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Within moments, her breathing changed and her body grew rigid. As her fingers gripped my hair like a vise, her body quaked and her breathing halted.

I didn’t let up, sucking her clit into my mouth and swirling my tongue around it as she rode the wave of ecstasy. When her body dipped and she sucked in a breath, I knew I’d done my job and done it like a fuckin’ champ.

I knew I’d never be in this position again—between her legs, drunk on lust for her. This was a one-time thing. I’d never fuck a virgin and be the asshole they regretted their entire life.

Slowly I placed her legs back on the ground and held her waist. She swayed, and I stood before her, transfixed. Her pupils were dilated, lips parted, and cheeks pinked in the afterglow I’d caused.

“You okay?” I asked before licking her wetness from my lips.

“Yeah.” Her voice was airy and light. “I couldn’t be better.”

I wanted to say that at least one of us was, but I kept my mouth shut.

As I backed away, she reached out and grabbed my hand. “Where ya going?”

“I don’t know,” I answered honestly. My only thought was to get away from her before my cock took over and I ended up trying to talk her into fucking me.

Her eyes dropped to the obvious bulge in my pants. “What about you?”

I reached in my pants, trying to get it to lay a different way. “I’ll be fine.”

“Frisco.” She pushed herself off the wall and took a step toward me. “I said I was a virgin, not a newbie. I can suck a mean cock.” A sinful smile spread across her face as she lifted an eyebrow. “Interested?”

My knees weakened at the thought of her beautiful red lips wrapped around my shaft, working me for everything she was worth. “Oh.” Seriously, she wasn’t a teenager. Why did I have a vision of her never being touched before in my head? Naturally, she’d done other things.

She kicked off her heels and dropped to her knees right in front of me. My heart stopped before it jumped back to life, beating uncontrollably.

She glanced up and grabbed my jeans, pulling me forward. Working the zipper like a pro before she yanked the denim down my hips and my cock sprang free, slapping her face.

Fuckin’ thing had a mind of its own, and it knew exactly where it wanted to be—nestled in her warm, sweet mouth.

She giggled, staring up at me when it continued to bob. After it finally stopped moving, her eyes dropped and she froze.

“Oh, someone has some jewels.”

“I wouldn’t call it jewelry.” I placed my hands on my hips and stared down at her.

“Whatever it is—” she reached out and touched my dick “it’s beautiful.”

While I loved the chitchat about my beautiful manhood, all I wanted was for it to be in her mouth. I didn’t want to talk about my ampallang piercing or all the things it could’ve done to her. I just wanted to come and feel the same ecstasy that still buzzed through her veins while I stood here in agony.

“You don’t have to do this.” I didn’t mean a fucking word. I didn’t want to say, “Just put it in your mouth already,” because that would make me a jerk, which I was.

She passed my hardened shaft back and forth between her palms and licked the tip. Motherfucking fireworks exploded in my head. My dick twitched, aching for more attention, and nudged her lips.

When she finally placed it in her mouth, everything in the world disappeared. I became lost in sensations. She worked my shaft in her mouth, caressing the tip with her tongue with each stroke.

I shuddered, trying to stop my body from swaying from the overwhelming need I felt. I couldn’t concentrate. She stroked my cock with both hands and sucked it like it wasn’t the first one in her mouth.

Don’t think about that.

I was a mess.

I didn’t want to think about her virginity, but I also didn’t want to think about every other loser she’d had in her mouth. I was at a complete and utter loss.

I pushed the thoughts from my mind and felt the orgasm building inside me. My balls tightened, my thighs burned, and everything inside me was ready to burst. Not even two minutes into the blow job and I growled through the most amazing orgasm of my life.

Through my hazy vision, I watched as her lips popped off my tip, causing my entire body to spring forward, instantly missing the feel of her tender skin on mine.

I stood there, unable to move or speak as I watched her swallow.

She wiped her lips, sucking her finger into her mouth.

Georgia was more than I’d ever imagined and everything I couldn’t have.

Tomorrow morning, I’d set shit straight and get on with my life.

Chapter 6

The Big V

“Did ya nail her?” Bear asked before I had both feet inside the office.


“Georgia. Did you nail her?” he repeated before he plopped his ass in the chair across from my desk.

I dropped my briefcase under my desk and took a deep breath. I gritted my teeth, trying to stave off my building anger when I sat down. “It’s none of your business.”

He leaned back, placing his hands behind his head. “You’re losing your touch, buddy. It’s okay. We can’t all hit a home run every time.”

“Bear, it’s more complicated than that.”


I rubbed my forehead, trying to work out the stress that had settled there since Georgia walked out my front door. I wasn’t angry at Bear for being his normal asshole self—that, I always expected—but I was angry at myself for being an asshole to Georgia. “Seriously. It’s complicated, and you wouldn’t understand.”

“What’s complicated?” James asked, walking into my office with a bagel hanging from his mouth and files in his hands.

Privacy at ALFA PI was almost impossible unless there was a client meeting. Although the office was filled with men, they were more gossipy than a church-lady group.

“Frisco struck out with Georgia,” Bear told him.

James sat down next to him and pulled the bagel out of his mouth. “That hot, pinup-looking chick at Gigi’s party?”

I dropped my head onto my desk, wishing I could start this day over. “Can everyone just leave?”

“Nah,” James replied. “We have to talk about Georgia.”

I lifted my head and stared at them. “Don’t we have work to do?”

“It can wait. We have a meeting in ten minutes. What happened with the girl?” James stuffed part of the bagel in his mouth.

“I just told her I couldn’t see her again.”

Bear’s mouth dropped open, and James stopped midchew and gawked.

“It wouldn’t work out between her and me. I made sure to put an end to it before anything started.” There was truth to my words, but there was no way in hell I’d tell them she was a virgin.

Not happening. Ever.

If Bear found out, he’d be all over her like a rabid dog looking for fresh meat. I certainly wasn’t going to let him have her, even if I wouldn’t allow myself to traverse those waters.

“Are you not over your shit with Jeanine yet, man? Get the fuck over what happened with that whore.”

I pointed at Bear and snarled. “Keep your mouth shut.”

“Fucker.” He leaned forward and batted at my hand. “Get your dick out of your ass and get over her. It’s time to move on. Georgia would be a great comeback.”

I threw myself back in my chair, crossing my arms over my chest.

Georgia was more than a comeback—she was like the freakin’ World Series and Super Bowl rolled into one.

I didn’t know how many times I’d told myself that. I don’t know if I was buying my bullshit or if I was trying to make myself believe it as the truth.