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He laid himself in her absence on the bed, his prick stiff still. How I envied him. She returned, began to suck it and it disappeared in her mouth. — Sometimes her hand grasped the balls, sometimes the stem. Full of sperm as he had been, now he needed a rest. For full ten minutes did she labour with her mouth, he laying motionless, speechless, in voluptuous tranquillity looking up at the glass in the bed top. He never turned his head to see her beauteous form in the side glass — in which I could see her ivory backside, and breasts and movements. He didn't lay even a hand upon her.

I thought he never would spend, yet his prick when-ever she removed it from her mouth was rigid as iron, and red tipped. Gradually came slight movements in his thighs, then his belly heaved a little, his eyes closed. She ceased minetting, knowing that a change was coming. Then again he placed her above him, her cunt to his mouth, hers to his prick, and they sucked each other till she gave a jog or two of her buttocks, relinquished his tool, and laid her head again on his thigh — his machine standing up against her face.

Then he placed her and himself in positions which I don't recollect a couple fucking in before, tho I have seen perhaps every possible posture — indeed now recollect having had a woman in that position myself. — How deliciously varied may be the postures of a willing man and woman, what inexhaustible pleasures they can get together, what idiots are they who refuse them, — if any do. He put two pillows for her head and back against the looking glass which covered the wall against which the side of the bed was placed. She then put herself leaning back and reclining anglewise along the bed, and he laid across her. They were like two sticks crossing each other. His head was nearly at the edge of the bed, his feet against the looking glass. His legs lay over her left leg, and under her right which she put up over his left hip. In that position he got his prick up her cunt. — No one with a little prick, or with a limp one, could man-age it in that awkward position.

Then moving with a short jogging, rather than the long stroke belly to belly fucking, her right leg keeping him to her and both of her hands placed over and clasping his rump, they fucked. Then he stopped, then went on, and not a word was said. The back of his head and rump were towards me, and I saw the length of his fine white body from head to heel. At last Raymonde who at the beginning of the play in this position had looked at my door and smiled more than once, began to close her eyes, her right hand seemed to be feeling his arsehole or the back of his balls, then both her hands clutched his bum convulsively. She was spending and lovely she looked. Her hands stopped, her breasts heaved, his buttocks gave some strong quick jerks, another loud cry escaped him, and he was quiet.

Then he washed, she remained on the bed as if quite fatigued, then went out, returned, and shortly he went away. She hadn't washed her cunt this time, which was full of his second libation. Excited by the sight I plunged my prick into it, and spent before Raymonde had a chance of spending with me. He came to see her once a week she said, and always made her spend. “Who could help spending with such a man, and such a prick up her for ten minutes?” she asked. Certainly at the second poke it was in her a very long time, a quarter of an hour perhaps before he spent.

On my return I saw H*l*n occasionally, but I was not very well, and was also impecunious, so limited my visits to her. — Once I find I had N**l*e L**l*e and once old Camille. There is nothing worth keeping of the narrative until the following incident.

I had in a friendly way dined one evening with a man at * * * and at about nine o'clock was near the * * * * * station of a London railway. Many gay women of second class were walking about it, for the station being a busy one and several streets converging on it, it was and is, a good hunting ground for the Priestesses of Venus. — A stoutish, shortish, very youthful, pretty, and fresh-complexioned girl came slowly towards and looked at me. She had stood talking to another doxy, who as I approached and turned my head to look, gave her a gentle push of the arm, as much as to say, — “There go” — and then stood still watching us.

The girl didn't speak, nor did I for a second. I some-times now go home with a woman, strip her, look at her secret charms, and leave without more than doing that and a baudy chat, fearful of fucking. — Reserving my prowess for another that night, I thought I'd just look at this girl so fresh and nice, and told my compliment. “Oh yes, sir — thank you sir,” said she eagerly, and then, “Oh, it's close by, just up there at No. 33.” — “Ah, well — I'll perhaps call some night.” — The girl without a word turned away as if disappointed and ashamed, towards the other woman. — A change then came over me and going towards them, “I'll follow you,” said I. — “Go ahead, get the door open, he'll follow” — said the other woman smiling at me and pushing the girl, who ran across the road, and looked back every second to see if I was after her. In three minutes I was in a nicely furnished bedroom in a good sort of house.

“Shall I take my frock off?” said she in a timid way, so soon as the door was closed and gas lighted. — “All off, my dear.” — “What, naked? — Oh no — I can't.” “Then I'll go.” — “Oh don't you're the first gentleman I've seen, I only came here this afternoon — that's my box, I've only put some of my things out — look.” — She opened the box and a drawer to show me — I thought immediately of a foul-tongued Irish woman whom I had a few years ago, who had just arrived. — But what a difference! This girl was genteel, charming — yet she might be a trickster. — “Take them off to your chemise then,” said I, taking off hat and coat and sitting down after I'd kissed her — for she was pretty. — Very deliberately she did, looking at me all the time, never indeed taking her eyes off me. — Neither of us spoke till she was in chemise. — Then — “I wish you'd be a friend to me” — she said. I laughed, the remark was made so naively, and pulled her on to my knee, placed my fingers between the lips of a fat lipped little quim, and titillated the button. She was unresisting, but not a bit like a whore in manner, till with a pleasure-wriggle of her bum — what delicious wriggles women give when sexual pleasure begins — she closed her thighs, pushed my hand away and said, “Aha — don't — I want it enough without that.”

Desire rose, voluptuous sensations crept thro my prick — I'd only intended to see and feel her cunt and leave, but her simple, natural manner pleased and roused me. — “Do you want a fuck?” — she laughed — “I do really.” — “I'm not going to poke.” — “Oh do.” — “No, let me see your belly and cunt, there's the money.” — Rising I put it on the table. — “Oh do have me.” — “Take off your chemise then.” — “There” — and she stood naked. — “I can't.” — “Why?” — “I'm married.” — “Oh you ain't — ain't I nice— oh do.” — “Lay back then.” — She slowly reclined on the bed, I lifted her chemise. Beautifully formed, white and plump was she, and my prick stiffened as I saw the puffy motte and delicate notch, with a slight nut-brown thicket about it.

Ah traitorous virility — my sperm was meant for another's cunt that night. Veni, vidi, but not vici — for her cunt conquered. What is it that after having fucked a thousand cunts, another cunt because unknown, un-tasted, fresh to me is irresistible? Should destroy re-solve, frustrate determination, make me weakly yield to its charm, desire to leave my semen in it, tho certain as I look at and feel it, that it will give me no more de-light by friction, grip and suction, than hundreds of the others which my prick has tasted? — Verily cunt is Queen-King, Emperor and Pope — Commander in Chief — an army in itself — a necromancer, wizard — a saint of marvellous power. — All these in one, potential, supreme. Who can withstand it, who not yield to it?