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Her eyebrows shot up, almost touching her hairline. “You do?”

“Look at you. You’re beautiful, smart, sexy, have a killer body, amazing tits, an untouched pussy.”

“It’s been touched now.” She laughed, covering her mouth with her hand.

“Yes, it has.” I chuckled, bringing her hand to my lips and placing a kiss against her skin. “What man wouldn’t want you?”

“My ex-fiancé, obviously.” She shrugged.

“Oh, please. He’s a bastard. Listen, my fiancée cheated on me too.”

She gasped and her eyes widened. “She did?”

“Yeah.” I nodded and placed our hands between us. “It happens sometimes. We give our heart to someone who isn’t worthy, and they stomp all over it like it’s a piece of trash. We both deserve better.”

“Yeah,” she whispered.

Here was my defining moment. Georgia liked me. I couldn’t get enough of her. Could I take the big leap and ask her something I swore I never would? The thought of Georgia being with anyone else made my blood instantly boil. The only way to stop that from happening was to ask her a very important question.

“Georgia,” I whispered, swallowing the dryness that had settled in my mouth before touching her cheek. “Will you be mine?”

Her mouth dropped open before it snapped shut. “Like yours yours?”

“Well, yeah.” I brushed my thumb against her lip.


“That wasn’t the response I thought I’d get,” I mumbled before holding her face in my hands.

She laughed softly and kissed the tip of my thumb that rested near her mouth. “I’m sorry.”

“The thought of you being with someone else makes me jealous, Georgia. I love being with you. If I were being totally honest, you make me happy. I want you to be mine and only mine. I don’t want to share you with anyone.”

A smile pulled at her lips. “I like that.”

My heart pounded so loudly that I could hear it, and I was sure she did too. “So, is that a yes?”


“Thank Christ,” I muttered and closed my eyes.


I peeled open one eye and peeked at her. “Yeah?”

“What’s your last name?”

“Why?” I full-on stared. She’d laugh. I knew she’d laugh.

“Because—” she swallowed, glancing up at the ceiling“I want to change my status on Facebook, and I need to know your name for it.”

“I don’t use Facebook.”

Her eyes widened. “What?”

“Never been my thing.”

“We have to change that.”

“No, we don’t.”

“Fine,” she muttered, rolling her eyes. “What’s your last name, though?

“Jones,” I said and held my breath.

My entire life I’d heard bullshit when people heard my name—Frisco Jones. My mom had been, still was to this day, a huge General Hospital freak. When Frisco and Felicia were a couple, she went on and on about them as if they were her friends. Lucky for me, they were the big couple when I was born. My mom couldn’t resist naming me after her favorite soap opera character. The only thing I had going for me was that Georgia was most likely too young to even know who the hell they were. I always went by my middle name, Frank, when I worked. My business cards even said Frank Jones.

I had become good at telling the bullshit story of Frisco being a nickname, which it was, but Frank most certainly wasn’t my legal first name.

“Can I be Felicia?” the smartass asked.

“Fucking hell,” I muttered before I cracked the fuck up. “You’re a ballbuster, G.”

“Your ballbuster.” She winked and kissed the back of my hand.

“Mine.” I pulled her into my arms and kissed her, sealing the bond.

I didn’t know what made me spill my guts like a pussy.

Georgia had my mind playing tricks on me.

When I feel asleep that night, I had gained a girlfriend and lost my heart.

Chapter 10

The Aftermath

I didn’t have to reach out to feel if Georgia was next to me; my nose told me she wasn’t there. The smell of bacon woke me.

Rubbing my eyes, I yawned and stretched my legs. I lay there and studied her room. Bookshelves lined the room, just about two feet below the ceiling, filled with paperbacks. I expected her to have books since she was a librarian, but the quantity surprised me.

The walls were a dark gray with stark white trim. White curtains flowed down and pooled on the hardwood. There wasn’t a dresser or any other furniture in the room besides the bed. My bedroom looked like a haphazard mess compared to the neatness of her room.

“Hey.” She peeked her head in the door. “You’re awake.”

“I am.” I stretched, taking the sheet off with my foot. “Are you okay?”

“I couldn’t be better. Happy to see me?” Her cheeks flushed when she laughed.

I grinned, looking at her around my morning wood. “I am. You want to help me out with this?” I grabbed my cock and stroked it.

“I would.” She glanced toward the kitchen before she stepped into the room with her eyes glued to my dick. “But the food is almost done, and I don’t want it to burn.”

I squeezed my dick. “What if I said I only wanted you for breakfast?”

She crawled onto the bed, climbing up my body like a cat. She batted away my hand when she came eye to eye with my dick. “I’d say you can have me for dessert.”

I grabbed her arms and pulled her up my body, sliding her across my hardness. “I’m greedy. I want it now.”

“But I have bacon,” she argued with a giggle.

“I’m craving your sweetness, not bacon.”

“But bacon is the greatest food ever invented.”

“I beg to differ. You haven’t tasted your pussy.”

She placed her hands on my chest and lifted herself. “Frisco, come on. I made you a big breakfast. I need you to have enough energy for today.”

I grinned and thought that whatever she had planned I would happily go along with. “What do you have in mind?”

She startled me and squirmed, causing my dick to throb. “Well…”

I closed my eyes and grabbed her waist, stilling her. “You can’t do that.”

She giggled, which made her body shake again and made everything worse. “Sorry,” she whispered, and laughed more.

“Fuck,” I mumbled, pushing her down my body and letting my cock spring free.

She glanced down and licked her lips. “I’m not telling you what we’re doing today until you get out of bed.”

I sat up and she pulled at my arms. “I’m up.”

She looked down just as my cock touched her stomach. “I can see that.”

I flexed my dick, having it twitch against her skin. “You do this to me.”

“Up you go.”

I glanced down and waggled my eyebrows. “I am.”

She rolled her eyes. “I need food.”

“Let’s get up,” I told her, pulling my legs out from under her and rolling off the side of the bed.

“The bacon’s probably burned by now,” she said, climbing off the bed behind me.

I grabbed my boxers off the floor and started to put them on as I watched her. “I like it well done.”

“How do you want your eggs?” She walked toward the door in her black silk nightie.

“Scrambled eggs are fine, but any way you want to make them.” I headed toward her bathroom, needing to clean up and wash my mouth out. “I’ll be right out.”

“Sure. Make yourself at home. There’s an extra toothbrush on the counter for you,” she told me after she walked into the hall.

“Thanks,” I yelled before closing the bathroom door. I hurried, not wanting to risk ruining breakfast.

I walked into the kitchen just as she set the bacon on the table. “Smells amazing in here.”