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But there was not a trace of a courtezan about her, neither in dress, look, or manner, and I hesitated to accost her, fearing a rebuff, and not wishing to annoy, pondering on who and what she was, wondering one minute at my impudent intention, the neat at my want of courage. Whilst doing that, she entered a shop. At once I was at the window. She bought a trifle, and whilst doing so I saw her looking at me, and fancied that she smiled. — Then putting her purchase into a small reticule she came out, looked me full in the face, with a look of invitation as I construed it, and walked on quickly, stopping nowhere any more.

I have been before lured on by smiles, to follow ladies long distances; ladies who knew I was following them, and that they were fooling me, and who at their own doors or gates, turned round with a stoney for-bidding stare, as if wondering who I was. — I have no doubt they were pleased at the admiration they had excited, and the trick they had played. — When at some distance from me, the lady stopped for an instant and looked around, and I thought then she was one of those coquettes. Yet on I went after her. — I have followed pretty women, a couple of miles, with a cock stiff more or less, all the time — and my cock was half stiff now, and with a voluptuous sensation pervading it.

On she went walking quickly, stopping nowhere crossing the road at times, and then looking I felt sure, to see if I was after her still. I got closer and closer behind her, till I could see, when I got the chance, her face. — Who and what was she, virtuous, loose, gay, kept woman, widow, wife, or what? I could not make up my mind, but followed her full two miles. — When we were almost in the country, I grew sick of it — I'm a fool, and being fooled, I thought, and stopped — just then, near a turning on to a one foot pathed road facing a small branch of a river, and before we turned on to that front, she stopped and with a smile, but in an agitated, anxious manner said, “You are an English-man.” I told her I was [in German all this].

“If (said she in a whisper as if any one could hear, or even see us at that spot), on the first floor window I hang out a carpet, come up stairs; if I don't do so in a quarter of an hour go away. But come up quickly, and don't make a noise.” She repeated this twice and walked off rapidly, being lost to sight round the corner in a minute. Where we spoke, there were no houses, nor had been on the road for five minutes.

As she turned the corner I went to the corner, watched, and saw a row of largish and seemingly newly built houses. She disappeared in the fifth or sixth. — Agitated by the affair, I waited, sat down on the grass, looking anxiously for a bit of carpet, and had scarcely done so, when a piece was hung out of a window. — Quickly I was at the door, mounted the stairs softly, saw a door partially open and some one peeping, and in a second it closed behind me and I was in a handsome sitting room with the lady, who seemed greatly agitated, and immediately asked me again if I was an Englishman. — Then I found she spoke broken English as well as her (I suppose) native tongue, German.

“We must be quick, and don't make a noise,” said she, leading the way to a handsome bedroom, in which were two unmade beds. “My servants are out.” Then I kissed her, and she me, and we talked about our meeting, but she was much agitated and said I must go soon, so I began by putting my hands up her clothes after I had sat her on the sofa, and shewed her my pego, which had been ready for action a full half hour. She felt it with soft murmurs of delight, and for an instant with tongues joined, we played with each other's genitals. Then she arose and quickly pulling off her gown (nothing more) moved towards an unmade bed. I divested of coat and waistcoat followed, threw up her clothes, saw one of the loveliest fields of Venus, kissed it, took my trowsers off, and threw myself by her side on the narrowish bed, and in a few minutes more, my prick was tranquil in a deluged cunt, whilst our tongues were still toying with each other, in the dreamy voluptuousness of after fucking enervation.

Then hastily she washed, and we both sat on the sofa. I began questioning her, but she would not have that. — “Never mind me, and don't you come here again, will you?” — I promised what she wished. — “You are Englishman,” she kept repeating, as if that gave her some special satisfaction. Unasked then she sought my prick, whilst I felt her cunt. — “Let me see your charms.” Without hesitation she went to the bed. — “We must be quick,” said she. On the bed, from bum-hole to navel I saw all, handled her handsome bubbies, kissed her thighs, and in a quarter of an hour fucked her again.

“Go now — go pray,” said she uncunting me. I obeyed, and in five minutes was out of the house. If she could see me again, she would be in the street where I first met her, at the same hour, two or three mornings after — if not, I must be there each morning till I did see her. Kissing me voluptuously we parted. — I offered her no money, nor was any apparently needed. Two or three mornings after, I was at the appointed street, but she was not there, nor for two days after that, and I then left the city — I had told her my name, and hotel.

One evening, impatient and longing for her, I went to the street, and looked up at the house. All was dark. — For fear of compromising her I made no enquiries, and know nothing more of her than I have told. I fancy I was her letch, but who and what was she, virtuous, single, married, a widow, kept, gay, a whore or what? I am lost in conjecture upon all points excepting that she was not a whore, and that I feel sure she was not.

I came back by way of Paris, mainly to see if a lady whom I had loved had gone away, and then straight to London. Then with my gun I went to Scotland for some shooting. There my lust for the common, coarse, vulgar females revived, and was first shewn at G***g*w, where I visited a friend, who was one of the largest dyers and stainers in the town. I refused his hospitality, preferring an hotel. It gave me more of the freedom I like.

I have not told of three or four women, whom I had at five shillings a tail, on my return to London, nor of having fucked two of those in the open street. I can't account for this revival of taste for common women, and don't think their cheapness had anything to do with it, tho it was part of the affair. — It must have been their total difference in manner and talk, from what I have been so long accustomed to. It took me back to those days, when for want of money, I had nothing but cheap gay women, but all worth telling about them has been told. I went over my friend's works, and was surprized to find nearly the whole of the women barefooted, whether it was rainy or dry. A sturdy, spanking lot of lasses and women they looked. Whilst standing in one of the yards, I saw a big woman who looked thirty, go up a step ladder. She had shortish petticoats, and showed nearly to her knees, her calves looked large, and her flesh as white as snow. She went up and down two or three times, whilst I stood talking, and saw I was looking at her legs, but she was in no way abashed. I noticed her to him as a fine woman. — Yes, she had been the wife of a foreman, and she was now a fore-woman in a department. — “She wouldn't be a bad bed-fellow,” I remarked jokingly. — “No, and more than one's found it out — the first who had her, was * * * * *.” (It was one of his partners since dead.) She married a foreman who soon died, she was “a strong boddie, careful, reliable, and very useful,” — said my friend. — “It would take a good man to give her all she'd take.” At that my cock stood.

I dined with my friend. — After dinner we sat smoking and drinking whiskey and water with lemon in it, which left me with a bad headache next morning, but kept up our jollity during a very long evening. My friend, among similar subjects, told me that his dead partner after having had the firsts of the forewoman, got her her husband since dead, and afterwards, he suspected, she helped him to get young lasses at the works, whom he set his wishes on. He guessed that three dozen or thereabouts, could say that they first had it from him. I suggested to my friend that she was similarly useful to him. — That made him severe at once. — Did I think that he with seven children, and one just coming in as a partner, would do such tricks as that? I said I was joking.