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The end…

Love doesn't make the world go 'round.

Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.

~ Franklin P. Jones


Dear Reader,

Thank you for taking the time to read Unlawful Desire. I hope you enjoyed meeting Frisco and Georgia. I had a blast writing their story and bringing back some of the loved characters from previous books.

Typically at the end of a new release I have the sneak peek of the next book in the series, but I didn’t include one in Unlawful Desire. There’s a reason for that. I have so many book ideas swirling through my head and I can’t decide which I’ll release next. It may be another ALFA book or maybe a standalone.

2016 is going to be a busy year. I plan a release for the Men of Inked series, the ALFA series, and a stand alone novel or two. It’ll depend on which characters speak to me first.

If you don’t want to miss out on any news, please join my newsletter by clicking here. I sent out updates often to keep the readers in the loop.

I hope you’ll take a moment and leave a review. Each one is vital. Even if it’s only a line, it’s still important. I hope you’ll be back to read the antics I have planned for Bear, Sam aka Flash, and the other ALFA men.

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This is an ALTERNATE ending ebook.

It’s Resisting but with a different ending and was written for the What If Anthology. It’s not available on any retailers.

About the Author

Chelle Bliss, USA Today Bestselling author, currently lives in a small, west coast town near the Gulf of Mexico in Florida. She's a full-time writer, time-waster extraordinaire, social media addict, and coffee fiend. Currently she's written thirteen books and has three series available. She loves spending her free time with her boyfriend, 2 cats, and her hamster.

Before becoming a writer, Chelle taught high school history for over ten years. She holds a master's degree in Instructional Technology and a bachelor's in history. Although history is her first love, writing has become her dream job and she can't imagine doing anything else.


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Where to Find Me

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[email protected]

Rebound ~ Sam’s Story

Sam aka Flash has a novella that was written for the Night Shift Anthology and is now available for pre-order.

It’s only 99 cents!

When it publishes on October 15th

it’ll have bonus material added!

Here’s to a New Beginning

“Oh my God, Sam!” she cried out. “Yes!” she screamed when I pounded into her.

She was on all fours, fisting the sheets with her head tipped back.

“So fuckin’ good,” I bit out through gritted teeth. I held her by the waist, pulling her against my cock as I took the strokes deep. Her smooth skin was almost translucent under my hands. Perspiration started to collect on her flesh, glimmering in the candlelight. If my cock didn’t feel so damn good inside her pussy, I would’ve licked a path up her spine, collecting the moisture.

“Harder,” she begged.

I slowed my pace. Her short hair bounced with each thrust. I’d give her exactly what she asked for. I grabbed the strands in one hand, gathering them into a ponytail and gripping it tightly. Using it like reins, I pulled her back as I slammed into her.

“Oh!” she yelled as my dick rammed into her, leaving no space between us. She tried to pull away, trying to crawl forward, but I didn’t give her the chance. I smacked her ass with my free hand, landing it on the fleshy part of her thigh.

“Fuckkk,” she hissed and her body froze.

I couldn’t help but smile. Her pussy contracted, gripping my cock like a vise as the effect of the crack radiated across her skin. Without warning, I brought down my palm on the spot next to my previous strike. Again her pussy contracted as she cried out, curse words spilling from her mouth.

I held her hair tighter, pulled her back hard, and pummeled into her wetness. I couldn’t keep my eyes off her body. The way her waist curved in just above her hips, creating an amazing hourglass figure, drove me crazy. Her hips were significantly larger than her waist, making the visual even more impressive.

I couldn’t wipe the dumb-ass smile off my face. This isn’t how I thought I’d spend the weekend in New Orleans. Instead of losing myself in a drunken stupor, I had met an amazing woman and was currently banging the hell out of her.

“You like this?” I growled, soothing her thigh after the blow.

“Yesss,” she drawled, pushing her ass farther into the air as her shoulder melted into the mattress.

I hadn’t felt this wanted in forever. The way she tore at my clothes and worshiped my body was astounding. I felt like a Greek god when she removed my shirt and fell to her knees, licking the ridges of my abdominal muscles. If I had any doubts about fucking her tonight, they melted away as soon as her tongue touched my flesh.

The orgasm I had been fighting since the second I slipped my dick inside her was begging to be unleashed. Unable to resist the urge, I released her hair and tipped her ass higher in the air. Needing to hit her at just the right angle to send her over the edge with me. Planting my feet on the mattress, I held on to the headboard, using my arms as well as my hips to batter her inside with my dick.

Her face was sideways, giving me a full view as her mouth fell open and her eyes squeezed shut. She sucked in a breath, holding it as I moved inside her. Each time she held the air in her lungs, I could feel her pussy bearing down on my cock, trying to shove it out. She was close and exactly where I wanted her. Adjusting my body, I grasped the headboard tighter, using my arms to pull myself forward. As her pussy contracted around my shaft, I dove in deeper, leaving no space untouched. My body hummed with pleasure. My entire being craved the orgasm. The weight of my balls and the tingling down my spine made it clear that I couldn’t wait any longer.

“Oh God. Oh God,” she mumbled as I slammed into her a couple more times.

Unable to hold out any longer, I gave in, letting the orgasm rip through my system. Everything in my body began to quake. As the ecstasy gripped me, my fingers began to slip, sliding down the headboard.

“Fuck,” I roared, throwing my head back and pushing through the burning pain in my thighs.