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His eyebrows drew together. “You didn’t fuck her?”

“Nope. I didn’t.”

“Then what the fuck is she so upset about?”

I cleared my throat and decided to spill the beans. “I’ll tell you, but it does not leave this room.”

“Swear.” He held up two fingers, giving me a bullshit scout’s honor.

“She’s a virgin,” I blurted.

His eyebrows shot up and almost grazed his hairline. “A what?”

“A virgin,” I repeated, speaking more slowly.

“Well, fuck.” He scrubbed his hands over his face.

I nodded and closed my eyes, taking a moment to let that reality set in. “Yeah. It’s a total clusterfuck.”

He stood and started to pace in front of my desk. “But then I don’t get why she’s so upset.”

“We messed around a little, and in the morning, I told her I couldn’t see her again.”

He stopped dead in his tracks and turned to face me. “You what?”

I rubbed my forehead, trying to ease the tension that I could feel building. “I can’t see that girl again.”

“She’s like the Holy motherfuckin’ Grail, Frisco. I would’ve killed to have had Suzy be a virgin when I met her.”

His reaction matched that of probably eighty percent of the male population in the world, but not mine.

“You married Sunshine. I have no plans on settling down with Georgia—or anyone. I’m not going to be the one to take her virginity either.”

“Georgia isn’t Jeanine.”

I resisted the urge to do a face plant on my desk. “I know. Jeanine couldn’t keep her legs closed.”

He rested his hands on the desk. “Just listen to me for a minute.” He paused, holding his hand up before he stood. “You wanted a relationship. You’re a lot like me, but you’re waiting for the right girl. What’s better than a virgin? You won’t have to worry about her fucking around. I really like Georgia. I think she’s perfect for you.”

“City.” My voice was laced with warning. “I just need to stay away from anything involving commitment. Georgia is a great girl, but just not for me.”

He walked toward the door and paused. “I got ya.” He opened the door, and when he walked out, I swear he mumbled, “We’ll see about that.”

I set my face in my hands, pressing the fleshy part of my palm into my eyes. I could see no one was going to let sleeping dogs lie. I’d do everything in my power to make everyone realize I wasn’t the guy for her.

Chapter 7


Georgia wouldn’t do me the way Jeanine had. Hell, she hadn’t done anyone at all. I mulled over the words City said in my office earlier in the day.

Before Jeanine, I would’ve said I wanted a relationship. But now, the thought of it made my stomach twist into knots. Any trust I’d had in the female gender evaporated.

I wasn’t the right person for Georgia based on that fact alone. She didn’t deserve my issues cast onto her.

Sitting in my car outside the Silver Sands Motel, waiting for Mrs. Green’s husband to show his ugly ass with his secretary, didn’t do much for my faith in relationships. I’d met with Mrs. Green a few times since I’d been assigned her case. She was a sweet woman, only about ten years older than me, and in a complete shambles over the unfaithfulness of her husband.

I needed to capture a few more shots to help seal her case against him. They wouldn’t be permissible in court, but she planned to use them to get her way in the divorce.

As I tossed a potato chip in my mouth, Mr. Jackass Green walked outside with his mistress, pawing her. Fucking asshole.

She tossed her head back and giggled as he buried his face in her neck. I grabbed my camera, taking shot after shot as they kissed and groped each other in public.

If it weren’t for the fact that they were having an affair, I would’ve been jealous. The happiness on their faces made me long for someone by my side. But when I remembered why I’d been snapping photos, all thoughts of it evaporated.

Tomorrow, I’d hand-deliver the evidence to Mrs. Green and close another case off my roster. This was just one in an endless line of cheating spouses and assholes trying to hide something from someone.

I sat in the parking lot for a moment. I didn’t feel like being home, especially after an evening like tonight. As I pulled onto the road, heading toward the Neon Cowboy, my phone beeped.

City: Can you drop by? I need help.

I couldn’t even believe it was a coincidence that he’d text me to drop by tonight of all nights. The last time City had needed help, he’d been injured and needed me to move some furniture. I smelled bullshit, but I never said no to a friend in need.

When I stopped at the red light, I texted him back and said the only thing I knew would be right.

Me: On my way.

God fucking help me. I already knew I was walking into a trap. Sunshine would probably be waiting at the front door to kick me in the balls.

As I pulled in, I turned off my headlights and let the car glide to a quiet stop. Much to my surprise, there were no other cars in the driveway. I expected Georgia to be here waiting for me along with Sunshine.

Before I knocked, the front door opened and Sunshine stood there with her hands on her hips.

“Hey.” I tucked my hands in my pockets.

“Hey.” Her eyes narrowed. “That’s all you have to say for yourself. Just ‘hey’?”

Rocking back and forth on my heels, I glanced down at the ground. “Let me explain—”

“Save it.” She stepped to the side. “Come in,”

I swallowed the lump that had lodged in my throat before I looked her in the eyes. “Maybe I should just go.”

“Get your ass in here,” City yelled from inside the house.

I turned my body slightly and tried to shuffle by, making sure my family jewels were safe from a possible kick ready to be hurled my way. “Fine,” I mumbled, walking by Sunshine.

She slammed the door. “He’s in the living room.” Sunshine followed close behind me, making me feel uneasy. I thought he was a tough customer this morning in my office, but little Suzy Sunshine wasn’t a pushover.


City sat on the couch, and Gigi played Barbies on the floor by his feet. “You made good time.”

“I came as soon as you asked. What’s up, buddy?” I sat down across from him and toyed with the edge of the armrest.

“We need to have a chat about Georgia.”

“Fuck.” He’d tricked me to get me here, and now I was a captive audience, with Sunshine by his side. “What is there to talk about? I thought we went over this already.”

“We have a way you can make it up to Georgia,” Sunshine said as she sat on the back of the couch and put her arm around City’s.

I help up my hands, halting them in their tracks. “What do I have to make up for?”

“For making her cry.”

If they weren’t looking at me like I was the biggest asshole, I would’ve laughed. “I did nothing wrong.”

“Women don’t cry for no reason.” Suzy pursed her lips, the same familiar glare on her face.

“Sugar, that’s not true.”

“Okay,” she said. Her shoulders sagged as she leaned into him. “Georgia doesn’t cry for no reason.”

“She’s a v—” I started to say and stopped midsentence when City started to shake his head. “What do I have to do to make things right?”

I should’ve stood my ground. The only thing I cared about was getting the hell out of their place.

“Take her to dinner. That’s it.”

“Dinner,” I repeated. “That’s all I have to do?”