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“Did what?” I asked, trying not to think about her pussy that had tasted better than anything I’d ever had in my mouth.

“Being bare.” She glanced down. “Made everything feel so much better.”

She was the unicorn everyone searched for but never found. Perfection. Where on earth, besides in front of me, could I find an educated, beautiful, and dirty virgin? This was how my luck seemed to roll.

“I know you’re not a child, but it’s hard for me.”

“It was hard for me too.” She winked before a totally naughty grin tugged at her lips.

I closed my eyes and took a slow, deep breath through my nose. I will not get wood. I will not get wood. Fuck! She did that to me. My brain may have been screaming to keep away from her—she was too young, too inexperienced—but my dick thought otherwise.

The fucker in my pants wanted to explore her depths. Plunge deep inside and see what it felt like to be the first to claim a woman. Not the girls I’d been with in high school, but someone who saved herself for someone worthy of being the first.

“Just admit that you like me.”

I opened my eyes slowly and saw her grin. “I want you,” I said in a low voice, keeping my tone firm.

She flushed, sucking in a breath through parted lips that I wanted to kiss. “I want you too.” Her tongue darted out, sweeping across her bottom lip, and all I could do was stare.

I clenched my hands into fists, resisting the temptation to jump over the table and kiss her. “Don’t do that.”


“You’re trying to tempt me into doing something I don’t feel is right.”

“Fuck right, Frisco. Seriously? Are you worried what others will think if you date me? I never took you for a pussy.”

I leaned forward. “I’m not a pussy, G. I don’t give a fuck what other people think about me. But—” I inched my hands closer to hers. “I’m not the man for you.”

She pulled her hands back into her lap and glared at me. “Shouldn’t I be the one to make that judgment?”

“You’re a good girl and deserve a good guy.”

“Fuck that. I had what I thought was a good guy. He turned out to be an asshole. I don’t think if you were an asshole, you’d announce it.”

“Maybe I’m just truthful.”

“Maybe you’re scared.”

My body jerked backward. “Scared?”

“Yep,” she said in a clipped tone before crossing her arms in front of her chest with a smug look. “You’re scared to admit that you may not just want me, but you honestly like me. You’re afraid of what might happen.”

“I am not,” I lied.

“You are. If you’re not a pansy, then take me on a date.”

“You’re daring me to take you out to prove my manhood?” I held in my laughter at the insanity.

She nodded with a smug, all-knowing grin. “I’m daring you to prove me wrong. Show me you aren’t a pussy, and prove to me all the ways you’re bad for me.”


“Pussy,” she coughed, brushing her hands across her lips.

“Goddamn,” I whispered and pushed aside my apprehension. “Fine. I’ll show you exactly why you don’t want to be mine.”

“Who said anything about being yours? I’m just talking about a little fun. Worried you can’t keep up with me?” Her eyes sparkled as she stared at me, serious and not backing down.



This girl couldn’t be for real.

Chapter 9


“I don’t know what you did, but Georgia is, as Sunshine says, ‘absolutely buzzing’ for tonight,” City told me over the phone.

“Jesus.” I stared at myself in the mirror, putting him on speaker and setting the phone on the counter.

“I’m glad you finally came to your senses.”

“I think the opposite.” I ran my razor under the water and tapped it against the sink.

“Even if you don’t fuck her, she’s perfect for you.”

“When did you become Dr. Ruth?”

“Go fuck yourself.”

“It would be a hell of a lot less complicated than tonight.” I dried my face with a towel and cursed into the material so only I could hear.

“Dude, you’re full of shit.”

“Banging virgins in high school was great and all, but as an adult, it’s a hell of a lot of pressure.”

City laughed. “Why?”

“I could mess everything up royally.”

“What the hell do you care?”

I stood there leaning against the sink and thought about his question.

Why did I care? I never really gave a fuck, especially after Jeanine. Maybe I’d been lying to myself and I really liked Georgia.

Could that be possible?

Maybe through my hate-induced haze, I’d missed all the cues about my true feelings.

“I don’t know,” I admitted.

“Look at it this way—she won’t know if you suck in the sack.”

“Shut the fuck up.”

“I better run. Suzy will have my balls if you’re late because of me.”

“She already has them.”


“Nothing, man. I’ll talk to you soon.”

“Oh, you will,” he said. “Go get ’er, tiger.”

“Don’t call me again. We’ve talked on the phone more lately than ever before. We’re turning into two old hags.”

“Speak for yourself, fucker.”

I hit end and took a deep breath.

I’d probably be the one getting fucked in the end.


I thought I’d planned a great first date. I don’t remember the last time I had one. She wasn’t a bar troll or Jeanine, so I wanted to do something different.

When I showed up at her house, she didn’t look ready for what I had planned. Mini golf and dinner, I figured, would be innocent. There was nothing sexy about it, and it would keep my ass out of trouble—and my cock too.

But when she opened the door in sky-high cherry red peep toe heels, I knew I was in trouble. Georgia didn’t play fair. I knew that about her in the short amount of time we’d spent together. Peeking out were her toes, shiny and painted black.

My eyes slowly traveled up her legs, catching a spectacular view of her legs before landing on her chest. It’s not that I typically ogled a woman’s cleavage, but the V-neck dress she wore showed everything off.

Instantly, my mouth watered at the sight. I wanted to taste her skin. I’d touched it before, but it wasn’t enough.

“Am I dressed okay?” she asked. She looked down, following where my eyes had landed.

I blinked and broke my trance with her breasts before dragging my eyes to hers. “Uh,” I stammered, swallowing hard. “Yeah.”

Her eyes drifted down my body, slowing as they took in my arms before traveling the length of my body. “I think I’m overdressed.”

“We’re going to play mini golf,” I blurted out and let my eyes drop back to her magnificent tits.

“Well, fuck. I can golf in these,” she said, tipping her shoes and tensing her calf muscles.

There wasn’t an inch of her body that wasn’t impeccable. Her calves were toned, sleek, and craving to be touched. I wanted to feel them wrapped around my back, pulling my dick deeper inside.

My fingers began to tingle and I shook them out, trying to get rid of my need to touch her. “I’m ready if you’re ready.”

She closed the door and smiled before sauntering down the walkway in front of me. Did I talk about her ass—tight as shit in all its round glory? I closed my fists and clenched them tightly.

I would not touch her. At least not yet. Resist the urge, I told myself. I had willpower. I learned how to hone it in the military.

There was a problem with my plan. I hadn’t thought about her bending over and waving her ass in my face every hole. Eighteen holes, multiple attempts, and every time she did it, I had to tell my dick that it was a no go.