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That roused her. She gave a cry which excepting for the tumult of the elements, and the position of the cabin door, must have been heard, and must I think in the cabin next to hers, and she sat up. “Oh you beast what are you doing here?” said she. “I thought you were the stewardess. Go away.”

“Here's brandy and water, what's the matter?” I had withdrawn my hand. — “You beast, to come here and do that” — and becoming conscious of the state of her petticoats, she began to push them down, —a thing not so easy when in a berth, and when they have been gradually hitched and worked up, by turning and kicking about in that narrow box. — “I didn't pull them up, they were nearly up to your belly and I pulled them down,” said I — “Oo — ho, you story — oho give me the basin.” She began reaching. — “Oho I thought you were the stewardess, oh0000.” — I gave her a basin. Into it went all the brandy and water, and again she fell back seemingly almost insensible, her clothes still up to her knees. Again I put my hand on to her cunt. “Oh, you beast. — Oh — I'll tell my missus,” — and she tried to get up again.

“Lay still, don't be foolish I've done nothing, you don't know what you're saying — I'm going, don't get up, I'll shut your door.” Going out I did so and waited some time to see if she came out, for I feared a little that I had gone too far too soon; but in a quarter of an hour during which I watched, she did not appear. I tried her door, it opened, I fancy she'd not got out of her berth, being overcome by her illness, for there she now lay sound asleep, with her petticoats up to her knees still. I closed the door and went to my own cabin and to bed.

The next day, the sea was but a little smoother. Mary (another Mary) was all right. She tossed her head at me in an indignant manner, when she saw me waiting at my cabin door, as she came to hers from her mistress. I laughed. “What's the matter, did the brandy and water do you no good?” — “Don't sir, I've a good mind to tell my missus.” — “Tell her what?” — “What you did.” — “She wouldn't believe you.” — “Yes she would and she'd tell the captain.” — “What did I do? I don't recollect.” — “Yes you do.” — “Tell me.” “I shan't, you blackguard,” and she opened her door. — “Where's the little girl?” — “With her ma.” — “Oh, weren't you sick?” — “Yes, and never have been like it before, tho I've made two voyages with Mrs. ****. Now don't you do that.” — I gave a punch on her belly as she was going to shut her door. “Stop. I'll show you something if you'll wait a minute.” The bait took. I went into my cabin, pulled out my prick, gave it a frig or two and it rose proudly, then opening my door and standing well in my cabin, I showed it to her. She banged her door to.

My old instructor's advice, advice I have always acted on, was “Show her your prick, my boy, as soon as you can.” Somehow I felt sure now I should have her. I caught her continually as she went backwards and forwards to her mistress. Waiting in my cabin, door open, she couldn't escape. I would talk to the children when with her, and she'd always be with one or other of them, and when talking, looked up and chaffed her. I said so often “Did you see it?” that one of the children said quite innocently, “What did Mary see?” — “The big wave yesterday,” I replied.

“We didn't, we were too ill, did you see, Mary?” said one. I looked at her. “No, I was ill too,” said she at length, both looking most uncomfortable. I did not think that such children would have noticed any remark, and afterwards was more cautious. At night when she put the child to bed, I waited her coming in, and told her I was going to sleep with her. “Not if I know it — leave me alone. Don't, some one will see you.” This was outside her cabin door, and there was the end of that day's work.

The next day was finer, the children were on deck with her. I played with them, and so did a young man, whom I suspected wanted of Mary what I did. The mistress I found suffered much at sea, and kept in her cabin when unwell. I progressed. Mary begged me not to speak to her before the children. More passengers were now on deck, and my constantly speaking with the maid I saw would not do. Another man then stayed with the children and spoke to her, and knowing my own little game, I gave him credit for intending the same, tho I may have been wrong. At all events, I began to think I might be forestalled, and determined on a bold attempt at once. I had done enough to stir up her lust if she had any.

Night came. She put the little girl to bed. As she came out of the cabin I caught hold of her, and with one pull jerked her into my cabin. “Oh, let me go now, I'll call out if you don't.” — “Don't be foolish love, let us. I know you want it.” I pushed her down on to the uncomfortable edge of the berth, slipped my hand up her clothes, and was kissing her and feeling her cunt before she was aware of it almost. She scuffled a little. “You shan't, now I won't — leave me alone — I shall be wanted. — Oh, now don't,” and so on. But the feel of her cunt by a man upsets a woman, and boldness wins a woman soonest. In less than five minutes all was settled. She was on my berth, her petticoats up in a bunt, I on top of her, and my prick working energetically till it got relief, and she got pleasure and a cunt full.

Once done, you may always do it to a woman. That is my experience. The hint of a stiff prick after once fucking it, is “open sesame” to a cunt. I fucked Mary in her own berth that night, and twice the next day in mine, and again in hers, whenever sure that the little innocent over her head was either out of the way or asleep. That little cherub had also a cunt, and in the coming time she will get it plugged. Life to her will be a blank if she does not.

The next day and night, tho when I asked her favors she always said, “Oh, how you keep on aworrying me,” I'll swear she got in my way as much as possible, and also at the right opportunities, for it always was when no passenger or waiter was about, when she made her appearance. I kept much in my cabin, and sat with my door open, reading and waiting for her, when lust moved me. As she appeared at her cabin door, I laid hold of her arm and pulled her into mine. She made no resistance, for she expected it, but always said, “Now don't yer,” and gave an anxious glance towards the long passage way, to see if any one passed. In an instant my door was bolted, she on her back with belly and thighs naked, and in less than ten minutes she left with a slippery cunt.

She left in the following fashion. I went out first, and stood next to the long passage way to see if any one was coming along it. If no one was, I gave her the signal and she went to her cabin. Two steps did it, and it was always done securely. Then she made her ablutions quickly, and went to her mistress, I going to the saloon, or wherever I wished. After I first had her, I ceased to notice her or the children much, and no one I think could have guessed our little tricks, tho stewards and stewardesses must see a lot. But they have learnt to hold their tongues.

This fornication came temporarily to an end, by reason of her poorliness coming on, which it did, after I had had her three days and nights. Perhaps it was the lewedness which comes over some women before their monthlies, which gave me the chance with her.

For three days after the storm set in I did not see Bella, and having full pleasures with a healthy cunted woman, tho an unusually plain one (one of the plainest I ever stroked), I did not seem to care so much about her absence. I however made some casual enquiries; heard that she was very unwell in her cabin, and that her brother was worse. Just as Mary's quim began to run red, Bella appeared by herself at table, and I heard that her brother was so ill that they had removed him to the part of the ship specially set apart for sick people. I could not get at the facts, for they hide such things as much as possible on board ship, but believe he had a fever, for they would not let his sister nurse him.