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“Yes,” City replied, rubbing Sunshine’s arm with a dopy grin. “After that, what’s done is done.”

I should’ve argued the point. If anything, everyone should be thanking me for not ruining the girl. If I hadn’t been a gentleman, she’d be in tears for other reasons. “I’ll take her to dinner. I’ll call her and set it up.”

“No need,” Sunshine said and stood. “She’s on her way here. You can take her out tonight and apologize.” Clearly Sunshine didn’t have any boundaries, especially when it came to other people. Maybe I’d misjudged her after all this time. I always thought of her as meek and mild, but she had been as conniving as other women I’d known.

“I can’t believe this.” I rubbed my hands together in front of me.

“It’s happening, buddy.”

“But I look like shit and I’ve worked all day.”

“Stop being such a girl,” Sunshine told me.

I looked at City, giving him a “you gotta be kidding” look. I needed to remember he’d sell me out in a heartbeat to his wife.

The front door opened just as I was about to bail. “Suzy, I’m here. What’s wrong?” Georgia’s voice echoed as the door slammed closed.

I closed my eyes, realizing that she had been lied to as much as I had. At least she hadn’t been okay with tricking me into seeing her.

“In here!” Sunshine yelled. A giant smile spread across her face when she looked at me.

Georgia walked into the room, jamming her cell phone in her purse before she looked up. She froze as her eyes caught a glimpse of me. “What the hell?” she asked, her eyes darting between Suzy and myself. She looked amazing, wearing a black polka-dot dress with wedge heels. Her hair was partially up, with strands falling around her shoulders.

“Georgia,” I said, standing from the couch and moving toward her.

“What’s going on here? I thought you had an emergency.”

Even only after being apart for a few short hours, my belly flopped. My cock instantly hardened. Too bad—no matter what, I wasn’t going to get any action.

“I did have an emergency. A love emergency.” Sunshine approached Georgia, giggling louder the closer she came.

“Suzy. I don’t like being tricked.”

“You weren’t.” Sunshine wrapped her arms around a stiff-backed Georgia. “Frisco dropped by and said he wanted to take you to dinner.”

My mouth fell open and my eyes grew wide at her statement. I’d always underestimated little Suzy Sunshine. We were both being tricked into this situation.

“He did?” Georgia whispered, peering at me over Sunshine’s shoulder.

Snapping my mouth closed, I nodded like the fucking idiot I always seemed to turn into when she was around.

Sunshine grabbed Georgia by the shoulders. “Let him buy you a nice dinner and make up for being an asshole.”

My eyes darted to City. “What the fuck?” I mouthed.

He shrugged before laughing softly.

“He wasn’t really an asshole.” Georgia’s eyes found me, soft and warm.

“Don’t ruin this,” Suzy whispered back but not softly enough that I didn’t hear.

Moments like these made me thankful I didn’t grow up with sisters.

“Georgia, I’d love to take you to dinner.”

Sunshine turned, giving me a smile over her shoulder. I wouldn’t forget that she’d hustled me. Someday, I’d find a way to return the favor.

“You don’t have to, Frisco.” Georgia stepped forward and stopped a few feet from me.

“I haven’t eaten, and you’ve come all this way. It’s the least I can do.”

“Don’t put yourself out or anything.”

I shook my head, realizing I sounded like an asshole. Again. It was my thing lately. “That’s not how I meant it. Fuck, you make me nervous.” My cheeks filled with air before I exhaled.

“Daddy, can you read me a story?” Gigi asked City, tugging on his pant leg and breaking the tension in the room.

City picked her up, placing her in his lap before kissing her chubby cheeks. “Sure, baby. As soon as our company leaves.”

I walked toward Georgia and held my hand out. “Please. I’d love to take you to dinner. Will you allow me the pleasure of your company?”

She slid her palm into mine and smiled softly. “I’d love to go to dinner with you.”

“You two go have some fun and get to know each other,” Sunshine said.

“I think I know a lot already,” I said, smirking at Georgia.

Her cheeks turned pink and she averted her eyes. “Um…” she mumbled.

I leaned to the side, bringing my lips toward Sunshine’s ear. “I’ll get you for this, Sunny,” I told her in a quiet tone.

“Okay. You better go. It’s a school night. You don’t want to keep G out too late.”

For fuck’s sake.

If I didn’t already feel like a cradle robber, reminding me that she had school tomorrow made me feel dirty. So dirty I didn’t know if I’d be able to scrub that image from my mind.

“Have fun, kids,” City said as we started walking toward the front door.

“Got it, Pops,” I called out over my shoulder.

Next time I saw him, we were having some words about getting into other people’s business. Wife or not, it wasn’t his place.

“Have fun,” Sunshine said before we walked outside.

I stopped on the stoop, still holding Georgia’s hand. “You don’t have to come to dinner with me.”

She hung her head and my heart instantly tugged. “You don’t have to go out with me.”

I touched her chin, bringing her eyes to mine. “Georgia.” I waited for her to look at me. “I’d love to take you to dinner. I’m sorry for the way things ended. We can at least be friends. Right?”

But how? I still remembered how she tasted, how she felt in my mouth, and the sound of her moans when she came. How could I do the friends thing?

She nodded and sighed. “We can be friends.”

“Good. Do you want to drive with me or follow me?”

She pulled away from my touch. “I’ll follow you.”

“Where to?” I asked, glancing toward my car, feeling uncomfortable.

“I need a drink, really. There’s a bar down the street. Is that okay?”

“You remember what happened last time we had a few drinks?” I asked, fishing my keys out of my pocket and adjusting my already hardening dick with my fingertips.

“I do.” She giggle-snorted. “It’s kind of unforgettable.”

I’d say. “Just follow me,” I said.

Tonight wouldn’t be easy.

Chapter 8


“I get why you don’t want to see me,” Georgia said before taking a sip of her beer.

My stomach back flipped. “It’s not that I don’t want to see you.” I placed my hands flat on the table, rubbing the surface. “I just don’t think I’m right for you, G.”

“You aren’t,” she said around the rim of the glass. “I know that.” Her eyes twinkled, the dark brown sparkling like stars in the darkest sky.


She stared at me and played with the rim of her glass. “You think of me as a kid, don’t you?”

I had to be truthful. “I do. I’m sorry.” I leaned back in the chair, stretching my legs out underneath the table.

“When you had your hands in my pants, did I feel like a little girl?” she asked with a playful smile.

I coughed, almost choking on my own saliva. “Didn’t help that you’re smooth as a baby’s ass down there, babe.”

She rolled her eyes. “I heard it makes everything more sensitive.”

The choking came back, this time more violent. “Fuck,” I said with a strangled voice, adjusting my ever-growing cock in my pants, and tried to clear my throat.

“It did, you know.”