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I determined to have that woman, for a letch for the big, broad shouldered, handsome looking bitch came on strong, I thought she was one of those, who having no desire to lapse into whoredom as a calling, worked well at her business, and was a valuable servant, but who when not working, thought more about fucking than anything else. There are plenty of such, both men and women in all working classes, whom I feel sure from my experience, know how to get the fullest sexual pleasure out of life, without lapsing into mere animals of lust, idleness, and debauchery.

It seems to me, that both men and women may be straight, and fair in all they do, be as good and useful members of society as others, yet take their chief de-light in carnal pleasures. I am sure that it is so with hundreds of thousands of men, in the middle and upper classes, who are good husbands and fathers, yet who don't put a half of their sperm into their wives' cunts, and indulge in all the varieties, refinements, and eccentricities of lust habitually. But women can't act similarly without deteriorating.

I passed under excuse of being interested in the works, much of the next day there. When I wished to see one particular department, my friend who had to attend to his office work handed me over to a manager, who when I had to go over a special department said — “Send Mrs. * * * *.” — Up came the big, naked legged forewoman, under whose charge the branch was. “Wull ye gang oup first sir?” said she at the foot of the step ladder. — “No, you go first, and I'll see those lovely white legs of yours.” She gave me a look as if she knew what was in my mind, but never smiled, and went up first showing no more leg than usual.

In that department all the workers were females. She explained the works, but in such broad Scotch, that I could scarcely understand her, and had to make her repeat much. I was glad to do it, feeling a sensuous de-light at looking at her big, half naked arms; thinking of what she might be under her petticoats, and looking her in her eyes, when she was making an explanation. At length my cock stood stiff, and unmanageable in my trowsers. I grasped it outside, and set it up easy, looking her full in the face while I did so. — It could not have escaped her notice, and I fancied I saw color come into her face. Then whilst she was leaning over a vat by the side of a work-woman, shewing me some-thing, I pressed up against her big haunches, and my hard prick was against her hard bum, and I touched her arm with mine, as if unconscious of what I was doing, and that gave me intense pleasure. Did I stir her lust and set her thinking of fucking? I believe in lust between man and woman being communicated by touch, if the lewed one desires to influence the other. I knew her previous history, and felt sure that she dearly loved a man.

The noise of the workshop was great. Coming out at the top of the stairs when leaving, I said — “Mrs., I don't half understand. You shall give me more explanation tonight after working hours. — Where do you live? let me call on you, and I'll give you three, bright, golden sovereigns for your trouble.” — I made the bold offer, thro knowing from my friend what her career had been. “Hoot awa” or something like that she said with a quiet chuckle. “Dye meane to set oop in the business, sir?” — I felt sure that she guessed it was not about dyeing and staining, that I wanted to see her; but that she didn't mean to let me think she understood what I really did want. — “Perhaps so. I may want a lot you can tell and show me, but I don't wish your people to know that. Let me go to your rooms, and I'll give you the three gold bits.” — She looked down modestly. — “Ye'er vera gude, sir, but ar am a puir body, and I leeve in twa sma rooms, and the like of ye never was in em yet.” — (I can't reproduce her Scotch dialect.) “Well, will you have the three bits of gold or not, come and meet me then, and come to my rooms, don't be stupid.” — She then said after a brief conversation that she would after she'd — “gaad hame and a we bit cleaned hersel,” but not at “her hame, whar her niece leeved wi her.” But she couldn't tell me more she thought, than she had told me already. She must go to look after the work lasses, and off she went. I lingered about a while, went again into her department, got opportunity of repeating the time and place so as to avoid error, and bidding my friend good bye in his office, left.

But where was I to take her to? — I had luncheon, and in the afternoon walked about the principal streets, looking out for some one to give me an address of a good baudy house, saw several professional fuck-stresses and accosted one, who said she had her own rooms. — “No, I'd sooner go to a house if you know one near.” — She did, and took me there. I didn't mean to have her, wanting to reserve all my force for the fore-woman, but never had to put such restraint on my self in my life. — As I had to pay the lady, I thought I might as well see what she was like, and a most invit- ing creature she was, with lovely limbs and an entrancing cunt. Her astonishment was great, when I said I was satisfied with the inspection of her charms. What! Not have her, had I got a disease, well if I hadn't was I a man, had I a prick? “Not much of one, here is the money.” — “I will see it,” said she laughing, and almost rushing at me. — I couldn't resist letting her. It was rigid and florid. “Why it's a noble spouter, a regular rammer,” said she with some other strange northern compliments. — “Put it into me, you shan't go without doing it, eh mon (she was Scotch), you're the queerest chap I ever coomd near. Look at me all over, and then yell fook me.” Without ado, she pulled off the rest of her clothes as rapidly as she could, and stood naked. — Then laying hold of my spouter she gently let me to the bed by it. — I could resist no longer, my spout went up her, and spouted. Tho I delighted her, and was also delighted, I was vexed with myself. — She chatted on, asked if I'd do it again, wondered at my coming to a baudy house when she had nice rooms of her own, gave me her card, and we separated. — I didn't tell her why I wanted a baudy house. Then I fed myself up at my hotel, and rested till the evening, to keep up my strength and recover as far as I could, the loss my spouter had given me.

She was at the spot to a minute, but at first I did not recognize her, for she had a bonnet, and veil, and boots on, tho only still looking like a poor woman. She was agitated in manner, her voice trembled, and she spoke so quickly, and with such strong Scotch accent, that again I could not at first understand a word she said. — She didn't know exactly why she came, or what I wanted, or what made me ask her, she said. — I'm sure she must have supposed that I meant fucking, but had some fear of my disclosure about it afterwards, and curiosity, to learn if any one had suggested to me that her person was obtainable. She pumped me, and we talked in the streets, till I said, — “We can't stop here and talk, if you want your three bits of yellow gold, come with me.” — I put her arm into mine and we entered the house. The vision of the gold did it. — I had bid high with reason, tho a forewoman, eighteen shillings a week, was all she earned.

She sat down with her veil on, till I produced a small bottle of whisky, asking if she'd have a glass. — “An it's Scotch whusky and yell be having a taste yersel ar wull.” — She toppled off two glasses, smacked at her lips, said it was gude, took off her veil, and asked what I wanted to know about the dyeing. — “Nothing my dear, I saw your lovely legs, white flesh, and handsome face, and asked you here to see if you'd let me see more of it.” — “See mair, mair o ma flesh? Hoot mon, nae.” — “Just up to your belly my dear and no higher do.” — She got up shamming the indignant. I was pretty rude to her she thought. — “Not at all my darling, fucking won't hurt either of us, I know you like it from the look of your eyes, and I'm longing for you.” — I determined to come to the point at once, thinking that with her career she would at once succumb.