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We went along very slowly. I laid hold of her arm. “I can't see you scarcely, let's walk together, why didn't you let me sleep between you?” — “Are ye mad, and the old man asleepin in the kitchen, nae nae!” — “Ah! And then I'd have fucked you as well as Janet. — I'm dying for you now.” I sunk my voice, for the road was solemnly quiet, no one passed, not a sound was heard but the tramp of my own feet, her naked feet made no noise. — “Hush mon, you'll be dying for what ye won't have.” — I put my arm round her and kissed her without any difficulty, stopped, pulled her closer to me, and putting my hand to her belly, — “Let me, my love, let me.” — She broke away laughing, “If you go on like that, I'll leave you to get to the town as ye may.”

To be left in a dense fog in that road, rather shut me up for a minute, but I was soon at my game again. The girl was fresh and handsome, my cock stiffened, I couldn't see her face or she mine, for the foggy darkness, but I talked all the libidinous talk I could, told how I had enjoyed her sister, she my prick, how quickly I had spent, the lot I had spent in her sister's cunt, to all of which she made no reply, only I heard the quietest chuckle now and then. Then I slackened my pace, she hers, whether intentionally, or unconsciously I don't know. Again I kissed, and “let me feel you” and then — “Nae, nae.” — “Do, who'll know, feel my prick, do let me have you?” — “Ye can't want it.”

— “Yes, feel it, its bursting.” — “Nae, yell tell Janet.”

— “So help me God I won't,” saying that I stopped her, enfolded her in my arms and kissed her for a minute, then put my hand up her clothes on to her cunt, without any resistance, and at the same time placed her hand to my prick. She handled it, twiddled it in that excited, restless way, which I find all women, gentle or simple and whatever their condition, handle my tool when nature is stirring up their lust.

In the dense fog we stood without speaking, feeling each other. — “It's a fence,” — said I, edging her on one side, and it was so. “The wall of the rope factory's just by,” said she. — She seemed to know every inch of the road. Dropping her petticoats, we walked a few yards, came to a feeble oil lamp, and just where its light was lost in the fog was a wall. Planting her back against it, again I felt her cunt, again she felt me from tip to testicle, and I fucked Ruth in a long, hard fuck. She felt pleasure quickly. — “You've spent,” I said. — “Yes,” she sighed. — Not being too ready, I withdrew my prick from her, and felt that her cunt was well wetted with her own spending. Then up went my prick again, better for the rest, and with a longish ramming, and occasional pause, I fucked her till we both spent. Directly after I pulled out my prick, and stood erect with back and knees aching, for she was a shortish girl, and I stretched out both legs, and twisted my body, to get to fuck her as she stood with her back against the wall.

“I'm tired,” said I. — “Weel ye may be an ye-er dun Janet thrice, an it be true.” — I swore it was. — “Ye'er a braw man but let's be ganging.” — We walked on, as fast as we could. — Then in a minute, — “Wait a while till I peedle.” — I did, and pissed by the side of her. — At the next lamp which became more numerous now, I gave her a half sovereign as a present. She was delighted. — We got near the town. — “Ye can't gae wrang noo.” Then I felt her cunt, for the sisters had put me into rut, and made her feel my prick, kissed her, promised I'd not tell Janet (and kept my word), she went back to her hut, I with aid got to my hotel.

[Both sisters spent with me, I'm sure I make no mistake. — So many gay women have done the same and have offered me a second poke unasked by me, that I sometimes doubt whether they spent, or whether they shammed, as an inducement to get me to visit them again. Do they spend so with chance friends, don't they reserve their pleasure, and their spending, for men they specially like? I slept with Lillie M***d*n on my return. She is a whore to the backbone. “I spend when I want fucking,” said she, “and I like the man tho he be a stranger I ask him to fuck again if he pleases me, why shouldn't we?”]

[Later experience teaches me that whores generally follow their instincts and their lusts with men, and spend whenever they feel the want of it.]

Chapter XV

With Janet next day. • On the Quays at night. • Very cheap amusements. • Chaffing the “Whures.” • A feel for sixpence. • A fuck for a shilling. • I give luck. • Reckless whoring. • Two sisters again. • Bonnetless and barefooted. • Uprighters. • Sukey holds the stick. • Adjacent copulators. • “Our claes air nae clan.” • Sukey on the bed. • More finger-stinking. • Bilked at E***b***h. • Introduction and explanation. • An episode of war. • A Paris acquaintance. • The lady of the captain. • Lushing and blabbing. • His disclosures. • My lust for her. • The lady's suspicions and anger. • Her interrogatories. • My admissions. • Her revenge. • On the sofa. • A clandestine visit. • The captain's country visit. • A locum tenens. • Sixty hours of love. • Difficulties with the servant. • The lady's beauties.

I had nothing to do at D**d*e, and no acquaintance. My sole object in going there having been to see the place. So I eat, drank, and reposed well, and in the same way as I had done at G***c*w, found out a baudy house. But here I paid the “whure” for her in-formation, without taking her into the house. I hired a good room, and at dark (for she wouldn't come before) met Janet. — She, like the red haired forewoman, had put on boots, stockings, and a bonnet, and was surprized when I said I preferred her with naked legs. — But it was the nakedness I think, which had first stir-red my lust for her and the Scotch forewoman. For all that, I think I preferred her with her stockings on, when I began to maul her about, and rather against her will but to please me, she knelt on the bed with her arse towards me. Then with her petticoats and shift well up over her hips, the dark haired slit with full lips, pouting out between her handsome buttocks, the creamy flesh of her thighs and backside, and her white stockings below, made a pretty contrast; and my rod erected itself at once, and throbbed and knocked, whilst I took to kissing the pouters, which I saw like the flesh of her arse, were as clean as cunt could be. — Then I opened the moist soft lips, and saw their carmine lining, and laid her down, gave her my prick to kiss (and didn't she kiss it.) Then the hot spunk filled her cunt and mixed with hers, and in a few minutes was trickling down towards her arsehole.

But the novelty was over with her. There was none of the amusement I had in the hut, and when I fucked her once I had had enough of her. But we sat and talked, for she was a nice healthy bitch, and pleasant and communicative, and had evidently come in the expectation of a good shagging again. She was surprized that I didn't admire her stockings, for she told me two or three times, that she only put them on on Sundays and holidays, and kept looking at her legs. “Oh deedn't a lass' legs look nice in seelk.” She'd seen a “dancin' gal with 'em,” didn't all the “whures” in London wear silk? She'd heard they did. “When was Ruth fucked?” I asked point blank. — She laughed, didn't know, her young man came to see her on Sundays only, and they talked in the bed-room, and she supposed he did it then. — Pressed further, — “Yes, he did of course, or why were they in the bed-room together?” She had heard them at it. — “Nae, they wouldn't have a bairn till they were married,” her sister had had trouble enough that way once, and wouldn't have any mair. “Then he pulls his prick out, and spends his spunk outside her cunt,” said I, revelling in the baudiest language which I de-lighted to use, because funnily enough, she seemed to be ashamed at hearing it. — “Aye sure, and it's just that.”