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When I first followed her I wanted to grope her, but she refused it. I got however one hand upon her thigh, the crisp hair of her quim touched my finger, and the feel of her tho slight and but for an instant only, made me thoroughly randy. As I followed her, I thought of her make and possible perfections, as I usually do when I follow a woman. From her walk I guessed she'd good limbs and a fat bum, my cock stood rigidly, pleasurably, and directly I'd crossed the bridge, with one of my old erotic whims I pulled it out of my trowsers, and went along with it sticking out naked. The lewedness of the act pleased me much, absurd as it seems. Hearing someone or something approaching, hastily I tucked it in, but it was only a donkey, I fancy tethered. Then as the distance increased and I grew anxious, my John Thomas drooped, and remained so till she stopped, when desire rose again. There was a huge piece of rock close by there, and I suggested an up-righter against it, but she wouldn't hear of such a thing. On we went now side by side. I was about to refuse going further, when a building of Swiss type appeared on a little eminence about a hundred feet from the river. The light in two windows gladdened me, tho I didn't like to be in that lonely spot with a stranger at that time of night. There was seemingly a balcony all round it as is customary in those chalets. A big man, who was, as well as I could see in the darkness, sitting aginst the steps leading up to it, was smoking a pipe, and apparently took no notice of us, yet I didn't like his being there. Up the steps she went, I following on to the balcony, from which she opened a door into a large bedroom, meanly and coarsely furnished, tho there was everything needed for convenience, and a large common lamp alight. I complained that the light was not enough, whereon without reply she sought and lighted a candle. It was an angle room with windows on two sides, on one side only were short white curtains. The gaunt, naked look of the place, and the noise made by our feet on the naked wooden floor, the complete silence she observed, the gloom seen thro the uncurtained windows, and the roar of the river, I confess made me most uncomfortable — I wished I hadn't come and resolved to pay her and leave.

“What shall I do?” said she, taking off her bonnet. They were the first words she'd uttered in the room “Let me feel your cunt and then I'll go,” said I. — “I'll take off my things first,” and she began to undress herself quickly. — Her face was very handsome, she had dark hair and luminous dark eyes, and as she pulled off her gown she showed such a fine pair of arms that I forgot my fears, touched them, and then let her strip to her chemise. — She sat down and piddled, then washed her quim, then pulled her stockings well up under her garters, and disclosed a very handsome form with thick bushes of dark hair in her armpits. Then to my question she said she was twenty-five.

Then I wanted to see her quim more plainly, but she resisted that a little, nor would she let me bring the light to it. — She didn't like to be looked at “in that vulgar way.” She'd unbuttoned my trowsers and got my prick out, and as soon as it was in her hand said, — “Aha — baisez moi, cheri” — and lain down on the bed, but somehow a feeling came over me that I'd bet-ter not have her, said I wouldn't, put down her money, and said I'd leave. — “Oh! come all this way without kissing me? that you shan't” — Getting off the bed she came to me, put the money first into a drawer, then throwing an arm round me kissed me and felt my cock. “Are you quite well? if you're not quite sure, if there are any of your monthlies about, tell me, you've got the money, and I am quite content.”

She was perfectly well, she replied. “Kiss me — come — you've paid me — is it likely I'd let you do it if I wasn't well? — Oh — kiss me, come take off your things, you're a fine man, you've made me want it so, baisez moi, cheri” — and laying down she lifted her chemise to her armpits. I saw a fine bust, large thighs, a dark haired motte, desire returned, I threw off coat and waistcoat, with my trowsers on mounted her and in a few minutes had filled her quim with sperm. She enjoyed the embrace as much as I had.

She wanted to keep me in her, but I rose and washed, she washing directly afterwards, then she laid hold of my prick, looked at it, kissed it, and invited me to have her again. I didn't want that, and asked her a few questions. She was so pressing for me to have her that it surprised me. — “You're fucked every day, I sup-pose.” — “No” — she wasn't a gay woman. “Tho you think I am.” — Indeed I did, and do yet, tho she hadn't quite the manner of a Paphian. — I insisted on going. — She said I shouldn't — “What! refuse a lady when she asks you? — oh fie.” — Yielding a little I said, “Let me see you quite naked.” — “You shall.” Off went her chemise and she laid down naked, but it was chilly and I let her put it on again. — I went to the side of the bed with my prick hanging. — “See, I can't.” — “You will in a minute.” — “You will have to suck it then.” — For a minute she looked me full in the face without speaking, then took it in her mouth, I put my fingers on her cunt, and the joint effect was instantaneous — it stiffened. — “There,” said she triumphantly. “Baisez moi.” She laid down opening her thighs wide at once, hurriedly, as if her cunt was longing. — In another minute her cunt lips were round my propagator, and soon after we were blissfully spending. She seemed to have intense pleasure in the fuck, more than in the first.

She wanted me to stay all night — then to fuck her again, — it should cost me nothing more, — but away I went along the lonely road to my hotel, and was glad to get there. — Two days after I had a clap. — Incensed, I was fool enough to go to the chalet. — A man there — I suppose the proprietor — said that Mrs. * * * * had left the day after I'd been there.

I had been sitting on a wet stone the day before, which might have irritated my bladder. I hoped it was so. “Pogh,” said the doctor. “It's not caused by a cold wet stone, but a hot wet something else.” — Yet it might have been that cold wet stone, My discharge was awfully copious, more so than from any clap I ever had, yet in a fortnight I'd got sufficiently cured to resume fucking. I never got cured so quickly before, and it must be fifteen years since I had that ailment. — On my return, I stopped a week or two at P****s and then again visited the lapunar. The personnel of the house was the same, and the chambermaid seemed delighted to see me — I had a long conversation with her, and tipped her a napoleon — a nap well spent for me and on the sly of course — for I believe that employees in these bordellos are supposed to hand over gratuities — I think so from the secrecy I've been asked to observe by the recipients when I've given them — the door-keepers excepted, who openly expect, ask at times, and take. — Whether they put that into the hands of the sous-maitresse, or patronne, or not, I can't say, nor do I know if Frenchmen who have the women at the tariff (prix fixe) give the servants any-thing — certainly they give presents to the women they stroke, but not as much as foreigners do. — Garter money the Paphians call it, and if it be gold or silver always slip it under their garters into their stockings. What English and Americans give I can't say, having seen but few there — and expect that for good reasons those nationalities were rarely shown into the room with the peephole when I was peeping.

The chambermaid was called up to, who asked me, “Which is it to be?” and making a circle with finger and thumb put it to her eye — I understood — she implied peephole by that. — “No, foutre,” said I. — Then altering my mind. — “No — chambre jaune,” — and there I was soon installed, and in a well lubricated quim or two had my pleasure. — I saw couples fucking when at the peephole directly afterwards, and then the ladies with cunts washed or unwashed — I paid for each woman I saw come in, but nothing was worth retaining in my narrative till I saw Diane the following evening.