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Every girl thought her father was the sweetest man in the entire world. That fact was true of Georgia, but it was a complete and utter lie. Any man who used to carry a weapon for work couldn’t be discounted.

“I want to shower, but this damn cast makes it so fucking hard. Can you help me?”

“You know what makes me hard?” I whispered with my mouth buried in her hair as I rubbed my already hard dick against her stomach.

“We’re going to get dirty before we get clean, aren’t we?”

“You bet that sweet little ass of yours.” I lifted her into my arms.

She dropped the crutches and they clattered to the floor before she wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me.

The cast was a problem. We’d have to make use of the counter before I wrapped her cast in plastic and helped her clean up.

I carried her to the bathroom and sat her on the granite counter, which earned me a yelp. “Jesus,” she mumbled, “that shit is cold.”

“I’ll warm you up.” I nudged her legs apart, dropping to my knees and burying my face in her pussy.

We spent the rest of the day making each other dirty and loving every minute of it.

Chapter 20


Six Weeks Later

We walked into City and Suzy’s on time. Georgia had gotten a little frisky in the car; her newfound freedom of being cast-free had turned her into a tiger and had almost made us late.

The Gallos, the guys of ALFA PI, and our friends from the Neon Cowboy were there.

“We were getting worried about you,” Sunshine said, approaching Georgia with open arms and just about ignoring me. “You look…”

“Don’t say it,” Georgia warned her and laughed.

“Slut,” Sunshine said and wrapped her arms around Georgia’s neck. The ladies hugged each other and continued laughing.

“What are we celebrating?” Georgia asked when they finally let go of each other.

“You’ll find out soon enough,” Sunshine told her before giving me a wicked smile.

“Do you know what this is about?” Georgia glanced up at me.

“No. This is all them. I swear.”

She placed her hand on my chest and laughed. “’Cause if you were planning to pop the question in front of all these people, I’d have to kick you in the balls.”

I swallowed hard, and in a way, I felt sad that she even thought I would do it here in front of everyone. “No, babe. Tonight has nothing to do with us.”

“Good.” She adjusted my tie and tightened it. “’Cause there would be pain involved if you did.”

City had called a couple of days ago and invited us over for a barbecue. He said there would be friends and family and that we’d be celebrating, but he didn’t elaborate and I didn’t push.

Mrs. Gallo finally broke the silence. “Why don’t you just tell us already? The suspense is killing me.”

City and Sunshine glanced at each other and laughed.

“You tell them.”

“No, you tell them, sugar.”

“For fuck’s sake, one of you better start talking,” Izzy demanded.

City nodded at Suzy. She covered her face, slowly shaking it back and forth.

Mike stood behind his wife Mia with his hands clasped over her stomach. “Spill the damn secret.”

“We’re pregnant,” Sunshine said and bounced from foot to foot.

Mrs. Gallo leaned forward and looked like she might tip. “You are?”

“We are.” City pulled Sunshine against his side.

“With twins,” Sunshine added before she grimaced.

Mr. Gallo paled. “Twins?”

“Twins,” City repeated and kissed the top of Sunshine’s head.

“Oh my God. I couldn’t be more excited.” Mrs. Gallo practically vibrated in her chair.

“For fuck’s sake,” Bear complained and glanced toward the ceiling. “Haven’t you people heard of birth control?”

Tank slapped him on the back of the head. “Shut the fuck up.”

“Hit me again,” Bear challenged with a smirk.

“When are they due?” Max asked, rubbing her belly. She’d had a baby recently, but she was barely showing the aftereffects.

“In six months.”

Mrs. Gallo’s mouth fell open. “Six months?” she whispered.

City puffed out his chest. “Yep.”

“Do you know the sex?” Thomas asked.

Sunshine started to laugh. She covered her mouth, trying to hide her excitement. “We found out yesterday.”

Izzy put her head in her hands. “Oh God, no! It’s so unfair.”

“What is, babe?” James asked, wrapping his arm around his wife.

She pinched the bridge of her nose and frowned. “They’re having girls. I can tell. Why the hell do I have boys and they get girls?”

“Karma,” Anthony stated flatly. “We all got the shit end of the stick.”

City threw a sugar packet at Anthony, but he dodged it, letting it drop to the floor. “Speak for yourself, bro.”

Mrs. Gallo began to cry. “There are so many babies. I swear I’m the luckiest lady in the world.” Her lip trembled when she wiped away her tears. “I’m so blessed.”

“Congrats, son.”

“All this sweetness,” Georgia whispered in my ear. “It makes me long for the days when we have a family.”

“You want a family with me?”

We hadn’t talked a ton about marriage, but I already knew I’d be popping the question. I’d never loved anyone like I did her. My entire life, I’d searched for someone to be my equal and never thought it was possible. Until the day I met her.

Even though I tried to push her away, coming up with bullshit excuses, she was the one for me.

I’d pop the question, but it would be a surprise. I wanted it to be on my terms. I already had a ring waiting to slide on her finger at home, but I wouldn’t do it until the moment felt right.

“I want lots of babies,” she said, rubbing my cheek with her hand.

“Lots?” I swallowed hard, feeling my mouth go dry.

“Lots.” She giggled. “I want to sit around a table like this someday with our children.”

I looked around. She was right. Thinking this could be us with our kids someday made my body warm. Being an only child had left a sour taste in my mouth, and I’d do everything in my power not to do the same to my children.

“Anything you want, babe.”

“You two better hurry up and have boys. I want our kids to get married,” Sunshine blurted.

City laughed and gave me a sympathetic look. “Sugar, let’s not push things.”

She rubbed his belly, making giant circles with her hand. “Shush it.”

“Woman, don’t make me teach you a lesson,” he warned her with a smug grin.

“You know I love when you teach me things,” she said playfully.

“I love you,” I whispered in Georgia’s ear.

“Love you too,” she whispered back and settled in the crook of my arm.

I spent the rest of the barbecue thinking about our future and the perfect way to make her mine forever.

When we left, I knew where I wanted to take her. It had been forever since I’d watched the sun setting over the Gulf of Mexico, and I wanted to experience it with her.

She nestled between my legs on the sand and stroked my knee. “Frisco, I’ve been thinking.”

I had one hand wrapped around her belly and held her close. “What’s up?”

She peered up at me with a soft smile. “I’m ready?”

I glanced down, completely confused. “For?”

She didn’t mean that. No. It couldn’t be. We’d been together for almost two months and we rarely spoke about it. I knew when the moment was right she’d tell me, but there was no way I’d push it on her.

“I love you so much,” she said and bit her lip.