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I stepped forward, wrapping my arm around her body and bringing her lips to mine. Slowly, I led her backward toward the bed, the room illuminated by nothing but moonlight, our mouths connected as we moved.

When her body flattened against the mattress, I crawled between her legs, laying my dick flat against her pussy.

She moaned and broke the kiss. “Are you any good at this?” She grinned.

I laughed, caught off guard by her question. I couldn’t believe she’d asked that. “I’m pretty damn good.”

She ran her fingernails up my back as she stared up at me. “Just good, or great?”

I shook my head, trying to control my laughter. “You’re going to bust my chops when I’m about to stick my cock in you? Really?”

Although Georgia was young, she had an attitude that could rival any woman I’d ever met. She didn’t mince words, and she sure as fuck wasn’t timid.

“I’m just sayin’ that I’ll remember this night for my entire life. I hope it’s good, because I’d hate to remember you as being the one who didn’t live up to the hype.”

I sat up on my heels and stared down at her, dumbfounded. My dick wasn’t fazed by her comments. It twitched, aching to get closer to her pussy. “I’m going to fuck you so good that no other man will ever satisfy you.”

Her smirk turned into a smile. “I like the sound of that.”

I positioned myself over her again, but this time I didn’t kiss her. I trapped her nipple between my teeth, flicking it with my tongue until she moaned and her body began to shudder. When she started to pant and rub herself against me, I knew she was ready.

Grabbing my shaft, I slid the tip of my dick through her wetness, coating it. I knew she could take me.

As I nudged her opening with my cock, she tensed.

“You okay?” I asked, leaving the tip against her.

“Yeah.” She wrapped her legs around my back.

“Just relax.”

“I’m trying, but if you keep talking, I may change my mind.”

“Fuck, you’re so damn bossy.” I started to push the tip of my cock inside her.

She hissed, her pussy clamping down against the tip. “Fuck,” she muttered after her legs jerked.

“Got any other smart shit to say?”

“Nope.” She shook her head. “I’m a big girl. Give me your best.”

“Babe, if I did that, I’d break your pussy for a lifetime.”

“Oh.” Her eyes roamed my face. “Okay. Well… Um…”

“Don’t worry. I’m going to make sure you feel so good that you’ll beg me for more.”

I had been known to be confident, but the bullshit coming out of my mouth was a bit much. She wouldn’t know the difference. I knew I was good in bed. I’d never had a complaint, and women asked me to fuck them again. I didn’t know why with her I made myself out to be larger than life.

Instead of putting my lips back on her breast, I kissed her. I figured it was the best way to stop her from talking. I eased the tip back out and began to stroke her clit with it. Gliding it back and forth, I brought her close to the brink of orgasm again. Too much time had passed since we’d been in the living room. I needed to have her on the edge, with nothing on her mind but getting fucked.

When her body began to tremble and she pushed her pussy against me, I took the cue and nudged her opening once again. This time she didn’t tense.

As I pushed inside her, I captured her gasps and swallowed them. Her body adjusted to my intrusion as I pushed deeper. Once fully seated, I stopped moving and gave her a moment to get used to the feel of my hard length inside of her.

Hell, I needed to give myself a time-out so I didn’t come in thirty seconds. It wasn’t that her pussy was so tight that I was going to lose it—it was the fact I was fucking Georgia that had me teetering on the edge.

I toyed with her nipple and kissed her until she relaxed.

“Okay?” I asked against her lips.

“I think so,” she murmured into my mouth.

“If I hurt you, just tell me.” I prayed that if she uttered those words, I’d be able to stop myself.

I slowly pulled out, letting her insides get the feel of my cock.

Jesus, please don’t let me come.

I pushed back in with a little more force and felt the air vanish from my lungs. “Fuck,” I said into her mouth as my arms began to shake.

My entire body was overcome with so many sensations and feelings that I thought I’d collapse on top of her. I reared back, trying to steady my breath and find the strength to go forward.

Georgia moaned into my mouth, digging her fingernails into my skin with each stroke of my dick. The sounds weren’t those of pain but of complete and total pleasure.

I trailed my lips down her jaw to her neck, making it easier for me to hear her pleasure. I wanted to memorize every sound she made, the small gasps and stolen breaths—they were mine.

Her pulse beat against my lips as I peppered her throat with kisses. My dick grew harder, which I would’ve thought was impossible, but it proved me wrong. I kept my pace, trying to maintain a steady rhythm as I fucked her.

The importance of the event wasn’t lost on me. Maybe I was a fool.

When I felt my balls about to crawl up my throat, I dipped my head down and captured her nipple between my teeth. I wanted more than anything to bring her to climax at the same time I did.

Finding all the strength I could muster, I balanced myself on one arm. I licked my fingers, wetting the tips before I placed them between us. I worried that the pain and nerves from it being her first time might make it harder for her to relax enough to come.

Gently, I stroked her clit, rubbing my fingers around the hardened nub in tiny circles. I focused on her breathing and mine, speeding up as her gasps increased and her body began to tremble.

“That’s it, baby.” I tightened the circle and applied a little more pressure with my fingertips.

“Oh,” she moaned, pressing her head into the pillow. Her mouth fell open and her eyes fluttered shut as she got lost in the moment.

“Let go.” I felt my orgasm about to rip through my system.

As her body grew rigid, her breathing faltered. I increased my pace, driving her over the edge with me. Our joint moans sounded like a chorus as we rode the wave of pleasure together. Both of our bodies shuddered and jerked in unison.

Her pussy contracted around my cock, squeezing the life out of it in the most delicious way. As she sucked in a breath, I slowed my pace.

Our bodies, covered in sweat, slid against each other as we drew in ragged breaths.

“Fuck me,” I whispered against her neck after my arm gave out and I collapsed. In all honesty, it had been the best damn orgasm of my life.

“Gimme a minute,” she said, running her fingers through my hair.

I chuckled when my insides flipped. “I’m the one who needs a minute.”

As my dick softened, I let it slide out naturally. I rolled off her, pulling her in my arms. “Are you okay?”

She nuzzled into my side and glanced up at me. “I couldn’t be better.”

I pulled her closer. “Thank God.”

Her fingers traced the ridges of my stomach muscles. “Was I okay?” she asked in a small voice.

“Were you worried?”

“Well, was I?”

“Georgia, was I okay?”

“You were fantastic.” She smiled up at me. “Not that I can compare it to anyone else.” She laughed.

I shook my head as my face softened. “You were amazing. There’s really no wrong way to have sex.”

“I thought there was,” she said.

“I don’t know about that, but I do know you were amazing, G.”

“Good.” She bit her lip. “Maybe you’ll want to do it again. I think I need to practice.”

I laughed softly at first before it grew louder and I held my stomach. That was the thing about Georgia. She kept me on my toes and a smile on my face.