her hair and smelled the scent I’d enjoyed all morning. “I thought I’d take you to lunch if you haven’t had it already,” she said and rested her head on my chest.

Placing my fingers under her chin, I tipped her head back and forced her eyes to mine. “There’s only one thing I want, and it’s not lunch.”

She blushed and her eyes slid sideways. “Here?” she whispered.

I motioned toward the desk with my head. “There.”

“But it’s your work.”

I smirked and put my mouth over hers. She kissed me back, dipping her tongue inside my mouth long enough for me to taste her. “No one is here. They’re all at lunch for another half hour.”


I put my finger against her lips and quieted her. “I’ve never done it in here.”

“Well…” She swallowed hard.

“Stop thinking.” I brushed my hardened dick against her. “I want you.”

She stood on her tiptoes and snaked her arms around my neck. Before she could protest, I captured her lips with mine. Picking her up in my arms, I walked toward the desk before setting her on top.

With my lips still on hers, I pushed her dress up her thighs. Placing my hand between us, I brushed my fingers against her pussy and found her dripping wet.