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Three months later

A week after my parents moved to town and I’d hit my limit of family time, I took Georgia on a surprise cruise. We’d spend six days and five nights cut off from the entire world, but mainly from the four people who made us the craziest.

I booked us the biggest suite I could. It had a Jacuzzi tub, huge living room, and a private deck. I wouldn’t skimp. This would be the trip where I’d ask Georgia to marry me. I’d waited, much to the dismay of her parents and mine, but fuck them. This was for us.

When we docked in Jamaica, we spent the morning at a private resort and basked in the sun. Halfway through the day, raindrops began to fall and we headed to town to shop and dodge the water. Her eyes twinkled every time she passed a diamond ring, but nothing she saw compared to the one I had in the safe in the room.

I’d chosen Grand Cayman as the place I’d get down on one knee and ask her to be mine forever. But much to my dismay, we couldn’t get off the boat and head ashore. A huge front had settled over the island.

That left Cozumel, and I didn’t want that to be the thing she remembered about our engagement. It was too touristy and lacked the private place I had originally selected in Grand Cayman.

We stood on the balcony, watching the waves crash against the boat and gazing at the shore. “I’m going to schedule you a massage,” I told her.

“That sounds fantastic.” She laid her head on my shoulder. “Why don’t you come?”

I pulled her closer and kissed her hair. “You go and enjoy. I’m going to read,” I lied. “Let me go inside and see if they have an appointment.”

She nodded and I walked into the room and placed a call. I had a plan. A new one and maybe a better one, but I needed a couple of hours to make it happen. I ordered her the works—massage, pedicure, manicure, and whatever else the lady recommended.

After walking her to the spa, I headed straight to the onboard florist. I bought every red rose they had available and the flameless candles they sold.

I spoke with our room attendant and made him part of the plan. While we were at dinner, he was to cover the bed and floor with rose petals and have a bottle of the best champagne chilling in the room. When she and I were alone after dinner, I’d pop the question. I made reservations at the steakhouse on board and asked for an ocean-view table. Tonight I wanted no detail left overlooked.

I slipped the ring into my pocket while she dressed. She raved the entire time about how amazing and relaxed she felt after her hours at the spa. Whereas I felt butterflies doing somersaults in my stomach. I didn’t have any doubt that she’d say yes, but damn, it was still such a scary thing.

The last time I’d popped the question I didn’t feel this nervous. Jeanine forced it out of me, would be a more accurate way of describing it. She crushed my dreams the day I caught her with her legs spread and another man between them.

I glanced at Georgia while she finished applying her red lipstick and took a deep breath. She was nothing like Jeanine and would never do to me what she had done. Georgia was everything I ever wanted and more. She was my equal and wise beyond her years.

“You ready?” I asked and smoothed out my tie, giving myself one final look in the mirror.

“Ready.” She walked out of the bathroom looking more beautiful than I think I’d ever seen her. “What’s wrong?” she asked and placed her hand on my chest, right over my heart.

“Nothing, babe.”

“Your heart is beating kind of crazy. Are you feeling sick?” She moved her hand to my forehead.

I shook it away and pulled her into my arms. “My heart is beating for you. I still lose my breath every time I see you. I can’t believe you’re mine, Georgia.” I nuzzled her neck and kissed the delicate skin where her pulse beat.

“You are a lucky man.” She laughed and dug her hands into my hair. “Let’s stay in tonight.” She held her face against her neck. “I’d prefer to have dinner naked.”

“But you took so much time to get ready.” I’d rather stay in our room and make love all night, but I already had everything planned.

“True,” she whispered and released my hair. “We’ll make it quick. We’ll have dessert when we get back.”


I’d be lying if I said I remembered a thing that happened as we ate. I couldn’t recall a single word. The only thing I knew was how she looked. It would be forever burned in my mind. Her smile. The way her cheeks rose when she laughed. The sparkle in her eyes when she said something wicked. Her innocence.

By the time we walked back to the room, I could feel my body shaking. It wasn’t that I feared she’d say no, but I’d just never thought I’d get down on one knee again.

“Thanks for tonight,” she said before slipping the keycard into the door.

“Anything for you, babe.” I coughed, hearing the quiver in my voice.

She looked at me as she opened the door. “Are you okay?

“Couldn’t be better,” I replied honestly and slipped my hand in my pocket.

She walked two steps into the room and gasped. “Oh my God,” she whispered and brought her hand to her mouth.

I walked around her, noticing the tears in her eyes before I dropped down on one knee before her. “Georgia,” I said, holding the ring between my two fingers and inhaling. “I don’t know when I fell in love with you, but I’ve fallen deeper and harder for you than anyone else in my life. You’ve become my world. I can’t imagine a day without you at my side, an hour without your smile, a minute without hearing your laugh, and a second without you in my life.”

She opened her mouth and I shook my head.

“I will spend my life protecting you and being worthy of being yours. I’ve never wanted anything as badly as I want you to be mine. Walking through life together hand in hand and waking up with you next to me each morning makes my life so much sweeter than I ever thought possible.”

I inhaled deeply, trying to catch my breath as my heart pounded and my palms began to sweat.

“You’re kind of babbling, love,” she said with a giggle.

“Quiet, woman. What I’m trying to say is, will you be my Felicia?”

Tears began to stream down her cheeks and her lip quivered. For a moment, my heart stopped until she screamed, “Yes!”

I leaped from my knee and lifted her into my arms, spinning us around in a circle. “You made me so damn happy,” I whispered in her ear, and I felt my eyes begin to water.

“I love you.” She held my face in her hands and peppered me with kisses. “I thought you’d never ask.”

I laughed, loving the feel of her hands on me, along with her lips. Our chests touched and our hearts beat together, quick and erratic. “I wanted to make it perfect.”

“I don’t need perfect.” She backed away from my face. “I just need you.”

I sealed my mouth over hers and carried her to the bed. I needed to make love to her. I set her down on the edge, kneeling before her and beginning to help her undress. Taking my time, I slipped off her heels and began to ease her from her dress.

“Wait.” She grabbed my hands. “I want us to undress each other.”

She leaned back on the bed and stared at me while I undressed. “I don’t think I’ll ever get bored staring at you,” she said before licking her lips.

Gripping my already hardened dick in my hands, I pulled on the shaft and moaned. I tipped my head back and let my mouth fall open. “You just want to stare?” I asked, dragging my hand up slowly and toying with the tip of my cock.

“There’s nothing sexier than watching a man as he touches himself,” she whispered.