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“Well played, sir.” She laughed.

I gripped her hips, running my thumbs along the indentations left by her panties.

“Georgia,” I growled.

“Frisco,” she whispered.

“Hold the back of the seat.”

Surprisingly she didn’t ask any questions or argue. I pulled her up and put enough space between us for my hands. Before I let myself touch her pussy, I slowly lowered the straps of her dress and exposed her breasts. Panic filled her eyes.

“Relax. No one can see us through the tinted windows.”

She closed her eyes, sealing them so tightly that little wrinkles formed near the corners. When I leaned forward and captured her hard nipple between my lips, her head tipped back, she moaned, and my dick came to life.

I couldn’t focus on my need, but on hers.

Dipping my hand under her dress with my mouth still attached to her, I ran my fingers through her silkiness. She was ready for me and already turned on.

When I pushed two fingers inside of her, she gasped. I started slowly and let her body adjust before I began to hammer inside of her. Her mouth fell open and her legs began to shake against my thighs.

Just as her pussy started to contract against my hands, I slowed my movement and released her nipple.

“Please,” she whispered as I straightened.

“Look at me,” I told her with my fingers buried deep inside her.

She leaned forward and rested her forehead on mine before opening her eyes.

“I want to watch you come.”

She swallowed hard but kept her eyes glued to mine. Her breathing quickened, matching the pace of my fingers as I thrust them inside her.

She must not have liked the speed and took over. Rocking on my hand like she would my cock. I watched her, listening to her hard, short inhales as she pounded herself down on my fingers.

“Yeah, baby. Come for me.” I stared at her, completely in awe and watched her shatter in front of me. Her eyes rolled back, her mouth fell open, and her body shook in my arms as she came on my fingers.

We breathed heavily, panting for air. She collapsed against me and closed her eyes.

Neither of us spoke for a few minutes. I stroked her hair and she gulped down air until her breathing slowed.

“I’m scared, Frisco.”

I squeezed her hips, stopping her from moving because I enjoyed being inside her too much for it to end. “Why?”

“I like you so much it freaks me out.”

I’d be lying if I didn’t admit her words hit home. Georgia had breezed into my life, giving me a happiness I’d never known. Her carefree attitude and ballbusting style made me smile. No one had ever done that before, not even Jeanine. “I know.” My voice was quiet but guarded.

Her eyes opened. “What is it about you?”

“You’re getting your bad-boy fix, babe.”

“I had that with the other guy.”

“No, you didn’t.” I stroked the underside of her breast with my finger, letting it drift back and forth.

“He wasn’t nice,” she whispered, her voice ragged.

“Why, because he cheated?”


“Doesn’t make him a bad boy.”

“What makes you one?” She pushed her chest forward, aching for more than a whisper-light touch.

I captured her lips and kissed her deeply. As I released her lips, I dragged my finger over her exposed nipples. “Where should I begin?”

Her warm breath cascaded across my face as she shivered. “I don’t think you’re a bad boy.”

“I have a past.”

“We all do,” she argued, shaking her head and jostling her breasts against my hand.

“I’ve used women.”

“Don’t most men?”

She had something to say for everything that came out of my mouth. “Look at me, G. I don’t wear a suit to work, I’m covered in tats, I’m older. I’m just not the type of guy ladies bring home to meet the parents.”

“It’s all bullshit.” She peppered my face with kisses. “We can pretend you’re a bad boy, but I know what a sweetie you are.”

I felt her words hit me square in the chest. No one had ever called me sweet. At least not someone I dated.



Usually when they wanted something. Being a “sweetie” wasn’t what I wanted to be known for when it all ended. I’d rather be a prick so the ladies moved the fuck on and left me alone.

“Speaking of which,” she said before clearing her throat, “I wanted to know if you’d meet my parents this weekend.”

“Um,” I mumbled, not sure how to answer that question.

It had been years since I’d met anyone’s parents. Being an adult, it wasn’t something that I was used to doing. Besides Jeanine, the other women I’d been with were just fuck buddies without any strings attached, and certainly no family dinners involved.

“It’s okay. You don’t have to.” She pulled up the straps on her dress and covered her breasts.

“I didn’t say I didn’t want to.” I was lying through my teeth. I didn’t fucking want to meet her parents. We weren’t at that point in our relationship. Less than three days ago, we weren’t an anything.

She crawled off my lap, and I instantly missed her warmth. “It’s just that I talked to my mom today,” she told me as she climbed back into the passenger seat. “And mentioned I met this amazing man. She begged me to bring you to dinner this weekend.”

“I don’t know, babe.”

“My dad is particularly interested in meeting you.”

“I’m sure he is. I’m sure he wants to bash my face in too.”

“No,” she said quickly. “He’s not like that.”

“All fathers are.”

“Not my dad. He’s a calm guy. He loves me.”

I glanced over at her and rubbed my chin as I thought of the five hundred ways this could go terribly wrong. “What’s he do again?”

She smiled that fake isn’t-it-great smile. “He’s a retired cop.”

“Right. I love meeting the father of the girl I’m fooling around with and knowing that he’s carrying a weapon.”

“They don’t know we’re ‘fooling around’.” She made air quotes. “Remember, I’ve never been that kind of girl. Plus, he doesn’t carry anymore.”

“Georgia.” I gritted my teeth and dragged my hand through my hair. “Your dad is going to take one look at me and know I want to fuck you.”

Her smile vanished. “How?”

“Your naïveté is so precious. I’m a man. It’s always there, lurking in the background.”

She crossed her arms over her chest and stared out the front window. “Fuck you. I resent that statement.”

“Look at me, Georgia.” I motioned in front of my body. “I don’t look like a virgin.”

“Did I?” she spat back, her lip curling.

“Point taken.” I turned on the car, wishing I could take some words back. “You want to go for a drink?”

“Do you want me to, or am I too naïve for a drink?”

“Knock that shit off.” I pointed at her. “I want you to come or I wouldn’t ask.”

She picked her purse up and started to rifle through the contents. “Fine. I’ll go for a drink.”

“That’s good.”

“It’s a school night,” she said as she pulled her keys out.

Fucking hell. That made her sound like a kid. “Yeah. Just a quick one.”

“I’ll meet you there.” She reached for the door handle.

“Hey,” I growled, grabbing her arm before she got out.

She froze, but she didn’t look at me. “Yeah?”

“Give me a kiss.” I tried to pull her gently down into her seat. “I want a kiss.”

“We all want things,” she said before pulling her wrist from my grip and slamming the door.

“Motherfucker,” I said, hitting the steering wheel with my palm. “Way to fuck that up, dumbass.”

Not only did I insinuate that she was still a child, but I called her innocent. It wasn’t untrue, but “naïve” wasn’t the best way to put it.

I’d make things right when we got to the Neon Cowboy. My chest ached from thinking that she was pissed at me.

I’d meet her parents.

What could go wrong?