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She liked the idea. Maybe it had been the night before that sold her on the idea of being caught, but it always heightened the pleasure. Georgia was like an unexplored book, and I planned to turn the pages chapter by chapter and give her every experience possible.

Her hands undid my buttons before she quickly lowered the zipper. With her mouth still on mine, she palmed my cock and stroked it. I flinched and moaned from the contact and warmth that her hand provided.

I needed more. Wanted it more than anything.

I rested my forehead against hers and steadied my breath. “Put my dick in you,” I told her.

She peered down at my cock. “There’s something so damn sexy about seeing my hand on your dick.”

“You can look later,” I told her, grinding my teeth. “Right now, I want to fuck you.”

“Yes, sir.” She pulled me toward her with my own dick.

She rubbed my dick through her wetness, taking her time and moving it up and down. Each time it slid over her clit, her eyes would roll back slightly.

“You’re killing me,” I whispered, grabbing a condom and sliding it over my granite dick.

“Pussy,” she murmured.

“I want it, yes. Fuck me, Georgia.”

She placed the head of my hardened cock against her opening. Unable to wait any longer, I pushed inside her and felt my legs tremble.

Her head tipped back, and I took the opportunity to kiss and bite her neck as I fucked her. My strokes quickened and I dove deeper with each thrust.

“Yes!” she whisper-yelled and bit her lip to quiet her moans.

I placed my hands behind her and tipped her back on the desk. Hammering into her, I closed my eyes and buried my face between her fantastic tits.

The door opened. “Yo!” Bear yelled. “Holy fuck!”

Georgia jumped into my arms and shrieked.

I froze, leaving my cock inside her. “Out!” I yelled without turning around.

“Nice ass, man.” Bear laughed. “Can I watch?”

“Get the fuck out!”

“No, really. I can just sit here. Pretend I’m not in the room.”

“Excuse me.” I heard my mother’s voice.

Georgia’s eyes were the biggest I’d ever seen as I looked down at her.

“Oh my God!” my mother yelled, and she must’ve seen my bare ass on full display.

“Please let me die,” Georgia whispered and slammed her head into the desk repeatedly.

“Everyone get out of my office!” I yelled.

“Oh my God!” Mom repeated in the same shocked voice.

“Want to watch?” Bear asked her, not knowing she was my mother.

“What’s wrong with you?” Mom asked Bear, and I heard a slap.

“Nothing,” he mumbled.

“Everyone, get the fuck out!” I roared.

As the door closed, I heard her say, “Hussy.”

“Fuck me,” Georgia said and hit her head one final time before closing her eyes.

“That’s what got us into this mess,” I told her before sticking my face between her breasts as my dick slid out of her.

She started to laugh until she broke out into hysterical giggles. Her body shook underneath me.

“Glad you find this funny,” I mumbled into her cleavage before standing straight up and looking down at her.

“Your mom thinks I’m a total slut.” She laughed again, holding her stomach.

“If she only knew,” I whispered before pulling off the condom, tossing it in the trash, and zipping up my pants.

Georgia sat up, grabbing the edge of the desk, and kicked her feet back and forth. “Hey. I know what it’s like to get caught now.” She bit her lip.

“Fuckin’ great.”

I helped her off the desk, and she smoothed her dress before I opened the door.

“Mom, what are you doing here?” I asked as I walked into the hallway.

She pushed off the wall and walked toward me quickly. “What kind of people do you work with?” she asked and glared at me. “I thought I could take you to lunch.” She poked me in the chest. “But I can see you’re busy.”

“Hey.” I grabbed her sharp little digit. “I’m not too busy. Georgia stopped by to take me to lunch too. We can all go.”

“I don’t know,” Mom said and pulled her finger from my light grip.

“I want to talk to you in the conference room, and then the three of us will go eat.” I ushered her toward the room.

“Want me to keep Georgia company, bro?” Bear yelled down the hallway.

“No!” I shouted before closing the door. “Sit,” I demanded and pointed at the chair.

My mother held her purse against her legs as she sat down slowly. “What?” she asked with a sour look on her face.

“We have a few things we have to get straight about Georgia.”

I pulled a chair in front of her and sat down. “You don’t know anything about Georgia, Mom. She’s not a hussy like the other women I’ve been with.”

“She’s not?” She tilted her head, calling bullshit without saying it.

“She was a virgin when I met her, Mom.”

Her mouth dropped open, and she looked like a goldfish trying to find oxygen.

“So stop treating her like a common whore. She’s a good girl.”

She leaned forward and whispered, “She was a virgin?”


I heard a loud thud at the door. “Lucky bastard,” Bear said. If I weren’t having a talk with my mother, I’d laugh.

“Be nice to her. I’m going to marry her, and she’s going to be the mother of your grandchildren.”

She straightened her back and smiled. “You finally found someone worthy of the title.”

“Title?” I asked and scrunched my nose.

She pinched my cheeks, and I didn’t think I’d ever seen her so happy. “Yes, the next Mrs. Jones.”

“Promise to be nice?”

She nodded vigorously. “I will be on my best behavior.”

“Why do I not believe you?” I mumbled when her hands dropped from my face, leaving a tingle where she’d pinched.

“Let’s go to lunch and celebrate.” She popped up from the chair.

“Celebrate?” I asked before pushing myself up.

“I convinced your father that we needed to move here to be closer to our grandbabies.”

My knees grew weak at her words. No. No. She couldn’t move here. There was only so much Mom I could take. I had hit maximum overload after only one day.

“But you love California,” I said in a weak voice, still in shock with my heart fluttering wildly in my chest.

“But I love my son more—and the babies Georgia is going to give me. Now, let’s go celebrate.” She patted me on the chest before leaving me in the conference room.

I watched as she walked down the hallway and into my office. I couldn’t move. I didn’t think anything in my life had me as on edge or in as much of a panic as knowing my parents were going to live nearby. I’d moved to the opposite side of the country for a reason.

Georgia walked out of the office and turned to face me. My mother was at her side. Georgia caught one glance at me and broke out into laughter.

“Fuck,” I said before taking off toward the two women in my life.

Six months ago, I never would’ve guessed that things would change as much and as quickly as they had. If the price I had to pay for having Georgia in my life was my parents, I’d deal. Maybe I could get them to live on the other coast of the state.

“Keep laughing,” I said when I took her hand in mine.

We followed my mother down the hallway toward the front doors. “See, it could get worse,” she whispered.

“How?” I asked and shook my head.

When we climbed in the car, my mother leaned forward from the backseat and stuck her head in between us. “Oh, Frisco. You know that house for sale next door to you?”

I grimaced and paled. She wouldn’t. Georgia laughed so hard, tears began to stream from her eyes.

“Your father put in an offer this morning.”

Yep, shit could get worse.

Chapter 24