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My prick kept stiff in her long. Then I dropped off on to her side, my prick trailing across her thigh, leav- ing a moist line on it. She turned on her side towards me, took my adhesive tool in her hand, and meeting my lips with hers, we talked in the quiet, voluptuous, satisfied way, which man and woman do, when their lust has been mutually assuaged by fucking. — Yes it was quite true that she hadn't had a man for a month. They were born there, she and her sister and brother, who was a sailor. It was their father's and grand-father's before that, and longer back still, and the old man wouldn't move, and why should they? They'd a bit o' land, and a cow, and all their potatoes and greens they got from it. — He was too old to work excepting at breaking stones, but he kept the house clean and the garden, whilst she and her sister worked at mills. “Yes — both regular.” She warn't gay, but if a gude man noticed her, and she liked his looks, she did it, and if he'd come out there at dusk she let him, and she got a bit o' siller mair. But men wouldn't come out so far, and she would not let them till it was dark. (There were no lamps for some distance from her cabin.) — “It's stiff again,” — said she, and turned on her back. We fucked again, and my balls stuck to her buttocks as I got away from her afterwards, so much had our spendings spread over bum and ball bag. I had felt it streaming out round my prick as I was stroking her the second time. Then she washed her cunt.

Tho I'd done her twice, I'd not seen her form. I had been wild for fucking, and she the same. — Now but with a little hesitation, she stripped and let me see her charms, and she was well worth looking at, was as fine a strapping woman as you might desire, large bummed and thighed, and with big hard breasts with scarcely a fall in them, a smallish quantity of crisp dark hair on a handsome slit, with small clitoris and nymphae. — I was delighted with it, but she did not seem to heed my compliments. She remarked when I felt her fleshy handsome arm, that she was strong enough to get a living if it was to be got, and she'd never had an ache or pain in her life, except a tooth ache. Then, “Oh! It's cold here, why dint ye get into bed wi me, it clan, Ruth and I wash every night there” (pointing to a small tub), — saying that she jumped into the poor bed, putting on her chemise, and I almost spite of myself undressed and got in after her. Where-upon she cuddled up to me and laid hold of my prick, saying, “Yell be mon enuff agin soon.”

Just then we heard a door bang and she cried out, “Is it you Ruth? It's my sister — d'ye mind her coomin in? — Coom in,” for I had said I didn't mind. — In Ruth came, and looked at her sister and me lying in bed, as if it were an every-day occurrence. Then she told her about getting the “wee bit supper ready,” and as the sister left the room, she turned to me and grasped my prick again, and told me her own name was Janet.

I was much amused with the affair, for I've never met any thing like it. Here were peasant girls, fucking for money and a little for love, in their own home, their father knowing it, and temporarily put out of the way, and yet the two women were regular mill hands. Of that I hadn't the slightest doubt. Her sister she said in answer to my questions, had had a “mon or two,” there, but she did not approve it, and now she had her own “young mon” to whom she soon would be married, so had no mon but him. Then with much pleasure to both of us we fucked again, and afterwards dressed, and I came to the conclusion that the woman had brought me home, quite as much to satisfy her carnal wants, as for the money.

All this had only occupied an hour, and with an easy prick and with my lust most pleasantly, and piquantly assuaged, and with our clothes on, we passed into the kitchen. Ruth had just turned out a dish of something which looked nice, and smelt savory. — “Will ye sup a bit?” — said Janet. I couldn't manage that tho I was hungry, for altho all looked fairly clean, I think Scotch peasants are for the most part a dirty lot. But I said I'd sit a while if they didn't mind — not they — they didn't repeat their offer, and they took no more notice of me when eating than if I had been a dummy, nor seemed at all abashed. — “Where is the old man?” said Ruth. — “Gone to * * * * * till he's fetched,” — Janet replied.

They drank water. — “You want a drop of whiskey but suppose you can't get it about here.” — “The old mon knows where to get a drop if he'd got the money, there's plenty and good about here hidden away.” — “Send him for a bottle, here's a half a crown.” — Ruth without a word put a plaid over her head and went out. — “It's smuggled,” said I. — Janet nodded. Soon Ruth came back with a funny shaped bottle full of good whiskey, and we all drank. They produced some oat meal cakes — nasty stuff — but I was empty and eat a lot, washing it down with whiskey and water. I was hungry and wanted dinner, but wouldn't leave, so amused was I with the company.

Ruth at once washed up the things. Janet sat in one arm chair, I in the other, as if we had been quite old acquaintances. — The oddity of the thing very much amused me. — I've been in the society of women of all sorts, and fucked in all sorts of places — but to be sitting with two mill hands, who took money for their pleasures, yet fucked for pleasure, and in their father's hut, and with his knowledge was new to me. Besides, they weren't a bit like whores in their manners. So on I went talking and questioning them, and they me. They couldn't leave their dad — he wouldn't move, he had been born and meant to be buried from there, and what could they do better? It was their aim — if they got wet thro going and coming they changed, and a little rain didn't hurt a body. They evidently were as strong as cart horses. Then without remark, Ruth set an earthenware pan before the fire and washed her feet, a mere rinse it was, an- in drying them shewed to her knees. A sturdy pair of legs she had and my cock tingled. — “You will make my cock stiff,” I cried. — Both women laughed. — “Ye'd best coom to bed with me again,” said Janet. — “I will and stay all night,” said I.

At that both shouted out at once “nae nae” that couldn't be. — The old man would be in the kitchen “asleepin” — and they two slept together. “I'll sleep between you.” — They thought I was in earnest, and most energetically refused and said I'd better go, for the old man went to bed early. — And as it was now nearly nine o'clock, I put on hat and coat, after making Janet promise to meet me again next night, at a place named in the town.

The room, I noticed, had for some time got misty, and on opening the door there was a dense fog. What was to be done? — There was no light in the lane near the cabin. — Scarcely one along the mile of country road. To find my way back was impossible being a perfect stranger. I must stay all night. — “Nae nae, it manna be.” — Ultimately Ruth was to go with me till well in the town, where I could ask some one to go with me to my hotel. With a big plaid shawl over her head and shoulders, and still with naked feet, off she went with me in to darkness. — A bugle in the barracks sounded as we set out. “If the sodgers ain't in in five minutes, they'll catch it and praps yell hear em arunnin,” said she. Sure enough, just then we heard male feet rushing along, and male voices laughing and blaspheming. Then all was quiet as we trudged along.

“Stop, here's a turning I think, there's a stane tither side.” — “Yes, we were right.” “A stane fence is all alang noo.” — Stone fences, alternating with scrubby hedges, I had noticed as I had come along. — On we went slowly, for there were ditches. I began to talk about her sister. A lust for this girl had arisen in me when I saw her washing her feet, now it was between two and three hours since I fucked her sister, and I felt as if I could fuck again.