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This room is at the end of a passage, at the other end is a lavabo and a little room by its side, where the ladies prepare themselves for and after love-making. I have seen dozens there slopping and syringing, naked almost as born. They retreat into the room when they hear a stranger. — If the door of the room where I was be ajar, one can see these operations, and I select it for this, if my companion for the time allows me. They prevent this as a rule — but I am known, and permitted.

I heard water drawn. — “A woman's washing” said I to Isabel. — “Yes.” — “Let me see.” Isabel did not object, I peeped, and saw a fine woman sluicing her cunt over a basin. Isabel said I could look at others but she had better always look out first. Another splash — with a sudden rush of baudy desires, one to see the woman's cunt before she washed the sperm out, I told Isabel — half ashamed as I did so of my wish. — “I'll call her,” said she, as if it was a usual and natural thing. — “You have washed?” she cried. — “Comment?” — said a voice. “Have you the foutre, still?” — “Mais non.” — “She has washed. I will tell the chamberwoman to tell them to come here first, do you like browns or blondes?” — “Browns.” — Isabel disappeared, and returning said there were several girls “en sociйtk” and one would soon come.

In voluptuous expectation I sat on the sofa feeling Isabel all over. Soon up she jumped, opened the door, and a well-grown, dark-haired girl holding her cunt lips together came in. “Is the sperm in your cunt?” I asked. — “Comment?” — In my excitement my French was not perfect. — “Vous avez la, la foutre,” — said Isabel in baudiest French. “Ah yes, I'll wash,” said Zora — not understanding my object and turning towards the door. — “No, no, I want the sperm,” — I laid hold of her and led her to the bed. — She under-stood, and laying backwards opened wide her thighs. What a sight. A lovely creature, with a well-fledged, ebony-haired cunt, the sperm thick and thin lying on it. Opaque masses just inside the outer lips, and on her thighs — shining yet milky looked her vulva. — “He has spent much. — Baisez moi,” said she. — “Suck my prick.” — Isabel knelt and complied. I put Zora's thighs wider and wider apart, she stretched open her cunt lips, her fingers in the sperm. I kissed her thighs, smelt the male, and with a spasm of baudy delight instantly gave Isabel's mouth a libation.

“I must go, my friend is waiting,” said Zora and left. My prick was still in Isabel's mouth, she was finishing me divinely. — Then she left the room. I laid on the bed till the two women came back. Then looked at Zora's fresh-washed privates, paid her and she left, Isabel remaining.

Stupidly, I felt ashamed. — “You will think me a beast,” said I. “Not at all, it often happens — there is a Monsieur who comes to this room by himself, he will stay all the evening and see us all — they all come in before they wash, he looks at all, stays hours. There are one or two Messieurs who lick the cunts and swallow the sperm —yes of strangers. — It's not good, is it? but it is true. Two gentlemen come here together and have two girls, I have been with them — they stay all night sometimes, and each has the same girl and fucks without their washing — and more.” — She stopped short. “What more?” — “They bugger each other.” “Not the girls.” — “Ah my God, no — but sometimes one fucks a lady whilst his friend arseholes him.” — “Why not the girl?” — “Did you ever do it to a girl?” she asked. “Yes” — “Who with” — “I never tell” — I said this lie to try her. We talked of such matters and of the girls I had known, until what with talking and feeling her quim, and her pulling me about, I was randy again — then she gamahuched me until nearly finished, when hearing the water tap going, I said I should see another lady.

To help me — tho there were two gas lights — she got candles and set them on the mantel shelf, so that I could see the cunts well. She would tell them to get rid of their friends if they could before they came in, so as not to be in a hurry with me, but most would see the ladies after they'd washed, and a girl must not displease a friend “vous savez donc.” — She named some women just then engaged, I told her those whom I did not want. — A gentle rap. — “Entrez.” — In came Theo, a dark-haired girl who placed herself on to the bed and opened her thighs, the sperm was oozing clear and thin, both thighs wet with it, plenty of it. — Isabel held a candle to it whilst I questioned. He'd not spent so much as many she replied. “Fuck me, — you, I want it and shall spend then.” — “Monsieur does not fuck,” said Isabel, “he likes minette.” — The other repeated, “Fuck me.” — “No gamahuche me.” She turned round lengthways on the bed and put my prick into her mouth — I could not keep my fingers from her cunt, pushed them up her thro the sperm but instantly withdrew them, wiping them, for a fit of squeamishness came on. — Another knock. Isabel let in a shortish, plump woman with thick legs and large thighs; ginger-coloured hair curled round her cunt.

I treated her like the other. — The spunk was thinnish, much of it lay above the clitoris in the thicket, as if the man had spent outside. “Baisez moi, cheri.” — She was dazzingly white in flesh — I looked at her cunt and then at the other's — enchanted — on the highest state of salacity.

“Fuck me, darling” said Eugenie putting her tongue out, agitating it like a serpent. — Isabel repeated. — “The gentleman does not fuck.” — Making the pair hold up their legs I went to the end of the room to con-template — Isabel stood by the bed with a candle, — “Isn't his prick stiff?” said one. The other took up the towel which was under her bum and was going to wipe her cunt. Isabel cried, “Don't.” The girl laughed. — Knock — knock. — “Come in.” — “I don't want any others,” said I, but Isabel opened the door. — “Oh, she's come purposely — it's Leda — the biggest woman in the house, a fine woman, tall, superb.” — “Let her come.” — In came a splendid woman five feet ten high, stood still, looked at the two girls, laughed, then looked at me.

I was delighted with her ample form, could see the black hair peeping from her armpits, the jet black mass on her mons — “lay on the bed.” — “Monsieur wants to see the sperm,” said Isabel — I took her round her bum, feeling it as she moved towards the bed between the others. — Up went her legs — open her thighs — and Ah Dieu! What a sight. Sperm lay all over her cunt from above her clitoris to the furrow of her buttocks, the entry of her sex was full, was covered with it, the prick hole hidden. — Between the outer and the inner lips it lay in a thick white mass — the nymphae peeping through a milky glaze. It lay thick in the roots of the hair all round the lips — lay thick and shiny on both thighs some inches down from her cunt, not all transparent gumminess but some opaque, alternating with thin shiny essence, that must have just issued from strong, healthy, full ballocks. I pulled apart the beautiful buttocks which closed together un-der her cunt. “Let me see your arsehole darling.” — The sperm had run down even to there. — All round her bum hole for a space of three or four inches, her buttocks were covered with short dark hairs, seeming to grow out of the sperm like grass out of ice. I stood with prick throbbing, Isabel holding the candle in front of Leda's cunt. I glanced at the other shiny cunts, and the dark-eyed, smiling, baudy faces of their owners on each side of Leda, till I felt mad with lust.

“Do the nutcracker,” said I. Leda raised up her knees towards her breasts, her belly had a muscular motion, the cunt slightly closed and out rolled more viscosity down towards the bum furrow. “Fuck me,” said she. — Again Isabel, “Mais monsieur, ne baise pas.” — “What sort of man was he?” — I asked. “Ah! an old friend, sees me every week regularly, every Monday, a grand man — beau garcon — never sees any other girl. Look at his sperm — he only kisses me.” — “He spends much?” I said. “Mais oui, beaucoup, toujours beaucoup, never a man more — jamais. —He visits me alone — moi seule.” — “Are you sure?” — “Mais oui, bien sure — si — si — si — je vous le dis qu'il m'aime. — Il me baise seule et chaque lundi toujours, toujours.” She seemed angry at my doubts.