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She glanced up at me. “It’s the bacon.”

I stepped toward the stove and paused. “Do you want me to finish the eggs?”

“I’d love that. I’ll finish setting the table while you do that.”

I grabbed the spatula sitting next to the stove and began to fold the eggs. “I don’t think anyone has ever cooked me breakfast besides my mom.”

She stopped as she reached for the plate and looked over at me. “Seriously?” Tiny creases formed across her forehead.

“Seriously.” I studied her face.

Morning Georgia was more beautiful than the glammed-up woman I’d grown fond of. “Hey, Georgia,” I said, using my free hand to rub the back of my neck.

“Yeah?” She pulled two plates out of the cupboard.

“Don’t take this wrong, but you look more beautiful this morning than I’ve ever seen you.”

She pursed her lips. “Without my makeup?”

I grinned and let my eyes roam around her face. “You’re always beautiful, but without the makeup, you’re spectacular.”

“Oh, you like the plain Janes.”

“No, I like seeing the real woman behind the eyeliner and lipstick.”

She set the plates on the counter next to me and folded her arms in front of her. “I feel naked without it sometimes.”

I turned my attention back to the eggs, not wanting to ruin them. “Feel free to be naked around me anytime.”

She slapped me on the arm and laughed. “You’re a perv.”

“I’m a man. I can’t help that I love your body without anything masking its beauty.”

Her cheeks turned pink. “You’re really a great guy.”

“I’m not; you just think I am.”

“You are,” she argued, slapping my ass.

I folded the eggs one last time before turning off the burner and removing the pan. “I’m an asshole.”

“Nope. I won’t believe it.”

“So, what are we doing today?” I grabbed the plates, separating them before scooping the eggs equally between the two.

She carried the plates to the table and set them down. “It involves very little clothing.”

I rubbed my hands together as I sat. “Sounds right up my alley.”

She sat down and smirked. “You game for anything?”

I nodded vigorously as I grabbed a slice of bacon from the table. “How can anything with very little clothes be bad?”

She giggled when she picked up her fork and stabbed at her eggs. “How do you feel about water?”

Just as I was about to place the bacon in my mouth, I froze. “Water? I hope you mean a bath.”

She shook her head. “Not a bath,” she said before shoveling a forkful of eggs into her mouth.

I leaned back in my chair, dropping the bacon onto my plate. “What, then?”

She mimicked my actions, dropping her bacon on her plate and crossing her arms. “Canoeing.”

My head fell forward and I put my hands up. “Cah-what?”

“Canoeing. Y’know.” She pretended to paddle through the water.

I closed my eyes and tried not to smile. “That wasn’t exactly how I imagined our day.”

She leaned over the table and pushed my plate toward me. “But eat quick. We have to leave soon.”

“Hold up,” I said, grabbing the piece of bacon I’d dropped earlier. “Where are we canoeing? In the Gulf?”

Grabbing her fork, she gawked at me. “Scared of sharks or something?”

My head jerked back. “I’m not scared of sharks, babe.”

She laughed. “Everyone is scared of sharks. No, I want to go up to Weeki Wachee and canoe in the river.”

I chewed slowly, thinking about the rivers up north and what lived inside. “Aren’t there alligators?”

She slathered the eggs on a slice of buttered toast. “Hey, tough guy. Nothing will eat you.”

“Uh-huh,” I muttered with a mouthful of eggs.

She tossed a piece of bacon at me. “The water is too cold for alligators, sissy.”

I glanced down, picking up the sliver as it bounced on the table. “I’m in. But you’re wearing a bikini.”



“I can’t believe I let you talk me into this,” I huffed out, trying to stop the canoe from careening into the riverbank without Georgia’s help.

She laughed, sitting with her chin resting in her palm. “It’s so beautiful, though, isn’t it?”

“Yeah.” I glanced around and admired the creativity of Mother Nature.

The river hadn’t been what I’d expected. The lushness of it with the treetop canopies and crystal-clear water shocked me. Even the temperature of it when we climbed into the canoe had me thinking twice. She left out of the part about it being a constant seventy degrees throughout the year.

Lucky for us, the river was empty. Very few people lined the shores, and no one passed us as we meandered downstream.

“Pull off to the side up here.” She pointed to a clearing on the right side.

“Why?” I asked, trying to get the canoe to go in that direction.

She peered over her shoulder, giving me a sinful smile. “I want to show you something.”

My stomach did that weird flop thing again. “Okay,” I said through gritted teeth as I fought the current to get to the spot before we passed by.

“Don’t worry. I’ll make it worth your while.”

“I have no doubts.” I chuckled, paddling furiously to push up on the sandy shore.

She clapped and cheered as she stepped out of the canoe. “Good job, Frisco.”

I wiped my brow with the back of my hand before tossing the oar to the bottom of the metal canoe. “Anytime, babe.”

I needed to cool off. Even though much of the trip had been shady, the humidity was unbearable. I stepped into the water, skipping the direct route to shore, and sank down.

“Ahh.” I closed my eyes and basked in the cold, clear water.

“Alligator!” Georgia screamed, pointing behind me with wide eyes.

I turned around quickly, searching in the water as I started to run backward toward shore. “Where!” I yelled, thrashing as I walked. My heart was about to burst out of my chest. If the alligator didn’t get me, I might have a heart attack first.

She doubled over, laughing hysterically. “I’m totally kidding,” she said, slapping her leg.

I froze. “Georgia,” I said, feeling my heart pounding in my throat.

She started to sway and her laughter grew louder. “You should’ve seen your face.”

I stepped out of the water and headed straight for her. Grabbing her above the knees, I lifted her up and threw her over my shoulder.

“Hey!” she screamed, kicking her feet and slapping my ass.

I swatted her ass cheek. “You’re getting payback.”

“Can’t I blow you?” she asked, smacking my ass again.

That earned her two quick swats. “After.”

“But it’s cold!” she screamed as I walked into the water and fell forward, taking us both underwater.

She kicked away from me and I let her go. When she surfaced, she looked pissed as hell with her hair in disarray and water cascading down her face. “I’m so fucking getting you for this.”

“Fuck me to death,” I told her, wiping the water out of my eyes.

She fisted her hands at her sides, standing there like a drenched cat. “You aren’t getting pussy for a long, long time.”

“You think so?” I challenged her, taking a step toward her.

“Oh. I know so.” She spat out the water drops that trickled into her mouth. “I think I taste manatee pee. Ugh.”

I reached out, pushing the hair away from her face before wiping away the water dripping off her chin. “Jokes aren’t always funny when they’re on you, are they?”

She blew the water off her lips. “You’re a dick.”

“I know.” I leaned forward and kissed her. She came closer, melting into my touch.

“What did you want to show me?” I asked after I broke the kiss and our lips were still touching.

“Forget it now,” she whispered, grabbing my arms.

“Oh, no. There was a reason. Spill it.”

“Well,” she said, shifting from foot to foot as her body began to shiver, “I was going to take you back there.” She pointed behind her to the brush. “And I was going to suck your cock.”

I glanced toward the secluded spot and checked our surroundings. “You still can.”