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One dark-haired, splendid-limbed, tall creature moved up, and then a tall woman with an arse as big as a brewers' dray horse. Just at a turn in the stairs when I could no longer see her head she turned, and her belly with a thicket of black hair at its junction with her thighs showed itself. She was singing. — A man with broad shoulders followed. Down came the chamber-maid. — “He's two women hasn't he?” — “Yes, the two biggest, Egyptienne — you've had her, and Judith, have you had her?” — “No.” “She's bigger than Egyptienne, such a bum, such thighs, so finely made.”

— My resolution was shaken, the chamberwoman saw it. — “Shall they come?” “No — I'll wait here, perhaps he will only be gamachuched.” — “Not he,”

— said she as if she knew from his look. — “Do you know him?” — “No.” This is word for word as spoken.

It could not have been five minutes since the three had gone upstairs, when I heard a door open. — “Here comes one, shall I tell her?” said chambermaid — I forgot what I had intended, the captivating ideas of a big, spermatized, black-haired cunt overcame me. — “Yes” — I said. The maid shut me in, the next instant the door opened and in walked Egyptienne holding her cunt. “Ah, darling,” said she with a nod (for I'd fucked her, she knew me and what I liked). “Look.” — Ah my God, what a quantity. — Down went her rump, up went her legs and open her great thighs as wide as she could put them. — What a sight! — I have told of cunts in which unusually copious emissions had been left, have seen dozens a minute after the prick had left them, but never such a sight as this cunt. — Spunk on her arsehole — on her motte —on both thighs — spunk hiding her nymphae — thick on her fingers with which she opened her cunt lips lay the sperm. — It was hanging to the curly hairs which had caught it as it rolled out of her cunt whilst she walked down stairs — masses thick and clear, clear and thick, mixed like paste, gruel, and transparent glaze were everywhere. I could have scraped from thighs and vulva a tablespoon full. — Pulling off my clothes and throwing them behind me, my prick stiff — now in a state of baudiest excitement — I stood. She had a huge pair of thighs, her open cunt looked huge with hair as black as charcoal. — “Put a towel under me.” — I did. — “Fuck me,” said she as a mass of sperm rolled slowly off her cunt down to-wards her bum hole. Then it struck me as impossible that a man could have spent it all. “You're humbugging, it's not spunk, no man could spend that — you were not with him five minutes.” — She was angry. She opened her cunt wider, then held out towards me her moist fingers. — “Nonsense — look at it — smell it — it's all his — look at my fingers — is that not spunk? — I never saw such a man. — Directly he was in the room he pulled out his prick, looked at Judith, then at me, pushed it up me and spent directly. — His prick was stiff when he pulled it out. In five minutes he will have kissed Judith, he was feeling her when I left the room and his prick was quite stiff. — It's all his, I didn't know you were here till she told me.”

Still looking at her cunt, my clothes off, I longed to bathe my prick in the voluptuous essence, I noticed the strong aroma, but before I could fuck, in came the other giantess laughing. — “Has he had you?” said Egyptienne. “Yes.” — “Go there,” said I pointing to the side of the other woman. — Judith laid down and opened her thighs, her dark-haired cunt opened and sperm covered it, not so much was there as on Egyptienne's, but more than I have seen in one cunt out of a dozen freshly fucked. — What a ballocks-full he must have had.

The women lay side by side, their big forms filled the side of the bed, round the arse of neither could I have made my hands meet, such broad capacious bellies, thighs like columns, such spanking bums had they distended thighs, knees touching each other. — Their cunts, hedged with masses of thick black hair, looked huge as the lips widened out and the broad red opening shewed. They talked to me and each other about the man as I stood, my shirt rolled up to the waist, my prick stiff and rubbing against their thighs — but not yet touching the sperm. — Their man seemed a wonder to them both. He was about thirty years old, a dark strong man — with a big prick. Directly Egyptienne left the room he had felt Judith's — gamahuched it for a second — thrust his still reeking prick up and quickly spent, threw himself on the bed and went to sleep. — Both had been fucked under ten minutes, and less I think. — “My God what quantity,” said Egyptienne — Judith got up and looked at the other's open cunt. — Resuming her position, “He's not fucked for a long time — he was too full to enjoy a woman.” — “Yes,” said Egyptienne.

At blood heat now I forgot my intention to run no more risks —to bathe my cock no more in another man's sperm, however delicious the lubricity. — The spunk fever came over me, in imagination I saw the man at the bedside, thrusting his great flesh-stick up these big lipped, fat cunts, saw him grasping Egyptienne's arse, his prick jetting out those thick masses of sperm. —Up went my prick into Egyptienne's — then out of it reeking, — Then I plunged it up Judith, and pulled it out- again, then I rolled and rubbed my balls, my scrotum, over their cunts to soak up the sperm, swabbed it up with my balls from between their bum cheeks — I pushed my fingers up both cunts at once and wiped my fingers on their thickly haired mottes, then settling on to Judith whom I had never seen before, fucked her — mad with baudiness. — “Rub your cunt on my arse,” I cried. Up got Egyptienne and rubbed her motte over me, I felt the moistening on my buttocks, she held up Judith's great legs whilst rubbing her motte against me, and then I felt her finger on my anus. — “Judith, your armpits up, chere.” — Up they went, — “cry out fuck, my darling” — I saw in the glass in front of me, and spent shouting out baudy words, the women shouting with me “fuck, spunk, fuck my cunt” — it was a babel of baudy sounds. — What maddening lasciviousness was in those few minutes — I clung to Judith afterwards, nestling my prick in her. — She was a bed of flesh. I was sticking to her when we separated, every part of my balls were wet — my buttocks were moist, and I threw myself on the bed exhausted with spending and excitement.

Egyptienne went out and came back. He was fast asleep. I saw both wash their quims — how small the basin looked under their huge buttocks, looked as if each could have pissed it full

They were immense women, five feet ten high quite, both I guess about thirty years old. They both came back after washing — for my compliment, said they should go and awaken him, and departed. — I had a chat with the chamberwoman and lipped her handsomely for advice. There was another fine woman, a fair woman, just gone up with a man, should she tell her to come? — No, I would wait for the two dark-haired big ones. “Perhaps he will kiss them again before he goes.” — “Surely,” said she, as if she knew his intentions.

The chamberwoman was a dark, well-looking, stout, square-built woman, who had never been in such a house before, and was married, she said. — Her husband came to see her once a week and once she went out. She talked about fucking without any reserve, but seeing so much of it, it was sometimes disgusting, she said — I saw nothing disgusting I told her. — So! but I had not seen so much of it as she had. — She got good pay so kept there, had never been gay, had lived with one man only and then married. — She told where her husband worked. — Every now and then she went out to attend to business, then came back to me. I called her handsome, gave her a kiss, felt her arms and pinched her thigh. — She did not wince and her flesh was hard as a rock. — I felt her breasts (all outside the clothes) yes she was quite solid, but thought night work and the hot rooms would disagree with her. But this woman has already been told about.