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My head snapped forward and my hand stilled. “You don’t want to feel me inside you?”

“No,” she said, waving her hand in front of her jiggling tits. “You seem into it, and I’m fine just watching.”

I stalked forward with my dick in my hand and stopped inches from her face. “You don’t want to touch it?”

The corners of her mouth turned up, and I could see a small bit of her white teeth behind her smudged red lipstick. “Let me watch how you touch yourself, and maybe, if you’re good, I’ll touch it.”

I gripped the shaft a little harder, pumping my dick in my hand. “You got that all wrong. If you’re worthy, I’ll fuck you.”

“Worthy?” She sat up. Her mouth came so close to the head of my cock I could feel her hot breath caressing the tip. “Two can play at that game.”

She licked the tip of my cock and my entire body lurched forward, trying to get more. “Damn,” I said, ready to beg for her mouth.

She laughed and lay back on the bed, spreading her legs. Her eyes never left mine as her fingers glided down her stomach and stopped just above her mound. She closed her eyes, letting her hands dip lower before she moaned.

My lips parted and my breath vanished at the sight of her spread-eagled, legs hanging over the edge of the bed, as she touched herself. The light from the sunset streaming through the window glistened off her already drenched pussy. My mouth watered and my cock stiffened even more in my hand.

Her eyes opened and she glanced at my face before her gaze dropped to my dick, becoming mesmerized. We watched each other, driving ourselves closer to the edge. Her fingertips circled her clit, pinching it lightly before she slid them down and slipped them inside her pussy.

I closed my eyes, unable to take the visual. No matter how hard or fast I stroked my dick, it wouldn’t match the feel of her cunt wrapped around my shaft.

“Frisco,” she moaned.

I couldn’t take it any longer. Jacking off just wasn’t going to cut it. I needed to be inside her. Everything in me wanted to crawl in as deep as possible and never leave.

Before she opened her eyes, with her fingers still buried deep inside herself, I positioned myself between her legs. I nudged her legs apart gently with my knees.

“What are you doing?” she asked, thrusting her fingers inside.

“I’m taking what’s mine,” I told her as I bent down, pulled her hand away from her pussy, and placed her fingers in my mouth. Her eyes rolled back before closing. I licked every ounce of her wetness from her fingers before I slipped the condom on my shaft.

I stroked her clit with the tip of my cock. Her hips lifted from the bed as her back arched. “Don’t tease me.”

“Fuck, what were you doing?” I laughed, letting my hardness poke her opening, coating it in her wetness.

Slowly I pushed inside her, inch by inch, making her feel all of me and reminding her whom she belonged to. She’d asked me to be hers, wanted more than I had been willing to give, but I’d given in. I met my match the day she walked into my life, and I wasn’t about to let anyone else have her.

Her warmth surrounded me, sending tiny shock waves through my system.

I leaned over, taking her lips as I let her body adjust to my length. “Do you feel me?” I murmured against her lips.

“I do,” she replied with her body trembling.

“You’re mine, Georgia.” I began to pull out and heard her whimper. “Mine.” I pushed back in, with more force this time.

Toying with her nipples, I felt her pussy clamp down against my dick, wanting more than I’d given. “Tell me you want this.”

“I want this,” she moaned.

I pulled my dick out and slammed back into her. “Tell me you want me.”

“I want you!” she cried out. Her hands dropped to the sheets and fisted them in her palms.

“Tell me you’re mine!” I growled and thrust into her again.

“I’m yours!” she yelled when her head pushed deeper into the mattress.

Reaching between us, I swept my fingertip across her clit. “Tell me to fuck you.”

Her eyes shot open and she glared at me. “You’re going to make me beg.”

“I want to know you want this.”

“Fuck me, Frisco. Make me know I’m yours,” she whispered as she stared up at me.

I pulled out and drove my cock so deep inside her, I was sure I bruised her insides. She cried out and her knuckles turned white as she gripped the sheets a little harder.

“You’re fuckin’ mine,” I roared as I pummeled her, licking her inside with my dick. “No one can take you from me.”

Her head thrashed back and forth against the sheets. Feeling the slow sizzling of my passion turn into something more, my spine tingled and my body began to quake. I gripped her thighs and tried to stave off the orgasm that threatened to rip free at any moment.

My finger found her clit and began to circle in the same pattern she’d done to herself earlier. With each pass of my fingertips, her pussy clamped down against my length.

“Come for me, Georgia. I want to feel you as you come on my cock.” I gave her clit a light pinch.

Her body began to tremble and a light sheen of perspiration coated her flesh. “Oh, God.”

I increased the speed and pressure just enough to tip her over as I battered her pussy with my dick.

“Yes!” she cried out.

“That’s it, babe.” I changed the motion of my fingers, using a back-and-forth motion as fast as my hand could move. Within seconds, she was screaming unrecognizable words and her body shuddered.

When her cunt squeezed my dick, I followed her over the edge. The orgasm that ripped through my body was so intense that my knees weakened, but I remained upright and thrust into her until she milked my cock dry.

She sucked in air, gasping for breath, and I followed suit. My entire body felt satiated and weak. I leaned forward on trembling arms and kissed her lips.

“Being yours has its perks.” She laughed against my mouth.

“As long as you’re mine, I’ll always protect you and love you like you deserve,” I murmured against her lips.

Everything I loved about her would be with me forever. Even on my deathbed, when our bodies would be riddled with wrinkles, I’d think back to this night and the woman I fell in love with.

The one who made me weak in the knees with a simple glance and the one who stole my breath every time she walked into the room. I’d live my life with no regrets and love her as she deserved for eternity.

She was mine and only mine. Tonight and for the rest of my life, I’d do everything in my power to earn that honor.


Six months later

As I stood at the altar, waiting for Georgia, I looked out into the crowd. Years ago when I moved to Florida for college, I didn’t have anyone. But today, I had enough that I could fill an entire church.

Although I would have said that my life was full before I met her, I didn’t really start living until I made her mine. She brought the smile to my face each morning, gave me a reason to come home at night, and always made me feel loved.

My parents sat in the front row and stared at me. My father sat up straight, beaming from ear to ear, and looked prouder of me than at any other moment I could ever remember. And Mom. What could I say about her? I could almost see the corner of her mouth turned up, but she wouldn’t give me that satisfaction. It wasn’t her way. It never had been.

Behind me along the altar were my groomsmen. Using that term wasn’t entirely accurate. Each of them had played an important role in my life. They were my family. The only one I’d had for so many years. City, Bear, Morgan, Thomas, James, Tank, and, last but not least, Flash rounded out the group.