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“I must go to him [me], he doesn't like to be left long — I'll tell him some excuse and come back soon — put on your shirt, stay here, don't make a noise.” — Out she came, shutting the door, smiling at me, holding her cunt as French harlots do — and I suppose all do under similar circumstances — and the next instant was lying on the bedside with thighs wide apart. Her quim over-flowing with thick sperm delighted me, the sight made me wild to enter the lubricated sheath, my prick bursting, yet I restrained myself, had sufficient control to do that which whilst waiting I'd resolved. I pulled open the lips, frigged her spermy clitoris, whilst talking baudily. “Did you see his prick?” — “Yes.” — Isn't it a fine one?” — “Yes.” — “He never fucked for a fortnight, look what he's spent, how thick it is.” — “Wash it and I'll fuck you,” said I, not wishing any-thing of the sort.

I'd caught her. She'd before often said that she let me fuck her thus solely for my pleasure. — “No — fuck me — put it in.” — “No. — I'm frightened.” — “What of? what nonsense — put it up — he's a gentleman.” — (He was) — “No, wash — you don't like it so.” “Yes I do, fuck me, I like it so, fuck me.” said she impatiently. “Get lengthwise on the bed then.” She did, I mounted her, my prick plunged up and revelled in the grateful lubricity of her sheath. “Ain't we beasts? — oh — I'm coming — fuck.” — Our tongues joining, stopped further utterance, till my sperm gushed out in-to cunt. I was as quick as he in spending, certainly his prick hadn't left her cunt seven minutes, before my prick had done its work and quitted her also, tho I lay long up her after my spend.

“Pull it out dear, I must go back to him, I told him I would.” — “He'll fuck you again.” “That's certain.” — “Let him fuck in my sperm.” — “All right, he'll think it's his own, but I must go downstairs first, don't you come out till you hear me cough.” — She went downstairs, and soon returned to his room again. — My door was ajar, again I heard the cough, and looked thro the aperture of the door.

She was just placing herself beside him, he was on his back handling his tool which was half stiff. At once she manipulated it, they kissed and talked. — “What did he say?” — “I told him that my dressmaker was downstairs etc.” — “He's easily humbugged.” — Both laughed. — “You must be quick, I mustn't keep him longer. Your prick's quite stiff.” — He felt her cunt. — “You've not washed.” — She said that she'd not had time “but must do so before she went to me.” — “Will he do you?” — asked he in his quiet gentlemanly voice — so they talked for five minutes, kissing and dallying. Then her legs were in the air, thighs clasping his, and the rhythmical oscillation of their buttocks began. He was leisurely enjoying a longer job now. Soon as I heard him sigh and saw his thrusts were quicker, I opened the door, knelt at the bed foot, saw his prick moving and balls as they shook with his thrusts. Had I stood upright he'd not have noticed me in his paroxysm of pleasure. — H*l*n did — I heard soft murmurs, saw his buttocks quiver, her eyes close, knew the spends had come, and went back to my room, closing their door ajar.

This back room was only partially furnished — no water was left there with intent, so that he might go to the bedroom below, next the drawing room. She told me this before. Shortly they both went down there — then to the kitchen where she gave him food — tho well dressed he was glad of a meal. Then up she came to me and stood looking at me with voluptuous eyes. — She hadn't washed, shammed that she didn't want it again, but at the sight of her glistening vulva, my prick stood, and with a deliciously slow fuck we spent to-gether again. Four male libations were in her cunt, and she'd spent at each fucking. — Soon after I left.

The conversations I heard and had with her are nearly word for word. — I wrote them down the same evening.

A few days after, I was there then with pleasure in confessing, for — “I have no one to tell anything to but you, and him now,” said she. — She told me he had slept with her. “God knows how often I spent, we were both done up. Come on dear, fuck me — I haven't had it since — he's ill. — I'm making him beef tea.”

At intervals of a week or two this was repeated — I saw him fuck her, and fucked her directly afterwards. Sometimes only once, sometimes twice, and the fun and room were a little varied at times to avoid libation. — “What beasts we are.” — “Not beasts at all dear, and if we are, we like it” — this was said regularly whenever the double fucking came off, but I had her at other times when he was not there. Then I couldn't get her for a long time, and in the summer went abroad.

Chapter II

Crabs. • At a Swiss village. • The casino garden. • The half-veiled lady. • The path by the torrent. • The lonely chalet. • Fears and fucking. • Clapped. • At the lapunar. • Chambermaid tipped. • Exhibition of wet quims. • My choice. • The un-chaste Diane. • A lithesome bougresse. • Invitation to anus. • Erotic madness in Paphians. • Nymphomaniacs, Sappho and Wanda. • Ray-monde. • One with a curved pego. • Copious se-men. • A strange fucking attitude. • Outside a metropolitan railway station. • A Paphian's first night out. • Her sexual enjoyment. • Her history. • The railway station bar. • Two lovers and a swelling belly. • Flight to London.

I found to my annoyance one hot morning that crabs had assailed me, had lodged in motte, bum furrow, anus, and the wrinkles of my scrotum. It's impossible to say where I got these irritators of the genitals, having varied recently my amours, and a night or two before had revelled in three cunts yet warm and lubricated by other pricks. I keep mine in the ladies till it will remain no longer, luxuriating in their lubricious baths, giving great chance to these parasites of changing their abode, and I have escaped them well I think. The annihilation of the crustacea took quite ten days, and caused me much inconvenience. In the month of September I was at the little village of **** in Switzerland. There was [then] a little building called a casino, — to which people went to read the journals — situated in small grounds filled with trees and large shrubs. — It was a dull, muggy afternoon, and had been raining hard when I wandered there just before the table d'hote. Few people were out, and walking by herself, quite on the outskirts of the grounds, was a well-grown woman seemingly about twenty-five or more years old, dressed very nicely in dark silk. She never approached the building and I got curious about her, passed and repassed her looking in her face, wondering whether she was of easy virtue or not. She looked at me in return but quite in a casual way, with-out the least indication of the demirep about her. For all that, as I passed a desire for the woman came over me, and a voluptuous thrill passed through my pego. I had been some days at the place and had never noticed the lady there before, tho I must have seen nearly all the visitors there.

I dined, not thinking any more about her. Soon after, it being quite dark, going towards the casino to read I saw her somewhat nearer the casino than before, but well away from all light and still walking alone. — At once I guessed she was a free lover. My dinner had warmed, my pego began to get rebellious for it had not touched strange cunt for nearly two months, and I went towards her. Seeing that, she went further off quite into the dark under some trees and stopped. — Next minute I was by her side and heard I could go home with her. We spoke in French, but I don't think she was a Frenchwoman.

She had told me where her lodging was and I agreed to follow her. She went away by a path I'd not traversed, crossed a wooden trembling bridge over the roaring rushing river, and was soon away from all street lights and human habitation as far as I could see. The road lay alongside the river, it was pitch dark, and at first I kept her just in sight, but as it was much further than I'd expected I got uncomfortable, as it was a spot where a knock on the head could very easily be given, and a body pitched into the river within a few yards of our path would have been thirty miles off before next morning, and had I screamed, the roar of the torrent would have drowned my voice, so I went up to her and said I could go no further. She said we were close by her dwelling and again we walked on.