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“Your knuckles are bruised.”

Without opening my eyes, I replied, “I got in a few punches.” There was some truth to it, but maybe “a few” wasn’t entirely accurate.

“You did it, didn’t you?”

I reached out and rested my hand on her cast. “He’s in custody now.”

She swatted my hand away and let out a loud breath. “Is this what you’ve been cookin’ up with my dad?” she asked.

“No,” I lied. In all actuality, it wasn’t. He’d wanted to kill the guy.

She poked me in my ribs. “Don’t lie to me, Frisco.”

“I was with the guys last night, and he’s in custody and completely alive.”

“Damn it.”

I sat up quickly, turning my body to face her. “Listen—” I started, but she shook her head and frowned.

“I don’t need you to fight my battles.”

“I know.” I placed my hand on her cheek and caressed her skin. “I had to do it.”

She stared at the ceiling. “I can’t believe you did that.”

Pulling myself closer to her, I wrapped my legs around her body, trapping her. “I want to explain.”

“That you beat a man?” She narrowed her eyes at me.


She drew in two deep breaths, and I waited for the okay. “What?” She glared at me.

“I love you,” I blurted out and instantly lost all the air in my lungs.

“You what?” She moved her ear closer, not believing the words I’d muttered as much as I did.

“I. Love. You.”

“Ohmygod, ohmygod,” she repeated with wide eyes. “You do?”

“I do.” I laughed and grasped her face in my hands. “I love you, Georgia.”

She closed her eyes and rubbed her cheek against my hand. “Isn’t it too soon?” she asked with a soft, raspy voice.

I grazed her lips with my thumb, needing to feel their softness. “I didn’t know there were rules.”

Her eyes flew open. “There aren’t, but damn, I don’t want to be one of those clichéd couples.”

“We can be whatever we want. You need to know how I feel about you. I’ll protect you until my dying breath.” I leaned forward, kissing her gently. “Even though we’ve only known each other for a short time, I can’t imagine my life without you.”

“Did you kill him?” she asked and stared at me as our lips touched.

“No,” I told her and shook my head.

“Thank God,” she whispered and rested her forehead against mine. “I don’t think I could get over that, Frisco. Promise me that’s not who you are.”

“I’m not that man anymore, Georgia. That I promise you. But…” I paused, brushing my nose against hers. “If someone hurts you, I will hurt him.”

She searched my face, finally landing on my eyes. “Fair enough, but know that I can fight my own battles. Not everyone deserves a beating.”

“He did.”

“I’m not new to my daddy’s brand of justice. He’s been trying to protect me since I was a little girl. I don’t need another protector, Frisco. I need a partner.”

“So, are you saying you wanted to help me kick his ass?” I bit my lip to hold in my laughter.

She shoved my chest and laughed. “You’re an asshole.”

“But ya love me?” I grabbed her back and pulled her closer.

“I do.” She sighed. “For some odd reason, I do.”

“Just one thing, babe.”


“Don’t call him ‘Daddy’.”

Her eyebrows shot up and the corner of her mouth curled. “Do you want me to call you ‘Daddy’?”

I nuzzled my face into her neck and smelled the richness of her skin. “No. Don’t ever use that word again.”

“Only if you promise to let me fight my own battles like a big girl.”

“I’ll try,” I spoke against her pulse, feeling it thumping under my lips.

“I’ll try too.” She scooted forward, still entangled in my legs, and kissed me. It was unlike any kiss we’d shared before. Our lips moved together, perfectly in sync, and conveyed every emotion I’d felt since the day I met her.

“Frisco,” she whispered after breaking the kiss.

“Yeah, baby?” I pulled her so close that no space was left between us.

“I’m happy you saved me.”

“I’ll always save you. You’re mine.”

Chapter 19

Set Straight

A loud knocking on her front door woke us.

“Stay here.” I moved her off my shoulder and rolled to the side of the bed. After I slid on a pair of shorts, I walked to the living room and peeked out the front window.

Her dad’s car sat in the driveway. Fuck.

I swallowed down the lump that had returned and become lodged in my throat before I opened the door.

“Frisco,” Mr. Phillips said with a tight jaw. “Did you do it?”

I stared him straight in the eyes. “It’s done.”

“He alive?”


“Good job, son.”

I swear, we had the oddest conversations. It was a back-and-forth, much like tennis but without the grunting. He barely moved; I didn’t dare show weakness as we bantered.

Son. Oh my God, he called me son.

A slow smile spread across my face. “He’s taken care of, sir.”

He ran his hands through his hair and glanced around her yard. “I can sleep a little better.”

“Sir, I think it was the only way it could go.”

He took a step forward. “I’ve never killed someone, but I’d do it for my family. Remember that, Frisco. There’s nothing more important to me in this world than them. I’d give my life if it meant they’d be safe.”

“I’d do the same, Mr. Phillips. I’d never let anything happen to Georgia. I took care of him. He won’t hurt anyone for a very long time, and hopefully, he’ll think twice before he has the chance to do it again.”

He nodded and placed his hand on my shoulder. “How’s my girl today?”

At least he didn’t say kid. “She’s good. Sleeping.”

“I didn’t like you, and I still reserve the right to hate you in the future, but for now I’ll leave you two in peace.”

“Thanks, sir. You’re growing on me too.” I laughed.

“As long as you make Georgia happy and will protect her with your life, I won’t have you whacked.”

“What?” I asked, thinking I’d heard him wrong, even though I knew I didn’t.

“Nothing. Tell Georgia hello and I’ll bring Rosie over tomorrow to see her. She’s worried about her, but she knows you’re taking care of her.”

I crossed my arms in front of me, wondering where he was going with this. “I am.”

He winked at me. “Just not too well, got me?”

“Loud and clear, sir.”

“Good.” He nodded. “Back to the grind.”

I nodded back and waited for him to make his way to his car. He stopped before opening the door, turning toward me and smiling. “I was wrong about you,” he said and tipped his head at me.

“Okay,” I mumbled, unable to stop my eyebrows from drawing together. I knew what he thought. He’d seen my tattoos, knew my line of work, and probably thought I had been a criminal.

“You’re honorable.”

“I am.”

“Keep that shit up,” he said before climbing into the car and slamming the door.

The man always had me on edge. I didn’t know if that feeling would ever go away, but I hoped eventually it would pass.

“Was that my dad?” Georgia asked and looked over my shoulder as I closed the front door.


She eyed me with suspicion. “He hassle you?”

“No.” I rubbed the back of my neck and closed my eyes. “He’s just…”

“Scary?” She laughed.

I walked toward her and wrapped my arms around her, smelling my scent all over her. “Something like that.”

“He’s all bark and no bite,” she said, balancing on her crutches even though I held her.

“Sure,” I mumbled. That man could bite, and it could be deadly.