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I was still more amused now, for she laid hold of the tail of my shirt and examined the quality of the linen, whilst I washed my doodle. She had now I suppose thought I was not of the class she usually had. — “Give us another glass, I was drunk last night, and I'm low today.” — More gin was sent for. Whilst it was fetching, she told me the landlady had once been gay, but was now married, and that the girl was her child. — Suddenly the letch coming into my head, — “I'd like to see her little cunt, I never saw one so young, I'd give half a sovereign to see it.” — “Why, Mrs. Black will shew it you I dare say, if you mean it.” Just then the landlady entering with the gin. — “The gent says he'd like to look at Lizzie's cunt, and will give yer ten shillings.” — “Lord God! What next?” — said the landlady laughing. — Then — “Do yer mean it?” — “Yes.” — “Then I shan't.”

I was rebuffed, but the woman stayed and played with the little girl, looking hard at me. Said I after a time again, “Is a young girl's cunt much different from one who's older?” — “Lord! It's the same sort of article, aren't yer seen em? — There's lots of em younger and older playing about — it arnt very difficult to see what they are like,” — said Mrs. Black. (It was true enough. In those days, children quite young, both boys and girls played about the streets, and squatted on the pavements, showing cocks and cunts plainly enough, but I wanted one close, to examine at my leisure). “Show us your young one's.” — “Not I.” — “Here's half a sovereign, let me just feel and have a good look at it.” — Mrs. Black shook her head.

The gay woman began. “Lord! Mrs. Black, don't be a fool, ten shillings arnt got often as easily as that in five minutes. — She'll be showing her cunt soon enough, and a squint at it won't hurt her, nor no one else.” — Mrs. Black again shook her head. The child began just then to cry, so she took it up, shook it, and as that made it worse, laid it across her lap, and slapped its naked little bum hard.

“A little more and I should have seen it for nothing,” — I remarked. — The woman laughed, and set the child on her lap, shewing its legs. — “Here,” said I, shewing the money. — “Honor bright,” — said she. — “Of course.” — “Shut the door, Polly.” — The gay woman did so — the mother reversed the child on her lap, and pulled up its clothes, the gay woman pulled one leg a little apart, I the other, and then I opened the little split with my fingers, and had a good long gaze. “To think that that will take a big prick up it some day,” I remarked. — “Aye, and before she's much hair on it too,” said the gay woman.

The mother took my half sovereign remarking that it was a bit of luck. — By that time Polly was no longer low, but rather in high spirits, not that she was at all screwed. I expect it would have taken a lot of gin to have screwed her, but she was talkative and communicative. Often a friend of hers when he came back from sea, gave her ten pounds, and lived with her as long as it lasted, she said. — After a while, the spirit moved me, and the spirit moving her, I turned her fat backside towards me, fucked her again, gave her a double fee, and departed. — I had been there two hours, and was much amused with the variety.

A friend then asked me to go to H**b**g with him, and we went — I had never seen that great shipping town before. There for the first time in my life, I paid for a gay lady by the hour, a thing which I had only heard of being done. In T**r strasse, I found it to be the custom, and there a splendid big woman I had. She was one of the biggest, was perhaps five feet eleven inches high, but certainly was not more than twenty-three or-five years old. She was beautifully shaped, plump all over, and must have weighed fifteen stone. Her hair was a dark auburn, that on her cunt the same color, and small in quantity. — She had a small clitoris and it was a lovely cunt to look at. She had a tight prick-hole and I enjoyed her immensely, so much so, that I stripped to my skin, and laying upon her, delighted in seeing the reflexion of our bodies when fucking, in ample looking glasses, for it was a house which had those luxurious fittings. I stopped two hours with her, and until I had her three times. — Then to my amusement she computed the time I had been with her, and I paid accordingly. — I had her the next night, and got as much fucking as I could in less time than the day before.

Then I walked with my friend down a long narrow lane, which at one end abutted on the quay, and was al-most entirely filled with houses for gay women of an inferior class, and frequented by sailors. — There were a few grog shops, and others only in the street, which I should say had quite thirty, filled with gay women. There they sat, some in the full costumes of different parts of the country, or in evening dress, shewing al-most their entire breasts, and naked arms. In some cases their petticoats only reached to their knees, and they wore showy boots. I walked up and down with my friend several times, resisting their solicitations, tho my prick stood stiff, till one very big, handsome woman so attracted us, that we both went in together to see her naked.

She stripped, and posed herself as directed before our admiring eyes, and tho we had said we only wished to see her naked, evidently was under the impression that we were both going to have her. For when she thought she had exhibited herself enough, she laid her-self on the edge of the bed, and to our astonishment in broken English said, “Come on one, Goddam.” — We shook our heads. — “I've a deuced good mind to have her,” — I said. — “You'd better not.” — Just then the naked beauty sat herself on my friend's knees, and in the twinkling of an eye undid his trowsers, and out came his prick like a red hot poker. He rose, buttoning up himself in a rage, threw down a thaler, and saying you give her the rest, left the room.

I put down a thaler, but being alone lust now over-came me. Without a word I pushed her to the side of the bed, inserted my prick, and in half a dozen thrusts spent in her. I was going, when she exclaimed. “Ein thaler vor der yuck.” — I gave it her rapidly, joined my friend, and to his question, told him I had only looked at her quim more closely, and that she had to get me change. Five minutes had not elapsed, between the time he left the room and my joining him. I had fucked and paid her in that short time.

He said when I joined him, that he wouldn't touch any woman in that street with a pitchfork, but I have had dozens of women not so fine, at ten times the price. He suggested going to T**r strasse which we did, and both of us had women there. I had two; so if I get the clap, it will be difficult to fix it on any one of the three women I had last night [I got no ailment from any of my loose female acquaintances that time]. I have heard more than one foreign harlot call me a Goddam.

Chapter XIV

At B**I*n. • A meet in a street. • A mysterious lady. • A long walk. • The carpet hung out. • “You are Englishman.” • My reward. • To Scotland. • The G***c*w dye-works. • The bare legged fore-woman. • In search of a brothel. • My noble spout. • White flesh and red hair. • Private instructions in dyeing. • A horse collar cunt. • Unusual continence. • At D**d*e. • A mill-hand with naked feet. • “By the sodjers' barracks.” • The old mon's hut. • Janet in bed, simple and indecent. • “The sodgers' Whures.” • Sister Ruth in the fog. • A convenient wall. • An uprighter.

My friend went back the way he came, and I went on to B**I*n, intending to stop a few days only there — and met with a funny little adventure, on the next day but one after my arrival.

The weather was still hot. I rose early, and was walking at about 8 a.m. and before breakfast, on one of the principal streets with shops, when I noticed a lady looking in at the shop windows. — She was well grown, had bright dark eyes, a small nose, pretty feet, and she was very handsome, and widely different from the run of women in that town, who are mostly bony, hard featured, and light haired. She attracted my attention at once, and I attracted hers, for when I loitered at the shop windows at which she was looking, I managed to catch her eye, and did so at several shops. Then I fell behind and she looked back. After-wards at a shop, I fixed my glance in a loving way on hers, and unmistakably she returned the look. Then my prick gave me a hint that it would like to incorporate itself with her. My lust was stirred.