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“That I can do,” I said and rubbed my free hand against my jeans.

“How old are you, Gramps?” She covered her mouth with the palm of her hand, hiding her grin.

“You’re a smartass.”

She nodded and laughed. “I am. So fess up. Are you forty?”

My mouth fell open and my eyes widened. Forty? Fuck me, I wasn’t even close. “No! Jesus, do I look that fuckin’ old?”

She nudged my knee with hers. “No. How old are you, really?”

“I’m thirty-one.” I closed my eyes, waiting for her to stalk off from my geezer ass.

“Well, you’re not my daddy’s age, so we’re golden.”

I slumped in my chair, thankful I wasn’t the same age as her father. That would be weird and fucked up. “Unbelievable.”

“Have you been a PI for a long time, or did you do something else before?” She tilted her head and studied me.

I grabbed my beer to have something to hold, because I felt off my game. I felt fidgety and a little unsure of the entire situation. “I haven’t been a PI for long. I used to be in the service. I served ten years.”

“What branch?”

“Navy,” I replied, using the opportunity to take a sip of my lukewarm beer and quell the dryness that had settled in my mouth.

“My dad was in the Marines.”

It just kept getting better and better. He’d hate me because I was a Navy man, plus, with my affiliation with the Neon Cowboy crew, I wouldn’t be an ideal match for his baby daughter.

“That’s nice,” I replied, trying to find a smile.

“Were you an officer?”

I lifted my chin, the familiar pride I’d always felt when I said the words settling inside me. “I was a SEAL.”

She gasped, leaning forward. “Wow. I wouldn’t have guessed it. You don’t look like what I picture as a SEAL.”

“’Cause I’m not built like The Rock?” I cocked an eyebrow and flexed my arms, showing her my muscles.

“You’re built, but yeah, just not as big as I thought.”

“I’ve been out for a couple years. I’ve slimmed down a bit. But Georgia—” I flexed my arms again “I can assure you, I’m all muscle.”

She giggled, throwing her head back.

City whistled. “It’s time to sing ‘Happy Birthday’!” He motioned toward the dessert table.

“We better go,” Georgia said, setting her glass on the table and standing. “Can you walk with all those muscles? I wouldn’t want you to tip over.”

“I can do a whole lot more than walk with all this awesomeness.”

She blushed. “You’re an interesting man.”

“More like a handful.” I smirked, waggling my eyebrows like an idiot as I stood.

“Well, I…” she stammered.

“Yeah,” I replied, knowing I threw her off. “Let’s get some cake.” I placed my hand on the small of her back and guided her toward the dessert table.

“Sure.” She looked up at me through her thick black eyelashes. “Cake.”

When we approached the table, her friends called her over and she excused herself. I couldn’t help but catch stolen glances as the crowd sang to Gigi. Georgia smiled as she listened to her friend whisper in her ear.

“You’re fucked.” Bear nudged me in the ribs and looked toward Georgia.

“I am not.” But I fucking was.

“So fucked,” he whispered.

We clapped as little Gigi blew out her candles. She’d grown so quickly, and I thought of her as a niece instead of as just my friend’s kid. She was a doll and meant the world to me.

“Gonna hook up with her?” Bear asked.

Georgia turned her back and I instantly missed her smile. “Nah, man. She’s just a kid.”

“Can’t handle her,” he teased, slapping me on the back.

“If she weren’t Sunshine’s friend, I wouldn’t have a problem getting a piece of ass and walking away, but I just can’t do it.”

“You’re losing your touch, dude.”

“Maybe so, or maybe I’m getting a conscience.”

“Fuck that. Who needs it?”

I motioned toward the bar with my head. “Want another?”

“Only if you do a shot with me.”

“I don’t think it’s that kind of party.”

“Kids,” he muttered and rolled his eyes.

“Frisco.” Thomas walked up to us but didn’t look me in the eye.

“Hey, T. What’s up?”

He peered around, looking uneasy. “I need you to meet Mrs. Green at the office.”

“Now?” I scratched my neck and searched for Georgia.

“Yes. She called in a panic. I’d go, but she’s your client and this is my niece’s party.”

I sighed. “It’s fine. I’ll go, man. No problem. I was getting ready to head out anyway. Tell Sunshine I’m sorry I had to leave.”

“I will. I’m sorry to do this to you on a weekend.”

“Work always comes first. I’ll take care of it,” I said as I rubbed the back of my neck. “Catch ya later, Bear.”

“Maybe I’ll go find Georgia.” Bear smirked and started searching the crowd.

“If you think you got a shot, knock yourself out.” I didn’t mean a word of it, but I wasn’t about to admit that she’d captured my attention and had me intrigued.

He rubbed his chin as his eyes stopped on her. “Dumbass, I’ll tell her you got called away on business.”

I wanted to poke him in the eyes to keep him from virtually fucking her in his mind.

This wasn’t good.

I needed to step away.

Staying at the party would only lead me back to Georgia. Being called in to work was probably for the better. She was too young for me. I was too broken for her, and in the end, it would be a complete clusterfuck.

“Don’t forget to tell Sunshine,” I called over my shoulder as I walked toward the front yard. Thomas gave me a thumbs-up and nodded.

Just as I was about to round the corner and disappear from view, I saw Georgia waving at me and the smile fell from her face.

I wanted to run to her and tell her she’d be better off, but instead I tucked my hands in my pockets and left without so much as a goodbye.

Chapter 4

Someone’s Getting It

“Labor Day has always confused me,” Tank said as he sat down with a beer in hand and relaxed.

“Me too. What the hell is it for?” Bear scratched his beard and stared across the room.

“It’s to celebrate workers,” I told them, shaking my head at their lack of knowledge. “Something you two know very little about.”

“Oh, fuck off, dude. Just because you have Google doesn’t make your ass smart.” Bear leaned back, crossing his arms over his chest.

Tank rubbed his hands together. “Speaking of work. How was it this week? Anything juicy?”

“Boring-ass week. A cheating husband and a couple meetings.”

“Oh, but that could be good. Was he fuckin’ his secretary?”

I rolled my eyes. “I’ve told you before. I can’t talk about my work.”

“Who the fuck am I going to tell?” he asked, placing his hand against his chest.

“Don’t care, and still isn’t fuckin’ happening.” I sipped my beer as my phone beeped.

City: Save us an extra seat. We’re on our way.

I set my beer down, wiping my lips with the back of my hand.

Me: Will do.

“Grab an extra chair. City’s on the way.”

Bear reached back and dragged a chair across the floor. “Who’s he bringing?”

“Probably one of his brothers.”

“I’m hoping to see that hot piece of ass from the party,” he said after he tucked the chair underneath the table.


I closed my eyes and my heart started to beat uncontrollably.


I hadn’t even thought about that. I couldn’t see her. I was an asshole for leaving without saying goodbye.