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In the cabins, small in size, with light but thro a little hole in the side of the ship, nine inches in diameter, and closed generally with thick glass on account of the weather, and lighted by a small swinging oil lamp at night which gave a feeble ray (this was twenty-five years ago), in a berth where a woman could not open her thighs wide, and where a good look at a cunt could only be got by her sitting at the edge of her berth, and leaning back towards the partition with thighs well apart, I had not had a good look at Bella's organ (nor indeed at ugly Mary's), for she wouldn't for some reason of her own put herself in a favorable position for inspection. — In the hotel, I got all I wanted to see and to feel. Bella's reticence went, and she permitted all.

She was a lovely creature, eighteen years old she said, nor did her form or her cunt look more. Her limbs were most symmetrical, her bum large and full for her age, but she had none of the plentiousness of flesh, which comes on a well fucked, well fed woman, when she approaches twenty-five or thirty. Her cunt with but slight hair on it, was a pretty, little, full lipped slit, with a rather full sized clitoris, with small flap-pers. No hair was near her bum hole nor did it even come quite down to the lower end of the lips of her cunt.

The mons puffed out of her belly fatly, before the division of the cunt began, and altogether, it was one of the prettiest, most modest, yet voluptuous looking cunts I have ever seen, and its fuck was absolutely divine, and she spent copiously. I begin to think after all, that a cunt of that age is the loveliest to look at, as well as to fuck; there is nothing about it to offend, it has neither too much, or too little hair, nor is too fat or full. Yes, the cunt of the well formed, well fed woman is in perfection from eighteen to five and twenty, and I some-times think that its lubricity is more perfect than at any other period. — That certainly is less perfect in a woman of forty, or after. She enjoyed me as I enjoyed her, and as usual at the end of a week I was exhausted with fucking her. She was not. Her brother was better, and for some reason, the first thing he did was to move himself and sister to bed-rooms in another part of the hotel. He asked to see me, thanked me, and then said he could now do very well by himself; and then added “good bye” — as much as to say we don't want to speak again. His sister had told me what he was going to do.

The last night I slept with her, I tried to draw her out about herself. I told her all the passengers had said about them, and my belief that he was not her brother. I asserted indeed lots of things which I did not believe, with the object of getting some truth about her. I made her cry at one time, and say she hoped she hadn't made a false step, and immediately corrected it to mean her brother and self. Finding all useless, I ceased, and gave myself up to voluptuous pleasure, fucking as if I never should have another woman. After waiting a day, I went off to ****. Coming back three days after, I found they had left. I am quite sure she was not his sister, they hadn't a feature really in common, tho alike somewhat. To get over that difficulty, she had told me they were by different fathers.

Then I returned to England and had no adventure on the voyage worth speaking about. I felt a nice girl, who was a second-class passenger, and one of a family, once or twice in the darkness of the deck, and she felt my prick. We talked baudy, but tho bursting, I would not frig myself nor propose to her to do it. She said she would let me have her if she could, but I never got the opportunity on board tho we both tried hard. — We landed at L*v**p**l, where for one day only they went to a miserable hotel. I kept my eye on her, and in the evening got her to a baudy house. I'd no sooner put my prick into her, than I spent without her doing it. Said she, laughing, but in a vexed way, “There — it's all over.” — But I fucked her twice more before I left. Her family, disappointed with the country, were coming back to England poorer than they went. She was going to service, and had been a servant before.

I find that I said to Bella one night, “I wonder who had you first.” Crying, she replied that she had been seduced about a year before, but that was no business of mine. — “Don't cry dear, forgive me, but I dare say your brother knows.” — She reflected for a minute and then, “He cannot know, but he may suspect, and that is one of the reasons why he has taken me away from England.” — I fancy that was a lie.

Chapter XIII

London again. • Reckless whoring. • Cheap but wholesome. • At the back of the turnpike. • Against area railings. • Near the docks. • A sailor's taproom. • A sailor's woman. • A Ratcliffe high-way whore. • The landlady's little child. • What gin and ten shillings will do. • An infants pudenda. • At H**b**g. • Love by the hour. • The sailor's doxies. • An unlooked for exhibition of penis. • A rapid poke.

On my return as already said I saw Amelia German at times, but towards the winter got quite reckless in gratifying my lusts. I took letches for quite poor and common women, on the spur of the moment, and had often tremendous stiffstanders when in the public streets. If I saw a handsome pair of legs, or a good waggle of the bum in a woman in a low neighbourhood, I went with her however poor she seemed, either to her home or to a brothel. It amused me that I could have a woman for five shillings or less. Half a dozen times at least, I also had women in the streets, up against the walls of houses, or railings, or fences, quite as in the days of my youth and the novelty seemed to increase my lust and my pleasure.

Going one night about eleven o'clock, along the road (tho I no longer lived in that neighbourhood) by the turnpike, where I first felt Victoria's quim on a foggy night some years before, I wanted to piddle, and did so thro the open palings or fence, of a bit of grass land which was close to, and in the rear of the turnpike house. It was a quite dark, and rather misty night, there was scarcely any one on the road, and on the foot path on the side where I was, no one was passing at all. — Whilst piddling, I thought I saw the form of a man and woman standing at the back of the turnpike house, and always on the lookout for anything amorous, moved gradually nearer to watch, piddling all the time as I moved along, and saw a man and woman close to-gether. I then stood still, thinking he was having an uprighter, and the idea set me in a flame immediately.

All at once off he went quickly. I approached the woman. — “You've just been fucked.” — “No I have not.” — “I saw you.” — “Yes, and I saw you looking, but I was frigging him, he was frightened to fuck, feel my cunt, it's dry.” I did feel it and then she felt me, whilst I asked if he had spent much, and what manner of man he was and so on. Quite a young man she told me he was, and didn't want much frigging. She sup-posed he was pretty full, but she couldn't see, and his cock was a good big one.

By that time I was very stiff. “Frig me,” not that I meant her to finish, but I love the gentle titillation of a woman's hand on my prick when it's stiff. She began the work. “Why don't you put it up me?” “I'm, like the young man, frightened.” — “Lor, you needn't be.” — Then I agreed the price. “Pay me first.” I paid her and she pulled up her petticoats. — I felt her thighs and backside, but again refused. — “No, keep the money, I'm frightened, give me a toss off.” “You'd as well have me, I'm quite clean, and I want a bit tonight, don't fear.” — In a minute or two I was fucking her. — “Did you spend?” — “Aye and you may do me again.” “The turnpike man may come around and see us.” — “He won't take no notice if he do, he knows me, he and his brothers have many a time had me, they know I'm respectable, I don't live far off.” — “Had you here?” — “Yes, just where we are standing.” — I didn't poke her again, not fancying to poke after turnpike men, which seems very stupid now I come to write about it, for a turnpike man's prick is as good as anther's, and what thousands of pricks I must have fucked after.