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Without protesting, I put my hands behind my head and closed my eyes. Her hands, piled on top of each other, moved up and down my shaft. Hitting my piercing along the way, which caused me to twitch before groaning.

“Babe.” My voice held both a warning and a plea as I looked down my body.

“I didn’t tell you how to finger me, don’t tell me how to suck your dick.”

“I haven’t felt your mouth on me yet.”

“Keep it up and you won’t,” she shot back and stilled her hand.

“Fuck, I’m dying here,” I whined and closed my eyes.

Her hands moved again, stroking my length, squeezing the tip and striking the sensitive spot underneath. I moaned and waited for the moment. The very second when her mouth would—


The feel of her warm, soft lips clamped around me felt like heaven. She worked my dick with her hands and mouth, trying to take my entire length to the back of her throat. Her hands twisted to the right with each upstroke and to the left with the down, over and over again.

My body tightened.

It was too soon.

I didn’t want to come.

I could feel it.

I wasn’t ready for it to be over.

Her tongue swirled around the tip and massaged the very spot, the one that would send me over the edge faster than anything. My breathing faltered and my muscles began to spasm. This was it. I couldn’t stop it.

Being with Georgia had brought me here. Ready to come too soon and overly excited it happened. The orgasm ripped through my system. Every muscle in my body twitched as I rode the wave. It crashed over me, pulling me under while she sucked my cock like a greedy lover.

The only thing that told me I was still alive was my heart pounding inside my chest. I could hear it. It thumped erratically, slamming against my insides as I gasped for air.

Her lips moved slowly up, firmly wrapped around my cock, sliding off my tip and taking everything I had with her.

I opened my eyes and watched her swallow it down without a sound. The smile on her face, the satisfaction it gave her, warmed my insides.

“I’m sorry,” I said, wishing I’d been able to hold out longer.

She wiped her lips with the back of her hand, part of her tit hanging out of her dress. “For what?”

I pushed myself up and rested on my elbow. “For coming so soon.”

Her head tipped back and she laughed. “Oh, Frisco,” she said, stretching out next to me and placing her hand on my chest. “It’s flattering.”

My chest tightened at her words. “It is?”

“I know this is all new to you.”

It was my turn to laugh. “Blow jobs aren’t new to me, G.”

She slapped my chest and giggled. “I mean messing around without fucking, asshole.”

“Ahhh.” I laughed. “I just want you to know I’m not always like this.” Honestly, what the fuck was I saying? I sounded like a total tool.

“I’ll take your word for it.”

“Come here.” I pulled her on top of me, and she settled against my half-hardened cock. Bad idea on my part, but I never claimed to think clearly when it came to Georgia.

“Oh.” Her eyes dipped down to where our bodies connected and she blushed. “We can’t.”

“I know. I just wanted to kiss you,” I lied. Really, I wanted to fuck her brains out, but I wouldn’t do it. Not without her permission and earning it as she had said earlier.


Hold up.

I stared up at her, into her dark, warm eyes and really looked at her. Even though her age was something I didn’t think I could get past, the woman straddling me with a pink postorgasm sheen on her face wasn’t a girl. Georgia was a woman and one that I didn’t want to think about being with anyone else but me.

My stomach knotted, feeling the same way it had the last time I’d been punched in the gut. The thought of Georgia having sex with anyone else pissed me off. But she wasn’t mine. I didn’t have any right to feel jealousy or anger, but I did.

“That was amazing,” I told her before pulling her face to mine and kissing her gently.

“Yeah,” she said and pushed herself off my body before settling at my side. “I can’t sit like that. You’re too tempting, Frisco.”

“I wouldn’t make you do something you didn’t want, babe.”

“I know,” she whispered and rested her head on my chest. “I’m more worried that I’ll do something before I’m ready. It’s not you that’ll make me do it when it happens.” She pushed her cheek against my pec, burrowing deeper into my side. “I know that we’re not a couple, but I don’t want to fool around with anyone else.”

The knots evaporated and I felt like a weight had been lifted. “I don’t want to be with anyone else either,” I admitted before closing my eyes.

My mind started to wander as we lay there together—her with her dress all cockeyed and me with my dick still hanging out of my pants.

“Frisco,” she whispered and slid her hand underneath my shirt.

I opened my eyes, peering down at her. “Yeah?”

Her forehead crinkled, and the worry of what she was about to ask was written all over her face. “Do you like me?”

“Of course I do.”

“You made it seem like you didn’t.”

“I’m just an asshole sometimes, babe.”

Her hand stilled against my stomach, splaying out against my skin. “I’ll agree with that. But do you like me, or did you only want to fuck me?” She looked across the room, breaking eye contact.

I pulled myself up, taking her with me. I adjusted myself so that I could see her face and pushed my cock back inside my jeans. “Georgia, look at me.”

It took her a moment before she dragged her eyes to mine. She gnawed on her lip as she blinked slowly.

I grabbed her hand, gently rubbing the top with my fingers. “I like you. I’ve always liked you.” I swallowed down the lump that had formed in my throat. I couldn’t believe I was about to admit my feelings for her. “I liked you from the moment I saw you. Fuck, you gave me wood the first time you smiled at me.”

“Then why didn’t you want to see me? You made it quite clear you didn’t want me around.”

“You were too tempting to be around.”

Her head snapped back and she frowned. “What’s that mean?”

“You’re younger than me, and for that simple fact, I told myself you were off-limits.” I winced.

“But it’s just a number.” She blinked rapidly.

“I know. But you deserve more than I can offer.”

“Isn’t that for me to decide?”

“Yeah.” I laughed, giving her hand a squeeze. “To be honest, I wanted you so badly I made myself crazy. Sunshine and City think we should be together, and they made sure to throw us together as much as possible.”

“I know.” A smile spread across her face. “I told her I thought you were hot.”

I straightened my back, sitting up a little more confidently. “You think I’m hot?”

She waved her hand in between us. “Look at you. You’re sexy as hell. You have this Keanu Reeves thing happening, but when he was sexy, not the Keanu of today. But not the pussy version of him either.” She rambled as her cheeks turned pink.

“Thanks, I think.”

“Keanu never had the muscles like you do, but you know. There’s a look you have that I dig.”

“So you want me for my looks, body, and cock?”

“I would say yes, but it would be a lie.”

I started to laugh. “So you don’t want me?”

“Fuck. Stop. You’re confusing me. I do want you. I think you’re sweet.”

“I’m sweet,” I repeated before blowing out a breath. “I don’t know many people who have said that about me.”

“Suzy does.”

“Suzy likes everyone.”

“Fuck no, she doesn’t.”


“She told me to stay away from Bear and Tank, but that you were the one I should set my heart on. She said you were one of the best guys she knows.”

“Really?” My mouth dropped open.

She pulled at her bottom lip with her fingers. “Yeah.”

“But to answer your original question, I like you, Georgia. I like you more than I want to.”