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Then very fit I went there and to the peephole. It was so enchanting to see the beautiful female forms twisting lasciviously about the men, enlacing them with arms and legs, their continuous movements, first bum then belly side visible, the flash of the dark mottes and hairy armpits, glimpses of open cunts between distended thighs, the pouting lips with the red stripe between them when their bums were towards me — these sights fascinated me even more than the jogging of their bums, when prick and cunt were joined — the movements of a woman's thighs when a man lays on her belly are not really pretty, and few seemed to fuck poetically and lasciviously at the same time. I saw of or two commonplace fuckings — the huge-arsed Egyptienne was one, whose cunt would now take a so( water bottle up it. She has grown so fat, potbellie bladder-breasted, shapeless, that I cannot bear he Then came little Mignon, whom a big fellow tailed a most hiding her as he laid on her. She came to n directly he had gone.

Mignon was a sweet-faced, lightish-brown-haired litt creature, about four feet nine inches high, but with the roundness and fullness of form of a Venus. Not a bit of needless fat had she, yet every bone was covered to perfection. She was simply perfect, exquisitely am voluptuously made from neck to ankle and about eighteen. I longed to fuck her the moment I saw her with the man — and when the lovely cunt, looking in size tho not in fringe that of a girl's of fourteen, wit thick sperm just showing outside it between the delicate nymphae, I put my prick up her at once.

Then with one of my sensual vagaries and chang I pulled it out, made her kneel on the bed with bum lo, down, and put up her cunt from behind, then gradually made her fall with face and belly flat on to the be (keeping my prick in her) and pulling up her thigh gradually round my waist, I finished in her so, standing upright at the bed edge, she laying horizontally o: the bed, I holding her legs like a wheelbarrow.

I have some recollection of having stroked a woman that way, tho I can't recollect name or occasion nom Mignon's position seemed when I fucked her a delicious novelty. She was as lithe as a serpent. — When she had washed and came back clean cunted, I examined he beauties, and she repeated the horizontal posture which amused her, but I did not poke her again. She was a great favourite, the chambermaid told me. I did not recollect seeing her before as she usually went to an-other part of the house. There are two staircases there, and in fact two houses, tho combined.

On returning to England I visited H. and told her all. She wished she'd been with me, always had longed to see a brothel there, would have gone with me there. She seemed excited about the lubricious cunts, yet calling me a beast all the time. I fucked H. within five minutes after I'd entered her house, then laying, telling her these things, she began to frig herself, and almost instantly spent crying out — “spunk,” and grasping my prick. — She'd finished so quickly that I believed her emotion a sham, on but feeling her cunt — washed not long before — it satisfied me she'd spent. She then told me that several times when she'd a great letch come on her, and thought about it, that she'd spent involuntarily without touching her cunt. It's not impossible, for in my youth I have spent involuntarily, at the sight of a female whom I wanted — when I was very randy.

One day the following week she'd be alone and would get her “poor friend to come.” He was usually smuggled in. “Then you can see him fuck me.” — She didn't say what after. “He'll want me, for Mr. Blank has been staying with me, but is going away on Thursday, — you mustn't come to the house till you telegraph to * * * (a female relative). — If Blank's not left town she'll meet you at the end of the street, and you mustn't come.” — Such arrangement in fact had existed for some time. — I didn't like it, but would have risked anything to have her. “You want me to fuck you after him” — said I. “I don't, you beast, you shan't do it any more.” — “You like me to see his prick and to see you fucked.” — She laughed — “I like to know you're looking at us, and that he don't now.” — “We men are easily cheated.” — “It would take a clever woman to cheat you,” she re-plied.

The day came, the coast was clear. In my shirt I stood waiting for my treat, had kissed and gamahuched her, and with difficulty restrained myself from fucking her. Her friend was an hour behind time. H. was fidgety and feared her letter hadn't reached him. A ring, followed by a peculiar knock at the street door was heard. — “It's he,” said she smiling baudily before that, talking about him she said as if she enjoyed the idea, “Won't he have his cock full, he hasn't fucked for a fortnight.” — “Perhaps he has.” — “I'll swear he hasn't, he loves me, he'd wait a month for me and would marry me tomorrow, but what's the good, he can't keep himself, his family only allow him a pound a week — he'd wait to have me any length of time, and he cannot afford a woman.”

She had thrown a gown over her chemise, so as not to seem too ready — and ran down stairs to open the door to him herself. One of her servants had been sent out, and she had let me in herself — much maneuvering was now needed in her domicile. Fear of being caught out in intrigues is one of the miseries of ladies who play these pranks. — Leaning over the banisters I overheard much, he explained his delay, they kissed then. “My friend has just come.” — He was in her secrets and knew some one visited her. — “He is in my bedroom — don't make a noise.” — “I'll take my boots off.” — He did. — “There,” said she, “wait till I beckon you, I'll go up and see if his door is closed, he is fearful of Blank coming back.”

Upstairs she came, saw me on the landing and nodded. — In I went, closing my door and soon he was in the back bedroom. A few minutes after I was at their door as before. She was exciting him, feeling his prick, both sitting on the bed, his back to the door. Then they nearly stripped. — She said — “Stand up there, let me see it stiff.” — He complied like a child, obeyed her always I'd found — lifted his shirt, and I saw his powerful machine standing like a prop. — “You have fucked since you did me last.” — “I declare to God I haven't.” Then — “Oh let me do it, dear.” He went towards her, when a powerful gust of wind (it was a very windy day) blew-up the staircase, their door slightly moved, and caught his eye, he came and shut it, I retreated in fear seeing him advance, for had he opened the door he must have caught me. — I had I thought lost the spectacle of his fucking her.

But nothing exceeds the cunning of a Paphian. — Soon I heard her loudly calling out, “Mary, Mary.” — Up came the servant, who was told something and went down stairs. It was a dodge to open the door without his noticing it. Cautiously I'd opened mine and peeped. H. was just retiring and winked at me. Her door was now left ajar. — Again and almost directly after, I heard “hem,” as if clearing her throat — her signal; the next instant, I was at the door. He was laying on his back, his big prick stiff as a poker shadowing his navel, his left hand feeling her quim as she stood by the bedside and looking up at her affectionately. He thought not of the door, or of any thing else but her cunt. She handled his prick, then his balls for a minute. “Let's fuck naked” and she threw off her chemise, then he his shirt. She laid down beside him for a second, the next he mounted her, and I heard his sigh of pleasure as his prick went up her sex. Then on he went thrusting. — “Don't hurry,” said she — but he fucked hard. — “I must,” he sobbed in a gentle voice. — I was mindful of what H. had often said in our conversation, and what I now knew from experience, that a man in the full tide of sexual pleasure thinks of nothing else. — I opened the door slightly, then more, and entered the room as his thrusts grew quicker, saw in H's beautiful face that she was spending, heard, — “Aha —my darling — love — aha” — from him, then both were quiet. — I stood there till H. opened her eyes. Then closing the door ajar and standing with my prick nearly bursting, listened.