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“I got you scared.”

“Hardly. I’m here to meet new friends, not monopolize your time.”

I glanced at the table, seeing all eyes on us. “After you.” I held my arm out, waiting for her to walk first.

“You just want to look at my ass,” she teased. She straightened her back, took a step in front of me, and shook her ass.

“Maybe.” My eyes were glued to her ass, and I was totally busted when she turned around. “View isn’t bad from here.” Dear God, I’d forgotten how amazing the ass of a chick in her early twenties truly was; I bet I could bounce a quarter off it.

“Hey, Frisco.” A smirk spread across her face. “Don’t fall in love.” She winked and my knees weakened.

This wasn’t me. I wasn’t ready.

So far my master plan of being a dick of epic proportions hadn’t worked. Maybe if I tasted her, I’d be cured.

I mean, it could totally work. Right?

As we sat back down, dragging our chairs closer, Bear stared at me. “So?” He leaned into my space, waiting for me to spill the dirt.

“What?” I asked, slowly turning my head to face him.

“You gonna get a piece, or can I?” He waggled his eyebrows, grinning like a doofus.

I clenched my fist and closed my eyes, swallowing my anger. “Bear, shut the fuck up,” I muttered and opened my eyes.

“That’s what I thought. You’re totally hooked on the broad.”

“What’s up?” Tank asked.

“Just asking Frisco here about his little lady.”

I glared at him, too embarrassed to glance at Georgia. “I’m gonna knock your teeth out,” I whispered.

“Pussy,” he teased, turning around and crossing his arms like nothing had ever happened.

“This is going to be so much fun,” Tank said.

I cleared my throat, finally looking back at Georgia. “I’m so sorry,” I mouthed, sliding my beer against the table, unable to stop fidgeting.

She smiled, looking over my shoulder at Bear. “So tell me about yourself, Bear.”

He coughed, choking on the beer that had been halfway down his throat. He placed his hand over his mouth and set the bottle on the table. “Not much to tell, G. When I’m not here drinking, I’m working with Frisco.”

“Not married?”


“Shocking,” she teased.

Bear shifted in his chair. “I used to be.”

“What happened?” Georgia’s face softened.

“She died,” he replied flatly, sadness all over his face, and his shoulders slumped forward.

Georgia placed her hand on his and stroked his fingers. “I’m so sorry.”

“Fuck.” He leaned back in his chair, trying to shake his sadness. “Frisco, if you don’t want her, I’ll take her.”

“Why?” I let him have his fun and change the subject. I knew he didn’t want to talk about his wife. She was the love of his life. Bear had been smitten. Gone. But that changed the day she was ripped from his life, along with his unborn child.

“’Cause she has a slick tongue, and I’m wondering what else it can do,” he said.

“Bear baby, you couldn’t handle what I have to deliver,” she shot back.

“Fuck me,” I grumbled. “You won’t get another warning, and she isn’t mine.”

“Then what fuckin’ gives?”

“She ain’t ever going to be yours either,” I told him.

“Frisco.” Georgia touched my shoulder gently. “I can speak for myself. Don’t speak for me again.”

“Oh, damn.” City laughed. “She put you in your place.”

“The best night ever,” Sunshine said with the straw between her lips.

“I need a shot, anyone else?” I pulled on the collar of my shirt, trying to calm down.

“I’m in,” Georgia replied, brushing her finger down my forearm.

The tiny hairs on my arm rose, moving toward her and craving more. “Anyone else?”

Tank shook his head. “Fuck no. We’re going to watch you two get shitfaced and see what happens.”

“I can outdrink everyone at this table,” Georgia said.

“No one can outdrink Frisco. Right, man?” Bear asked, totally being an asshole.

Now I had to play the game. “I can put tequila away like it’s water.”

“This I have to see,” Georgia said, her nails dragging against my flesh. “You’re behind by a few. Better get crackin’, buddy.”

“Are you seriously challenging me to a drinking contest?” I studied her face and could tell she wasn’t joking.

“Fuck yeah.” She nodded enthusiastically.

I rubbed my forehead. “I’ll regret it tomorrow, but I can’t lose to a girl.”

“You’re going down.” Georgia looked me in the eyes before slamming her open palms on the table. “Bring on the shots.”

“Coming right up,” Tank replied and his hand shot up in the air to get the waitress’ attention. Thankfully, it was Brandy’s night off.

Imagine the happy clusterfuck that could’ve been.

“If you’re not careful, Georgia, you’ll be the one going down,” I told her and lifted my chin.

“Ha!” she yelped. “I’ve never lost.”

The night was about to get real interesting.

Chapter 5

Shock and Awe

My brain buzzed from the six tequila shots I’d had before I called uncle. Georgia didn’t seem drunk at all. When she called the waitress over, ready to order shot number seven, I gave in.

The entire time we drank, we talked and laughed. One thing I learned was that not only was she drop-dead gorgeous, but she was witty. She’d be a deadly combination to my heart. I had to keep reminding myself that she was too young. I couldn’t let myself touch her.

City and Sunshine decided to drive us home. As I slid out of the car, Georgia followed, catching me totally by surprise.

“What are you doing?” I asked, turning around just as the rain began to fall.

“I live far and you’re closer to the bar.” Her body swayed in the raindrops. “I thought, in the morning, you could take me to get my car.” Her chin dipped before she averted her gaze. Her face was almost hidden by the wet strands of her hair¸ but I could see her smile.

My reply should’ve been, “Get your ass back in the car and sleep it off at Sunshine’s.” But that wasn’t the case.

I was horny and buzzed and her dress had started to soak through. As she stood there with her nipples erect, her outfit drenched, and my dick hard as a fuckin’ rock, I said, “Sounds good to me.”

Way to go, genius.

We weren’t even inside my house five minutes before our mouths collided. Fireworks went off behind my eyelids, the nerve endings in my body became hyperaware of her touch, and my buzz amplified when I tasted her.

Taking a step forward, I backed her up against the wall and kissed her with more force and need than I’d ever experienced before.

The coolness of our damp skin as our hands ravaged each other made her warm mouth even more delectable.

It wasn’t a sweet kiss.

No. There was nothing sweet about it—this was entirely primal.

My body craved her warmth, her taste, and her flesh. As her hands slid under my shirt and her fingernails raked across my stomach, my breathing faltered.

“Fuck,” I said, trying to find air to fill my lungs.

“Don’t stop,” she whispered, digging her nails into my flesh.

Using my weight, I crushed her body harder against the wall, causing her hands to find their way to my back. They inched up my skin and rested on my shoulder blades.

We shared air, feeding each other with our lips, and passed it back and forth. I held her face in my hands as I ravaged her mouth.

I couldn’t take it any longer.

I wanted more.

I needed it.

My lips left hers, blazing a trail down her chin to her neck. When my tongue met her flesh, her nails raked down my back, scratching me. I cried out when my skin broke and the warm blood started to trickle from the cuts.