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Then I gleaned all I could about the habits of mill-hands, and found that they were just like work girls elsewhere. — Nearly every one was fucked before they were sixteen — but there was not much disgrace in having a child without marriage, said she (there is with us). All on a sudden, “Shall I undress and get into bed?” — I agreed tho I'd not intended it, and into bed we got. She was as clean as any lady, but I wasn't some how in good force, and felt I'd had enough fucking, and so to amuse us both began frigging her. “Let me give you a spend with my finger, for I can't fuck again yet.” — “Nae, I can do that by myself.” But I would, and did frig her, and then to her astonishment said I must leave.

We parted after having been together about two hours or so. I had dinner, and strolled out afterwards. Ever on the watch for Paphian adventures, it pleases me even to see a man speaking to a gay woman, for it sets me thinking of her cunt, and his prick. Gradually loitering, I found myself close to the long line of docks, the quay and broad road on one side, dimly lighted, and leading out of the road, others in absolute darkness, with high brick walls enclosing rope yards and business places. I saw many gay women walking and standing about, most of them without bonnets on, tho most seemed to have boots and stockings. It pleased me to

watch them retire with men up the dark roads, and to know that in all cases they were going to feel, or frig, or fuck, up against the walls, for no baudy houses were there, I guessed.

As I loitered about, some women accosted me, and I chaffed them. — “Come up here and feel me cunt.” — “Have you been fucked to-night?” — “No, wuss luck.” — After a time I said joking, “I've nothing but sixpence.” — “Come along.” — Struck with the novelty of feeling a woman for sixpence, I turned up a dark road with her. It was a slightly foggy night again. She lifted her petticoats well up for me, nor did she hurry me, as I felt from her garters up to her waist, and she turned her buttocks round, and stood with her face to a wall, and all for sixpence. I've felt hundreds of women in the street, but never recollect one turning her backside round to me unasked, or at all.

I hadn't sixpence so gave her a shilling. Common as she was, she felt solid and smooth fleshed, and my cock stood as I fingered her notch, and noticed that she had a large clitoris. When I gave her the shilling, “Let's have another feel,” I said. — “Aye mon,” and up went her clothes again. Then I rubbed her clitoris with my thumb. “Leave off that and fook me, I'm ready for a bit.” — “I've no more money.” — “Put it in, mon.” — The invitation staggered me. A seaside woman in a dark road for a shilling? — “I'm frightened, I'm married,” which was half true, half a lie. “Put it in mon, I'm right as a trivet, you may find me here every night.” I wouldn't, yet I lingered fumbling and feeling her, and frigging her. “Frig me.” — “Gie it me then? Oh, its a fine un and stiff,” said she, giving it a frig, which made me so randy that I forced it from her hand, for I didn't want to spend. I went on frigging her with my thumb. — She shook her buttocks randily. — “Fook me or leave off, I'm not going to play at that,” and she pushed down her clothes. “Do you want it, are you quite right, I've no more money.” — “Fook a way,” said she, lifting her petticoats, “I want a bit o stiff.” Next minute we were fucking.

Whilst copulating I heard footsteps approaching. — “Someone's coming,” and I paused and half withdrew my prick. — “Never mind — they'll only be fooking like us,” — said the woman and grasping me tightly she shoved her cunt forward, and quite engulphed my prick again, and tightened her cunt saying, “Fook mon, fook,” and in a minute the doxy and I spent together. “Ye'er a domd fine fooker,” said she, as my prick was still up her. “Don't fear, I'm all right, good night, I'm always at yon corner.” — I was buttoning up, she was pissing, I'd had a fuck for a shilling and never have I had one so cheap since my youth. So I gave her half a crown which was handy. It was unexpected. “If ye'er aboot, and wush me again, I'll be aboot and ye may ha me,” — said she, as I departed. I give her dialect as well as I can.

I had a perfect mania for the Quay women, walked about the neighbourhood, and felt cunts at a shilling a piece, till I'd spent all my silver. Then I sought a low public house and demanded drink, in order to get change for a sovereign all in silver. I was clad in a well worn shooting suit, and had a roughish cap on, and imitated the manners of a poor man, yet didn't escape notice. Two good-looking girls seemingly about eighteen years old eyed me. — “Gie us a glass,” said one. — I gave both glasses of whiskey. “I'd give a shilling to have a good feel of your two cunts,” I whispered. — She tossed off the whisky, spoke to her companion, both went out, and in five minutes I was feeling both their cunts at the same time. One held my stick whilst I did so, and then both pissed over my hand. — “Gie us a bit siller mair, ye can an ye will,” said one, and I did.

I suppose it's as difficult to behave like a costermonger, as it is for a costermonger to act the gentleman — for more than one woman or so said, — “Yer not a chap o' these parts,” and imagined I could give them more than they usually got for their favors. But with them I amused myself, till all that silver was spent. I must have felt a dozen and a half women that night. Then I sought the woman I'd fucked. She was nearly at the same place, and I spoke with her. — Aye I'd brought her luck, she'd been fouking ever since I left her, would I have her again— I declined but had a feel and gave a shilling for it. Well at seven o'clock tomorrow night she'd be there sure, and no one should have her before I had, if I was particular. Clean was what she meant. Then I went home to my hotel.

A letch for these Quay harlots was still on me strong. I had intended leaving, but resolved to have another night's frolic with them. — Thinking about it made me lewed all day. I was glad when darkness set in, and I had had my dinner. — Then I sought the Quays, and with plenty of silver began my games. It was not foggy, yet was a pitch dark night without moon and star. — I had felt two or three whores, and found that two of them would let me fuck them for a shilling a piece. Curiosity was mixed with my letch, and I always asked them if they'd let me for a shilling. When near a lamp, I saw two well grown girls without bonnets standing, and they had bare feet. They didn't seem like the others, but held back. I stared and stood still. — “Coom and talc a wak we me Jock,” said one. — “Come here,” said I, and moved to a gas lamp. Both came, they struck me as good looking. “A shilling,” I said. “Coom on,” — and she moved quickly down a dark road.

Groping and feeling her moist, slippery slit, I asked if she were often about there. — No, they were mill hands, and both worked regularly at *ms mill, but they had shortened hands a fortnight ago, and fifty women or more were without employment. — She could not hold out longer, for she had rent to pay, and had pawned many of her clothes. — “I don't want the other girl,” said I noticing the other approaching. — “Never mind her, it's my sister, she'll wait for me. — You're not a man of these parts, are you?”

I talked on, feeling her split all the time, believing from the few questions and answers I had got, that she was not a regular strumpet. — “What's a poor lass to do, she can't stave?” — Yes, she'd got a young man, and he did all he could, gave her all his spare money, but he'd his father and mother both to keep and now was in hospital with a broken arm. — She'd be sorry for him to know what she and Sukey were doing down there. — I was some minutes feeling her and talking, then I desisted. — Arn't you going to do me?” said she, quite surprized. — “Is your cunt all right?” — She assured me it was. “Let me feel your sister.” — “Sukey — Sukey,” she bawled out, tho her sister was in sight. Sukey came and soon I was feeling her cunt also. — “Let's feel ye as weel,” said one of them. I pulled out, tho her sister was in sight. Sukey came, and soon I was feeling Sukey who held my umbrella which I gave to her. I had an umbrella this night, not a stick. — The manners and speech of the two were different from that of most of the women, whose cunts I had been feeling that evening.