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Whilst perfuming my fingers, a man and woman approached. Dropping the sisters' clothes by taking away my hands from their cunts, I stood upright, and talked. — “They won't notice us,” said one girl, “they are going at it themselves.” — Sure enough, the couple so close that I could see them well, set to work fucking energetically. I fingered both the girls' cunts, whilst we all three watched the copulation. — In a minute or two they had finished and walked quietly past us again. — “They've been quick,” said I. — Both girls laughed. “Aye, ye see soomthing, an ye coom here o' nights,” said one of them.

That randied me to the full! “Do you want to fuck?” — I don't mind.” — “I'll fuck you, shall I?” — “I don't mind.” — I lifted the first one's clothes. “Hold up your petticoats, my dear.” — Soon my prick was lodged, and the biggest of the two mill hands was wagging her buttocks with enjoyment. — “Let me feel your cunt.” — Sukey came close, lifted her clothes, and I felt her cunt, till I had finished fucking her sister— then all desire for cunt left me.

“How do you wash your cunt?” said I, as the need of that being done suddenly crossed my mind. — “I go to the drinking fountain doon there” (fountains were a novelty then), “get some water in my hand and wash it.” I gave her half a crown, saying I'd like to fuck your sister. — “Do, I'll be back soon.” — Off she went leaving me with her sister, and in a few minutes she returned. — Meanwhile I had put my own back against the wall, and felt Sukey's cunt as she stood in front of me. — I was on full heat, and on her return resumed feeling both their cunts again. Another couple, and then another couple passed up the dark road, and didn't I talk baudy to Sukey tho I had just fucked, and baudiness flags after a fuck I find, when I am standing up.

I asked if they got much fucking. — No, they hadn't much luck, they'd only done it a week. They'd get more at the end nearer the dockhouse, for many more people passed there, but the women, “the whures” there had a row with them. — Why did they come and get their men, and take their food out of their mouths. Let them keep to the mill, and so on. — It was perhaps true what they told me. — So giving Sukey a half crown (I'd paid the other) I walked with them to the Quay. — “Let's go home, Sukey.” — “No, wait a bit longer, then maybe we won't want to coom out tomorrow night,” said the younger sister.

I walked towards the town after leaving the two, and felt one or two other women's cunts. It was soon done, and in about twenty minutes I went back to the same spot, and there stood the two girls together. — They'd had no one else. — “I'd like to fuck you Sukey, but is there no house about here?” — They had heard that at the public house by * * * * St. they let people have rooms, but they'd never been there. — I asked them to go with me. “Our claes air nae sae clan,” tho they'd washed their smocks the night before, for their linen was mostly pawned. — They evidently didn't want their clothes seen, or to go with me to a brothel.

But the letch was on me. I didn't seem to care about dirty and discolored linen a bit. — I, whom a speck on a chemise disgusted in a swell woman. So I bid money for both, and we found our way to a low pot house, gave a shilling for a dirty bed-room, and there by the light of a candle had both the lasses naked. I saw their white backsides, pretty brown haired cunts, and fucked Sukey backside to me, standing and also feeling her sister's cunt. Sukey spent. They were both fairly good looking, I gave them (being pleased) to their astonishment half a sovereign between them, and they hurried off home. — I went to the Quay, felt half a dozen women, made two piss standing upright near a gas lamp, for it was getting late for that town, and few people were about, went back to my hotel, and next day left for E***b***h, but with a certain fear that I'd might have either the clap or pox.

At E***b***h I was bilked. I got a fairly well dressed woman, who half undressed, and then before I felt her, asked for her money—(It is a wonder that I did not offer it to her first as is my custom). And when I gave a sovereign, only let me feel her bum and thighs, and asked for more. — I wouldn't give more, and she said she was poorly. — I said she'd the pox. She retorted that I had insulted her, and that she would now neither let me see, or feel, or fuck. — I had had a little too much wine and was quarrelsome. — The woman of the house or rooms, to which the female had led me, opened the door, saying she could have no row there. — I told her she was helping a thief, and left heated, and lewed. — I walked up P* * * *s St., and wandered about aimlessly, found a common sort of woman, and for half a crown, shagged her up against some railings. — The next night I was in London.

At London I at first took fancy again for women in the suburbs, punks who would let me have them for half a crown, and several jolly fucks I had. — Then suddenly I took to those clad in silks and satins, and wondered at my recent low tastes, and at my immunity from ailment, for no harm came from my reckless fucking. — But when I come to think of it, nearly all my claps have come from swell women. My intercourse with these poor women gave me a curious insight into life, and makes me think what a Godsend having a cunt is to many women, who would starve without it. And what a comfort that is to men who cannot marry, and who if they couldn't get a cheap fuck, must either frig them-selves, or bugger each other, both of which habits are most objectionable, and to be avoided if possible. — But surely the seed in a man's testicles, will, and must come out by some process natural or unnatural.

What now follows needs a few remarks. — It is of an intrigue which began, when I had Amelia German, and went on during and after the time I knew her. — It has not been mentioned before, because it only terminated at about this time. — Nor could it have been narrated properly in fragments, which it must have been, if dates had been closely followed. — Moreover it is a history of events which only in a small degree happened to my-self, and all the facts were not got at once. — The narrative, together with that of my connection with the lady, was all but completed in its present form shortly after I saw her for the last time, and the fragmentary papers on which it was bit by bit, and time by time first written, were then destroyed.

(The ladies and others who may know something about the event may be alive. — I hope neither of them will see this. — The date is unfortunately fixed by that of a celebrated battle, and by the names of places which it is impossible to omit without throwing doubts on the story, which many will now even disbelieve, perhaps most. The nationalities of all the actors are those given, for without that some incidents could not be accounted for. The names of both women and the man, are not the true ones, but names have been as-signed them, in use in the countries in which they were born and lived.

(Unfortunately the narrative supplies a date, which gives a clue to all parts of this history of my private life, for that reason it has nearly been consigned to the flames.)

I have carefully avoided in these memoirs, introducing accounts of things which have not strictly occurred to myself. — When I have deviated, it was because the side stories were told me, by those with whom I was in the closest sexual intimacy, and they have formed in-directly almost part of my own history. — I have no doubt of the truth myself of these stories, for I have in all cases got at the facts from the women, by repeated siftings and questioning, sometimes when we have been lying side by side feeling each other's privates, and exchanging the voluptuous confidences, which are given when a man's mouth is close to a woman's, and his fingers are on her cunt. At other times when chatting after dinner and supper, in the satisfaction of full stomach and half satisfied lust. — Lust to be provoked and satisfied again at our leisure. — I must not omit this tale, for it was learnt that way from a woman who was fond of me, and who would have fled with me to the world's end.