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Quickly after I'd parted the slightly pouting lips, and saw the soft shine on the crimson surface of the oval gap between her white thighs, I threw off my clothes, saying, — “Lay still love,” and gazing at the shrine whilst I divested myself, then lifted my shirt, and shewing the ruby tipped standard, — “Feel it,” I said. — Quickly she rose and grasped it. — “Oh — ohoo. I'm glad you like me,” said she innocently. “Shall I get on the bed?” — On it she got, then throwing off my shirt I laid beside her, felt her smooth flesh all over, fingered her privates from bumhole to clitoris, frigged till she murmured, “Oh — do it — do” — then fucked her. Fucked too quickly, — for my balls were full that night — in her delicious lubricious avenue — flooded the tight little cunt too rapidly alas. — But she spent with me, and as I afterwards lay up her, — “You haven't been fucked for some time.” — “Five weeks last Sun-day, don't pull it out” and she clasped me tight — “You'll get with child.” — “I don't care now.” — “Are you quite well there” — feeling round my prick. — “Quite, why it's my first night.”

The carnal junction of man and woman alas cannot last long, tho I'll swear that with some I've kept my prick in them for twenty minutes after our pleasure ceased. I uncunted, we washed, put on shirt and chemise, then sitting her naked bum upon my knees, and twiddling her freshened notch, we talked.

She was from S***d*n, had served at the refreshment bar there. A gentleman wooed, won, fucked, and deserted her. Then his friend offered to keep her, after shamming an endeavour to make her seducer do his duty to her (so he said) and failed. She tired of selling jam tarts, and wanting more fucking (as she owned) wouldn't be kept openly but met him on the sly until her courses stopped. Then fear came on her, and this man also meanly left her to her trouble. Then a gay woman whom she had known before she was gay, and who came there to see her relatives, enabled her to over-come the catamenial obstacle. But her parents suspected, abused, and were unkind to her, so to town she'd fled that very morning. The rooms had been taken for her by her gay London friend, who'd paid the first week's rent for her and met her at the station. — It was she who was standing on the pavement with her. This was her first night of a harlot's calling, and I the first man who for money paid down had fucked her. All was told me readily, rapidly, almost without question from me, every thing pointed to its truth — I believed, and believe it still.

I was charmed with her simple manner, with the novel way she handled my tool. — Yes, mine was the third man's prick she'd ever seen — of course she'd seen little boys' cocks. — “Oh yes — you may do it again as often as you like — Yes, I'd like it.” — Again we joined our bodies in blissful unity, now I glued my lips to hers, and our tongues met — she was so fresh and sweet, and nice — our tongues muffled our murmurs of pleasure, till I withdrew my lips from hers, then vomited lewed words and phrases. — The desire to utter such came suddenly as it sometimes does when I'm fucking. — “Oho — aharr — re.” She sobbed out as she heard my ribaldry and she clutched me tight, her cunt heaved up, her buttocks quivered — I'd fetched her at once.

Still physically joined, her lubricated temple still with its lubricator within it, we talked. — Neither of her two friends ever uttered a “smutty word” whilst poking. — “It made me do it directly you said them.” — Then I left her tho she implored me to stop all night. — “I mean to try to get one or two good friends if I can and be content — for I'm sure I shan't like the life,” said she. “Why I must go out again, and it's raining, I don't like that.”

I wouldn't promise to revisit her. She entreated me to do so. — “Give me anything you like, I shall be glad to see you for you're my first friend here — I know no one but Polly *** who lives close by.” But I was along way off from my usual track, gave her double my fee, but promised nothing.

Her freshness, beauty, tight little slightly haired cunt, and her simplicity, dwelt in my mind. — Rarely have I had such a novelty — tho I have had two other women on their first nights as pavй nymphs — and a few days after I telegraphed and went to her. — She awaited me much pleased, I passed a pleasant evening and fucked her thrice. She'd had luck, her friend had said she would when she told her about my doings. — She'd re-paid her friend the rent money, had got some gold saved, was going to live for a month with a man in chambers — mentioned the Inns of Court but would not tell his name, nor did I press it. If he left her then, he was to give her twenty pounds for dress, and pay a week's lodgings at C***s*a. She could then go to places where she'd see a better class of men, he'd told her, but she hoped he'd keep her. — Strange it seemed to me that even in that ten days' experience, she had gathered somewhat of the tone of a professional fuckstress — or was it fancy? — I never saw her afterwards. — Telling H*l*n of her, she said the tale was very probable. — This girl had lightish brown hair, soft hazel eyes, an unusually large bum, and unusually small slightly haired, pretty-shaped cunt. She was seventeen.

Chapter III

H*l*n's poor lover. • More lapunarial experiences. • The three graces. • Isabel selected. • The lavabo. • Isabel, Zora, Theo, Eugenie and Leda. • Hands, prick, and three cunts occupied. • A spermatic orgy. • Two giantesses. • Egyptienne and Judith. • An overflowing ballocks.

Then I saw H. at longer intervals, for reasons of no interest now — and had her after her lover as I must call him, whose name and family I was told, didn't believe, but found by mere chance to be actually true. — Born of wealthy parents, educated at Cambridge, inheriting a fortune, he spent it on women and H*l*n had her share. Beyond this the man had not a vice. — His family allowed him thirty shillings a week, he lived on it as well as he could and would have married her on that. He did also law writing. — He doted on H. — was her go-between, ordered, paid, borrowed, pawned, and did for her anything, everything she asked him. He gave her his money if she wanted any for he adored her, his compensation being to fuck her on the sly for love. — I often felt sorry for the man who was both in voice, manner, and even in dress a gentleman.

Then in winter I went again to * * * * for a longish stay and the lapunar saw me frequently, much more than before or since. — I have notes of about forty or fifty couples fucking, and perhaps of a hundred and fifty spermatized cunts — but they were brief notes. Half a dozen incidents spread over two years alone I retain almost word for word as I wrote them. I have never departed from my habit of writing accounts of my erotic pleasures.

On my first visit to the lapunar I went to the saloon. As I entered the outer room, there were three girls standing naked like the three graces, and talking to-gether. — Looking thro the open door at a looking glass, I saw reflected a dozen nudities in the saloon itself. The rump of one of the graces attracted me, and in a minute she was with me in the room on the entresol — a favorite room of mine.

She was a shortish well-formed woman of five and twenty, judging from the dark hair on her quim, which spread widening out halfway to her navel, then with a diminishing line running up towards her navel. I have seen hair growing like that up from a man's motte, but rarely in a woman. I didn't like it, and it set me for a minute a little against her. But her face was pretty, she was talkative, obliging, and by the time I had laid on the bed and she had gamahuched me a little, I was contented. — We talked about women I had known in that house, at intervals she sucked my cock, shewed me her cunt, and we indulged in other fornicating preliminaries.