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“Jesus, Georgia,” I said against her neck before tugging her skin between my teeth.

She hissed, tipping her head back and giving me better access. Her skin slipped between my lips and I tasted her flesh. I loved every minute of it—her softness, her warmth, her smell that was so intoxicating I couldn’t get enough. My hands trailed a path down her shoulders, finding her breasts with the sides of my thumbs.

“Wait,” she whispered and grabbed my sides.

“What’s wrong, baby?” My mouth moved past her collarbone, making a beeline for her cleavage.

“I can’t do thisss,” she stammered, tensing in my arms.

I dipped my tongue between her tits. “Can’t do what?” I asked, praying she wasn’t going to leave me hanging with a hard-on the size of a Louisville Slugger.

“We can’t have sex,” she yelped, trying to pushing me away.

I froze and my stomach plummeted, but not in that good flip-flop way. “Why not?” I stood up, looking her in the eyes. “You don’t want me?”

“It’s not that, Frisco. I want you more than I’ve ever wanted anyone.”

“I would never force myself on you. I just have to know why.” I backed away and dropped my hands from her body.

“Well, I’m a vir—” she started and looked up at the ceiling, exhaling slowly.

“No,” I groaned, shaking my head like a madman.

No fucking way.

“Yes,” she whispered before her head fell forward and she stared at the floor. “I’m a virgin, Frisco. I’ve been saving myself for the right man.”

Her words couldn’t be true.

I hadn’t kissed a virgin since high school, and she did not kiss like they did. Georgia screamed sex, and to think that no one had been inside her was unfathomable.

I clutched my forehead. “Wow.” I dragged my hand down my face, wishing she had been joking. How could this be happening?

“I know,” she whispered and looked at me with sadness in her eyes. “We can kiss; I’m just not ready for more.”

“It’s okay,” I told her and adjusted my cock in my pants. How could I be pissed?

“Do you hate me?” Her sad eyes found mine.

Please let this be a test and not the truth. “No, babe. I don’t hate you. I could kiss you all night and be a happy man,” I said, lying through my teeth.

She took a step forward, resting her hands on my arms. “We can fool around and kiss, but no fucking.”

I kissed her lips, gentler than I had before. “I can live with that.” I pulled my face away and wondered exactly what fooling around meant. “Can I touch your pussy?” It sounded more like I was begging her. Which I probably was at this point—but I’d never admit it.

She giggled, running her hands up my arms and tucking them inside my sleeves. “You can. I’m so horny I may explode at any damn second. Virginity is a bitch.”

“I’d have to agree.”

I tried to block out the knowledge that she was a virgin, but it was impossible. With more trepidation than I’d had since I was a kid, I kissed a path to her cleavage, finding the spot where she’d dropped the news on me.

Her breasts were perfectly lush and made to be touched. She clawed at my skin as I licked between her breasts, finding the raindrops that had settled there. My hands glided down her dress, settling near the hem.


The pressure of knowing she was a virgin had me on edge and uneasy. I kissed the tops of her breasts, nipping them with my teeth while I debated touching her pussy. Before I could make a decision, she placed her hand over mine, pulling our hands up her thigh.

“Don’t be afraid,” she whispered.

I swallowed hard, wanting to protest. I wasn’t scared, was I?

I hadn’t felt fear with a woman since the first time I touched one, but knowing that she hadn’t been with a man sure as fuck made me nervous. I wasn’t afraid I’d hurt her. I was afraid that once I tasted her sweetness, I wouldn’t be able to fucking stop.

With my face still planted in her cleavage, I murmured against her breast, “I’m not afraid, babe. I’m just savoring the moment.”

She spread her legs wider, begging without words for me to touch her. Sliding my hand between her legs, I cupped her pussy, feeling the warmth radiating through her lace panties.

My already rock-hard dick grew bigger inside my already too tight jeans. The poor thing was shit out of luck tonight. Georgia wasn’t going to be a wild fuck. If I was lucky, I’d get a hand job out of the deal or I’d end up giving myself one tonight to get some relief.

I pushed her panties to the side. She wasn’t just wet—she was dripping for me when I touched her.

She wanted this as much as I did.

As my fingertips glided across her silkiness, my eyes rolled back in my head. With the combination of her moans, the feel of her cunt, and the way my prick was about to break off, I thought I’d pass out. I’d never wanted to be inside someone as much as I wanted to be inside her with no chance of it ever happening.

I worked my way back to her mouth, needing to quiet her moans before I lost all control. I swallowed her gasp as I inched one digit inside her. I’d told women before that they were tight, but it had always been bullshit. Her pussy clamped down hard on my finger, and I knew there was no way in hell I’d get another one inside without hurting her.

My finger curled, touching her G-spot. I worked it in and out of her. Her back arched as her mouth grew slack against mine.

“Fuck yes,” she mumbled, spreading her legs wider.

I wrapped my arm around her, trying to keep her upright as I finger-fucked her.

Kissing her as a distraction wasn’t working. My entire body had grown tense and even more rigid than the cock in my pants. I needed to taste her, lose myself in her pussy, and lick my way to happiness.

I broke the kiss and let my finger slide out of her. “I have to taste you,” I told her before I dropped to my knees.

She nodded, staring down at me with her lips parted and bee-stung.

I set one of her legs on my shoulder, bringing my face directly in front of the place I wanted to bury myself in the most. Her breathing changed as my warm breath skidded across her panties. I should’ve removed them before I started to prop her up on my shoulder, but I wasn’t about to start over again. Before I drew her other leg up, I reached under her dress, grabbed the side of her panties, and pulled. There wasn’t time for formalities. They shredded easily, falling from her skin and pooling in my fist.

“Well, fuck.” She smacked her head on the wall and groaned.

I glanced up at her and winked. “I won’t let anything come between me and eating your pussy like my very life depends on it, Georgia. Just relax.”

She nodded, closing her eyes.

I steadied her, holding her ass a little tighter when I lifted her other leg over my shoulder, walking backward on my knees to get better access.

Using my shoulders to hold her up, I placed her dress over my head and moved in for the kill. Her scent hit me first, causing my mouth to water. There’s nothing sweeter than the smell of pussy.

As my tongue touched her wetness, I knew I’d never tasted something so divine. It was probably my imagination, but fuck me, I could’ve drunk at the fountain of Georgia and lived off it alone.

My fingertips dug into her ass and I licked her clit, stroking it gently at first. She shuddered in my arms, tangling her fingers in my hair. I regretted the position, wishing I had laid her down.

Her scent and smell made my brain cloudy with want. Finding her tight opening dripping with need, I cupped it in my tongue and swallowed each drop. The overly sweet liquid pooled in my mouth and mixed with my saliva.

I drove forward, licking harder than I had before, unable to control my desire. She writhed in my arms, pushing her pussy farther into my face. The damn dress was in the way of me seeing her face clearly. I wanted to see her come undone in my arms.